Teen/YA girl with psych problems who paints

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Teen/YA girl with psych problems who paints

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Nov 7, 2010, 11:40 am


I read this book (no idea title/author) about fifteen years ago. It was about a teenager (I *think* her name was Carrie but I'm not sure) who has psychological problems who gets through difficult situations by painting.

It's a bit vague, but I remember she used to take the train each week to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist and she had either an art therapist or an art teacher she was close to.

She works through her problems by painting and in her head escapes to a garden, or island, where everything is ok - and she paints this place.

I would love to read it again if I could figure out what it's called!

Thanks :-)

Apr 11, 2012, 8:18 pm


Apr 12, 2012, 5:12 am

This is The language of goldfish by Zibby Oneal. You describe the plot and the main character (whose name is indeed Carrie) exactly! (I hope you will see this message after all this time!)