Fiber Arts books for academic art library

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Fiber Arts books for academic art library

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Apr 15, 2011, 8:45 am

I work in an academic art library and I noticed that my library has a very outdated fiber/fabrics/textiles collection. What books would you recommend an academic art library have on the subject? I'm curious about contemporary artists, general histories of a technique and the like. As an art library, the artist's work certainly doesn't have to be traditional. Perhaps there is a great publisher? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Apr 15, 2011, 9:08 am

machine stitch is a recent (2010) book coming out of the textile work at Manchester Metropolitan University. It includes work by several modern British textile artists, as well as articles by them about designing for/on embroidery machines.

Modificato: Apr 15, 2011, 12:55 pm

I can't help much with contemporary work, but I would recommend these books on needlework history, although you'd have to determine whether they'd be suitable for your particular collection.

Designing Tessellations: The Secrets of Interlocking Patterns, Jinny Beyer (1999) -- This is a terrific book that explores tessellating patterns in depth; it would probably be useful for students working in any medium, not only in fiber arts

The Unicorn Tapestries, Adolfo Cavallo (1998) -- a beautiful book on the meaning and history of the tapestries; includes some good closeup photos that allow a student to examine the stitching

18th Century Embroidery Techniques, Gail Marsh (2006) -- an good reference on the history and technique of an important period in needlework; focuses on Great Britain; includes projects
(Also, Gail Marsh has written a second book, 19th Century Embroidery Techniques, which I haven't seen but is probably as good as the first)

Celebrating the Stitch: Contemporary Embroidery of North America, Barbara Lee Smith -- This one's a bit older (1991), but it explores the work of a number of fiber artists, including information on designing and techniques

1000 Artisan Textiles: Contemporary Fiber Art, Quilts, and Wearables, Sandra Salamony and Gina M. Brown (2010) -- This one is mostly eye candy!

Crazy Quilts: History, Techniques, Embroidery Motifs, Cindy Brick (2008) -- The first part of the book (more than half the book) is about the history of crazy quilts to the present day; the second part is on techniques and how to create a crazy quilt

Painted with Thread: The Art of American Embroidery, published by the Peabody Essex Museum (2001) -- offers 68 color plates of works from the 17th century through the first half of 20th century (and one recent example), with a brief discussion of each work

Connecticut Needlework: Women, Art, and Family, 1740-1840, Susan P. Schoelwer (2010)-- a beautiful book with many fine examples of early American needlework of different types

The Bayeux Tapestry, David MacKenzie Wilson (2004) -- a recent reissue of the major 1985 work on the Tapestry

Karl Blossfeldt: The Complete Published Work, Hans Christian Adam (2008) -- Well, ok, this isn't a fiber arts book, but, imo, Blossfeldt's evocative nature photographs could provide inspiration to artists in any medium

Apr 15, 2011, 2:41 pm

I'm not sure about what suits specifically for an academic library, since my needlecrafts books are heavily skewed towards patterns (with a modest leaning toward techniques as well). But you probably should have at least the first two of Barbara Walker's Treasuries of Knitting patterns.

Apr 16, 2011, 1:09 am

I've found the Fiberarts Design Book series very interesting. It showcases the work of a large number of fiber artists. The latest one I've seen is #7 published in 2004.

Apr 16, 2011, 4:18 am

Apropos Patterns is another one you might want to look at about historical textiles. It is very hard to get in the US, and I have heard that used copies get outrageous prices. It is still available through the museum, though. Still not cheap, but a classic, and one that students are unlikely to have access to otherwise.

Modificato: Apr 16, 2011, 11:59 pm

I just ran across some other books that might be suitable for your library, librarianshannon:
Fibreart Montage: Combining Quilting, Embroidery and Photography with Embellishments, Judith Baker Montano, 2009.

The Complete Photo Guide to Textile Art, Susan Stein, 2010

Drawn to Stitch, Gwen Hedley, 2010

The Found Object in Textile Art, Cas Holmes, 2010

All of these can be found on the Interweave Press site.

Modificato: Apr 17, 2011, 4:02 am

Interweave books are usually really good. But also often assume good technical skills. Anyone who doesn't work in that particular type of textile work may need another book to understand the text.

Apr 18, 2011, 10:38 am

Thanks to everyone! We only have one of these books so it's a great start for me to compile a list of suggestions for purchase. Please keep them coming!

Lug 23, 2012, 10:49 pm

are you still looking to update your fiber arts department?

Gen 12, 2013, 10:00 pm

I'd be cautious about weeding your collection. I love browsing through academic libraries because of the wealth in "outdated" fiber arts books.

Gen 16, 2013, 9:57 pm

I couldn't agree more with Halliana, my library on fiber arts is now 1,261 volumes and it began when I couldn't find anything at any library..

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