Nuvola degli autori per anjenue

Edward Abbey(3) Kōbō Abe(1) Walter Abish(1) Ralph Abraham(3) David Abram(1) Gilbert Adair(1) Douglas Adams(2) Peter Mark Adams(1) Siobhan Adcock(1) Aesop(1) Forrest Aguirre(1) Robert Aickman(4) Bayo Akomolafe(1) Brian W. Aldiss(2) Christopher Alexander(5) pseud. Vera Alexandrova(1) Dante Alighieri(1) Saul Alinsky(1) Jonathan Allen(1) Chris Van Allsburg(1) Johan August Alm(1) Pedro Almodóvar(1) Robert Alter(1) Véronique Altglas(1) Rick Altman(1) Jim Anderson(1) Elizabeth Andoh(1) V. C. Andrews(3) Anonymous(2) Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) Peter Applebome(1) Katherine Arden(1) José Argüelles(1) Diane Arico(1) Aristophanes(1) Karen Armstrong(3) Matthew Arnold(1) Mark Aronoff(1) Antonin Artaud(1) Nadine Artemis(2) Janet Arthur(1) Peter Asbæk(1) Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki(1) Andrew Ashfield(1) Mike Ashley(1) Isaac Asimov(3) Gertrude Atherton(1) Esin Atil(1) Scott Atran(1) National Commission on Terrorist Attacks(1) Farid al-Din Attar(1) Margaret Atwood(2) Wallace Walter Atwood(1) Saint Augustine(1) Marcus Aurelius(3) Gaston Bachelard(1) Reginald Bakeley(1) Jim Baker(1) J. G. Ballard(1) Michael Ball(1) Honoré de Balzac(1) Peter Bander Van Duren(1) Bandi(1) Manly Banister(1) Abby Banks(1) Iain Banks(1) Richard Barber(1) Paul Bareham(6) Willis Barnstone(1) J. M. Barrie(1) Nicholas A. Basbanes(4) Basilique Notre-Dame(1) Georges Bataille(3) Brian Bates(1) Charles Baudelaire(1) Jean Baudrillard(1) L. Frank Baum(1) Peter Bebergal(1) Andy Beckett(1) William Beckford(1) Becky Bee(1) Mark Beech(2) Teresa M. Bejan(1) Zdzisław Beksiński(1) Hilaire Belloc(1) Camden Benares(1) Jeffrey Bennett(1) Dennis C Benson(2) E. F. Benson(2) Michael Benson(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Thomas Berger(1) Henri Bergson(1) Georges Bernanos(1) Edward Bernays(1) Martin Bernstein(1) Alfred Bester(1) Joel Best(1) John Gregory Betancourt(1) Peter Lamborn Wilson(3) Ambrose Bierce(1) Edita Bikker(1) bioyadolfocasares(1) Faber Birren(1) Christina Björk(1) Irwin R. Blacker(1) Haden Blackman(1) Susan Blackmore(1) Algernon Blackwood(2) William Blake(4) Everett F. Bleiler(1) James Blish(1) Alexander Bloom(1) Harold Bloom(2) Judy Blume(4) Blumenthal(1) Richard H. Blum(1) John Boardman(1) Victor Bockris(2) Richard Glen Boire(1) Golden Books(1) Daniel Boorstin(1) Bruno Borchert(1) David Bordwell(1) Jorge Luis Borges(1) John Boswell(1) Peter Bowler(1) Peter J. Bowler(1) Paul Bowles(3) Katy Bowman(4) T.C. Boyle(1) Harriet B. Bradbury(1) Ray Bradbury(1) Stan Brakhage(1) Stewart Brand(3) Gill Branston(1) Chris Brawley(1) Bertolt Brecht(1) André Breton(1) Bill Brittain(1) Jeffrey Britting(1) Adam Brock(1) John Brockman(1) Simon Brodbeck(1) Jacob Bronowski(1) Matthew C. Bronson(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Stephen Brotherstone(2) David Jay Brown(1) Ray B. Browne(1) Joe David Brown(1) Lester R. Brown(1) Ossian Brown(1) Anatole Broyard(1) Leo Bruce(1) John Brunner(1) Bill Bryson(1) Bram Büscher(1) John Buchan(7) Felix Bucher(1) Pearl S. Buck(1) Algis Budrys(2) Stephen Harrod Buhner(1) Charles Bukowski(3) Thomas Bulfinch(1) Mikhail Bulgakov(1) John R. Bumgarner(1) Oliver Bell Bunce(1) R. W. Burchfield(1) Peter Burger(1) Anthony Burgess(2) Oliver Burkeman(1) Thomas Burke(1) Aubrey Burl(1) Frances Hodgson Burnett(1) Edgar Rice Burroughs(2) William Burroughs(3) William S. Burroughs(16) John Hill Burton(1) Ian Buruma(1) Ed Buryn(1) Margaret Caffrey(1) John Cage(1) Thomas Cahill(1) Susan Cain(1) Roberto Calasso(1) Patrick Califia(1) Italo Calvino(1) Joseph Campbell(1) Ramsey Campbell(1) Richard Campbell(1) Albert Camus(1) Karel Čapek(2) Truman Capote(1) Fritjof Capra(2) Matt Cardin(2) Andrew Carnie(1) Allen Carr(1) Jay Carr(1) J. L. Carr(1) Lewis Carroll(6) Michael Carroll(1) Peter J. Carroll(2) Robert Carter(1) Carlos Castaneda(5) Willa Cather(1) Brian Catling(3) Dick Cavett(1) Mary Ann Caws(1) Louis-Ferdinand Céline(1) Andreas Cellarius(1) C. S. Ceram(1) David Chadwick(1) Lester Chadwick(1) Jane Chamberlain(1) Earlyne Chaney(1) Alan Chapman(1) J. B. Chapman(1) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin(2) Ann Charters(3) Stephen Chbosky(1) John Cheever(1) Anton Chekhov(1) G.K. Chesterton(6) Mantak Chia(1) Niles Chignon(1) Lydia Maria Francis Child(2) Frank Chin(1) Daniel D. Chiras(1) Agatha Christie(1) E. M. Cioran(1) Diana Clapton(1) Alan Clarke(1) Arthur C. Clarke(3) Lindsay Clarke(2) Grahame Clark(1) Beverly Cleary(3) Mark Clifton(1) William Cobbett(1) Jean Cocteau(4) Daniel Cohen(1) Edward P. Apollonius; Coleridge(1) College Entrance Examination Board(1) John Collier(1) A. Frederick Collins(1) Michael Collins(1) Confucius(1) Groff Conklin(2) Joseph Connolly(1) Joseph Conrad(4) Terence Conran(1) Larry L. Constantine(1) Fred Cook(1) Langdon Cook(1) Caroline B. Cooney(1) Edmund Cooper(1) Frederick Cooper(1) Jonathan Cope(1) Brian P. Copenhaver(1) Hal Leonard(1) Gregory Corso(1) Julio Cortázar(7) Jonathan Cott(1) Ioan P. Couliano(1) Florian Coulmas(1) Harold Courlander(1) Phil Cousineau(1) Jacques-Yves Cousteau(1) J. A. Cover(1) Merlin Coverley(1) Robert C. Cowen(1) Andy Crestodina(1) Michael Crichton(1) Quentin S. Crisp(1) Rainer Crone(1) Aleister Crowley(1) Terry Crowley(1) Crown(1) Thalassa Cruso(1) David Crystal(3) Maria J. Pérez Cuervo(5) Deborah Curtis(1) Roald Dahl(2) David Daiches(1) Lucien Dallenbach(1) Michael Dames(1) Marcel Danesi(1) Mark Z. Danielewski(1) Henry Danielson(1) Richard Daniels(3) Jack Dann(1) Barbara Darcy(1) Charles Darwin(1) Ellen Datlow(1) Ingri d'Aulaire(1) Leonard Daventry(1) H R Ellis Davidson(1) Robertson Davies(1) Erik Davis(1) Richard Dawkins(1) Dick Debartolo(1) Guy Debord(1) Barthe DeClements(1) David Deitcher(1) Samuel R. Delany(1) August Derleth(1) Jim DeRogatis(1) Robert R. Desjarlais(1) Paul Devereux(1) Indra Devi(1) Keith Devlin(1) Charles Dickens(2) Robert Dickins(1) Philip K. Dick(3) Philp K. Dick(1) Joan Didion(1) Isak Dinesen(4) E. J. Dionne, Jr.(1) Franklin W. Dixon(1) Rolf Dobelli(1) Roger Dobson(1) E. L. Doctorow(1) Don Dooley(1) Charles Van Doren(1) Jean Doresse(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) K. J. Dover(1) Lesley Downer(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(5) Magdalena Droste(1) Nevill Drury(1) Diane Duane(1) Ramsey Dukes(3) Lois Duncan(1) J. W. Dunne(1) John Dunning(1) Lon Milo DuQuette(4) Simon Dwyer(3) Stefan Dziemianowicz(1) Timothy White Eagle(1) James Earls(1) S. Boyd Eaton(1) Leo H Eckert(1) Umberto Eco(3) James G. Edinger(1) SparkNotes(1) Betty Edwards(1) G. B. Edwards(1) Julie Andrews(1) Dave Eggers(1) Charles Eisenstein(3) Travis Elborough(1) Mircéa Eliade(2) T. S. Eliot(1) G. F. Scott Elliot(2) Bruce Elliott(1) Richard Ellmann(1) Jacques Ellul(1) Khaled El-Rouayheb(1) Lyle Kenyon Engel(1) Mary G. Enig(1) N.E.Thing Enterprises(1) Jon Erickson(1) Philip W. Errington(1) Nevill Eaton Evelyn & Drury(1) Julius Evola(2) Anne Fadiman(1) Ahmad ibn Fadlan(1) Peter Fairclough(1) Paul W. Fairman(2) Sheridan Le Fanu(1) Philip José Farmer(1) Albert Burton Farnham(1) Ray Nelson Faulkner(1) Anne Fausto-Sterling(1) Moshe Feldenkrais(1) François Fénelon(1) Charles A. Ferguson(1) Lawrence Ferlinghetti(3) Ferris(1) Timothy Ferris(1) Paul K. Feyerabend(2) William J. Fielding(1) Michael Finkel(1) Morris P. Fiorina(1) Gisela Fischer(1) Catherine Fisher(1) Irving Fisher(1) Mark Fisher(1) M. F. K. Fisher(5) F. Scott Fitzgerald(2) Louise Fitzhugh(1) William H; Zingale Flanigan, Nancy H.(1) David Foot(1) Ben Forkner(1) E. M. Forster(7) Robert Forte(1) Richard Fortey(1) Dion Fortune(4) John Fowles(3) Gardner Fox(1) Paula Fox(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Paulo Freire(1) Timothy Freke(1) R. M. French(1) Sigmund Freud(2) Gertrude Friedberg(1) Edgar Z. Friedenberg(1) Jan Fries(1) Spore Liberation Front(1) Stephen Fry(2) Oliver Fuke(1) Peter Galassi(1) John Kenneth Galbraith(1) Galileo Galilei(2) Kristen Gallerneaux(1) Alex Garland(3) Alan Garner(6) Bamber Gascoigne(1) William H. Gass(1) Richard Gavin(2) Elizabeth Gaynor(1) Jean Gebser(1) Nora T. Gedgaudas(1) Marc Gellman(1) Jean Genet(5) Mike George(1) Holly George-Warren(1) Philip Gerard(1) F.C. Ghouled(1) Kahlil Gibran(5) Prof. J.W. Gibson(1) William Gibson(1) André Gide(5) Suzanne Gilad(1) John Gile(1) Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1) Allen Ginsberg(2) George Gissing(1) Albert Glinsky(1) Joanne Glynn(1) Stephen Glynn(1) Rebecca Godfrey(1) Seth Godin(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(2) R. U. Sirius(1) Nikola V. Gogol(1) William Golding(2) Neal M. Goldsmith(1) Adrian Goldstone(1) Bruce Goldstone(1) Witold Gombrowicz(4) Edward M. Gomez(1) Jane Goodall(1) Myra Goodman(1) Roger B. Goodman(1) Tristan Gooley(1) Edward Gorey(3) Satsvarupa dasa Goswami(1) Stephen Jay Gould(3) David Graeber(1) Bessie Graham(1) Joan Grant(1) Günter Grass(1) Eden Gray(1) greeneb-1(1) Graham Greene(4) Vivien Greene(1) Kelly M. Greenhill(1) John Michael Greer(6) Tom Greer(1) David Grene(2) Rob Gretton(1) Peter Grey(1) Geoffrey Grigson(1) Charles S. Grob(1) John Gross(1) Daniel Grotta(1) Rosemary Guiley(1) Chris Guillebeau(1) Raiford Guins(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(1) Félix Guirand(1) G. I. Gurdjieff(1) Gyrus(1) Walter J. Hadden(1) H. Rider Haggard(1) Arthur Hailey(1) Arthur Haines(1) Peter Haining(2) Manly P. Hall(3) Prentice Hall(1) Robert Anderson Hall(1) David M. Halperin(1) Albert O. Halse(1) Alexander Hamilton(1) Edith Hamilton(1) Gabrielle Hamilton(1) Mary Hamilton(1) Sara Hannant(1) George P. Hansen(1) Donna J. Haraway(1) Kate A. Hardy(1) Roger Hargreaves(2) Matthew Harle(2) Jim Harrison(1) Robert Pogue Harrison(1) Steve Harrison(1) Stephen Harris(1) David G. Hartwell(1) Martin Haspelmath(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(2) Bruce Hayes(1) Ronald Hayman(1) William Hayward(1) Wissinger/run. heads(1) Seamus Heaney(1) Lafcadio Hearn(3) John Heaton(1) Dick Hebdige(1) Martin Heidegger(1) Richard Heinberg(1) Robert A. Heinlein(4) Heliophilus(1) Erich Heller(1) Joseph Heller(1) Toby Hemenway(1) Ernest Hemingway(1) Fergus Henderson(1) Zenna Henderson(1) James A. Henretta(1) Earl Henry(1) O. Henry(1) Frank Herbert(1) Olia Hercules(1) Frank Herfort(1) American Heritage(1) Herodotus(1) Eugen Herrigel(1) Abraham Joshua Heschel(1) Hermann Hesse(6) Karen Heuler(1) Julieanna Hever(1) Jim Higgs(1) Douglas Hill(1) James Hillman(1) Wayne F. Hill(1) Phil Hine(2) J. Allan Hobson(1) Barbara Hodgson(1) William Hope Hodgson(1) E. T. A. Hoffmann(4) Hans Hellmut Hofstätter(1) Robert Holdstock(1) Ryan Holiday(1) Lee M. Hollander(1) Ken Hollings(1) Carly Holmes(1) Homer(1) Ralph W. Hood, Jr.(1) Andrea Hopkins(1) Claude Hopkins(1) Vincent F. Hopper(1) Mitch Horowitz(2) Chris Horrocks(1) Rod William Horton(1) Alexander Horwath(1) Robert Hoskins(1) John Howard(1) Michael Howard(1) Robert E. Howard(1) David Howarth(1) Fred Hoyle(1) Richard Hughes(1) Irene Hunt(1) Aldous Huxley(12) Joris-Karl Huysmans(1) Christopher S. Hyatt(2) Henry Iliowizi(1) Howard Wood Ingham(1) Washington Irving(1) Kazuo Ishiguro(1) Ironfoot Jack(1) Michael Jackson(2) Jane Jacobs(1) Mark Jacobson(1) W. W. Jacobs(1) Madhur Jaffrey(1) Paul-Clément Jagot(1) Hans Henny Jahnn(1) Rumi(2) Henry James(6) Joseph James(1) Montague Rhodes James(1) M. R. James(3) William James(2) Alfred Jarry(1) Paolo Javier(1) Chris Jenks(1) Peter Jenx(1) Catherine Marie Jeunet(1) Juan Ramón Jiménez(1) Ann Donegan Johnson(1) Samuel Johnson(1) Spencer Johnson(1) William Johnston(2) Darryl Jones(1) Trey Jones(1) S. T. Joshi(1) James Joyce(4) C. G. Jung(1) Adolf Just(1) Franz Kafka(7) Rene Kager(1) Joan Kahn(1) M. G. Kains(1) Leslie Kaminoff(1) David Kamp(2) Frei Kapps(1) Farah Karls(1) Bernardo Kastrup(1) Walter Arnold Kaufmann(1) Martin Kaye(1) Marvin Kaye(1) David Keenan(1) Malcolm Kendrick(1) David Kennedy(1) Gordon Kennedy(1) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.(1) James L Kent(1) Joseph Kerman(1) Jack Kerouac(4) Ken Kesey(1) Irmgard Keun(1) Omar Khayyám(1) Kidō Okamoto(1) Robin Wall Kimmerer(1) Brian King(1) John W. Kingdon(1) Francis King(1) Jay Kinney(1) Esther Kinsky(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Andrew G. Kirk(1) Richard Klein(1) Nigel Kneale(1) James Koehnline(1) Rem Koolhaas(1) Tyler Kord(1) Jerzy Kosiński(3) Theo Koupelis(1) Heinrich Kramer(1) Jane Kramer(1) Jeffrey J. Kripal(2) J. Krishnamurti(1) Stanley Kubrick(1) Kuhn & Russo(1) Thomas S. Kuhn(1) James Howard Kunstler(1) Mark Kurlansky(1) Lawrence Kushner(1) Alain Laboile(1) William Labov(2) Gary Lachman(1) Peter Ladefoged(1) Pär Lagerkvist(1) Robin Tolmach Lakoff(1) Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa(1) Christian Lander(1) Richard W. Langer(1) Angela Lansbury(1) Ralph Eugene Lapp(1) Erik Larson(1) Richard K. Larson(1) First Last(1) Ronald E. Lucretius; Latham(1) Don Lattin(1) Comte de Lautréamont(1) T. Z. Lavine(1) Lawrence(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) R. D. Lawrence(1) T. E. Lawrence(1) S. J. Layall(1) John Lea(1) Timothy Leary(1) Ross Leckie(1) Claude Lecouteux(1) Harper Lee(1) David Adams Leeming(1) James Legge(1) John Lehmann(1) Mike Leigh(3) Introduction Kaye Lenny(1) Peter Levenda(1) Ira Levin(1) Stephen C. Levinson(1) Daniel J. Levitin(1) Brenda Ralph Lewis(1) C. S. Lewis(3) Mark Lewis(1) David Lewis-Williams(1) Beth M. Ley(1) C. K. Li(1) Daniel Z. Lieberman(1) Erez Lieberman(1) Shari Lieberman(1) Bernard Lightman(1) James Lileks(2) Gary Lincoff(1) Astrid Lindgren(1) David Lindsay(2) Robert Linssen(1) Kate Lister(1) Robert A. Liston(1) Sylvia Littlegood-Briggs(1) Richard Littler(1) R. W. Livingstone(1) Nick Logan(1) Julia Loktev(1) Edward John Long(1) Frank Belknap Long(1) William Longgood(1) Barry Lopez(1) Elana Lore(1) Donald B. Louria(1) H. P. Lovecraft(2) Janet Lowe(1) Lois Lowry(1) Rupert M. Loydell(1) Sidney Lumet(1) Lydia Lunch(1) Kevin Lynch(1) Thomas Lyttle(3) C. C. MacApp(1) Stephen Mace(1) Ian MacFadyen(1) Arthur Machen(24) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) James Machin(3) Charles Mackay(1) Margaret Magnus(1) Magnus Magnusson(2) Nancy Klein Maguire(1) John Maher(1) Naguib Mahfouz(1) Normal Mailer(1) Malaclypse the Younger(2) Bronisław Malinowski(1) David Mamet(1) Alberto Manguel(11) Thomas Mann(1) Alfredo Marcantonio(1) Robert H. March(1) Walter de la Mare(1) Margaret Mead (Author); Franz Boas (Foreward)(1) Peter Mark Adams(1) Chris Marker(2) Jim Marrs(1) H. E. Marshall(1) James Vance Marshall(1) Clint Marsh(7) Leo Louis Martello(1) Bill Martin(1) Robert Manatt Martin(1) Thomas Lyle Martin(1) Louis L. Martz(1) Karl Marx(3) John Masefield(3) Gustave Mathieu(1) Ernest Mathijs(1) Peter Matthiessen(1) Guy de Maupassant(2) Daphne du Maurier(2) Gavin Maxwell(1) Nicole Maxwell(1) Ashley McConnell(1) Ian McEwan(16) Patrick E. McGovern(1) Patrick E. McGovern(2) Dennis McKenna(1) Terence McKenna(3) Howard D. 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Moore(1) Thomas More(1) Bill Morgan(1) Eleanor Morgan(1) Lee Morgan(1) Christopher Morley(1) Michael Morpurgo(1) Colin Morris(1) Glenn Morris(1) Toni Morrison(1) Josiah Mitchell Morse(1) Yukiko Motoya(1) George Edwin Mowry(1) Alphonse Mucha(1) Werner Muensterberger(1) John Douglas Mullen(1) William Mulvihill(1) Lewis Mumford(1) H. H. Munro(1) Haruki Murakami(11) Joseph M. Murray(1) K. M. Elisabeth Murray(1) Walter J. C. Murray(1) Robert Musil(1) Anthony Myers(1) Benjamin Myers(3) Vladimir Nabokov(1) Sina Najafi(1) Neeru Nanda(1) R. K. Narayan(1) Ogden Nash(1) Thomas O. Nelson(1) Victoria Nelson(1) Arthur Nersesian(1) Gérard de Nerval(1) Kris Neville(1) P. H. Newby(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(6) Audrey Niffenegger(1) Ann Nocenti(1) David A. Noebel(1) Rev. David A. Noebel(1) Daniel C. Noel(1) Allamah Nooruddin(1) Andre Norton(1) Michiko Rico Nosé(1) Tim O'Brien(1) Tom O'Carroll(1) Patricia T. O'Conner(1) Scott O'Dell(1) David Ogilvy(1) William O'Grady(1) Simon Okotie(1) Martyn Oliver(1) Reggie Oliver(1) Oliver Onions(1) George Orwell(2) John Osborne(1) Oss & Oeric(1) R. Ostermeier(2) Nicholas Ostler(1) Bernd-Christian Otto(1) Yotam Ottolenghi(1) Rudolf Otto(1) Trevor Paglen(1) Rosalie Parker(1) Anna Parkinson(1) Edward Parnell(1) Martin Parrott(1) Dennis Parry(1) V. Lawrence Parsegian(1) Susanna Partsch(1) Gary Paulsen(3) Thomas Love Peacock(1) Tony Peake(1) Ellen Pearlman(1) Rex Peery(1) dr. S.J. van Pelt(1) Dale Pendell(1) Valentine Penrose(1) Otto Penzler(1) Emil Petaja(1) Petronius(1) John Pfeiffer(1) David R. Pichaske(1) Leslie James Pickering(1) Josef Pieper(1) Arthur Goldhammer Thomas Piketty(1) Mark Pilkington(3) Harold Pinter(11) Robert M. 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Rhine(1) Timothy Rice(2) Frank Richards(1) William Richards(1) Thomas J. Riedlinger(1) Al Ries(1) David Riesman(2) Rainer Maria Rilke(2) Arthur Rimbaud(2) Alain Robbe-Grillet(1) Graham Robb(1) Tom Robbins(1) Charles G. D. Roberts(1) J. M. Roberts(1) Ron E. Roberts(1) Thomas B Roberts(2) Paul Robichaud(1) Bruce Robinson(1) Dave Robinson(1) James M. Robinson(1) Jo Robinson(1) Mary Robinson(1) Rodnitzky(1) Till Roenneberg(1) D. Scott Rogo(1) Stanislas Klossowski de Rola(1) Jeff Rona(1) Alexander Roob(1) Samuel Rosenberg(1) Friedrich Rosen(1) Clifford Ross(1) Marilyn Ross(1) George S. Rousseau(1) Raymond Roussel(1) Jeff Rovin(1) Ingrid D. Rowland(1) Carl A. P. Ruck(1) David Rudkin(11) Bertrand Russell(1) R. B. Russell(2) Michael Ryan(1) Witold Rybczynski(1) Marquis de Sade(1) Carl Sagan(3) Edward W. Said(1) J. D. 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