Nuvola degli autori per Babar

Henry Adams(1) Thomas W. Africa(1) C.W. Airne(6) Edmond Albe(1) Hervé Aliquot(1) Louis Allanche(1) Grant Allen(1) Peter J Ambrose(1) Douglas Anderson(1) Robert Thomas Anderson(1) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(1) George Appleton(1) Anton C. Pegis St. Thomas Aquinas(1) Philippe Ariès(1) Ludovico Ariosto(1) Maurice Ashley(1) T. H. Aston(1) William C. Atkinson(1) E. Aubert de la Rüe(1) Emile Augier(1) Karl Baedeker(18) Baedeker staff - Stuttgart(1) Philip Bagby(1) Bernard Bailyn(1) Roland Bainton(1) Sam Ballard(2) Malcolm Barber(1) Violet Barbour(1) William C. Bark(1) Ann Barry(1) J. G. Bartholomew(1) John Bartholomew(1) Susan Emily Christian Hicks Beach(1) George Behrend(1) Jacques Nicolas Bellin(1) Lady F Bell(1) Hilaire Belloc(1) Victor R. Belot(1) Ludwig Bemelmans(1) James Bentley(3) Charles W. Berberich(1) Paul Bercy(1) John Berger(1) Brian J. L. Berry(1) Henry Bettenson(1) Ivan I. Bilibin(1) S. T. Bindoff(1) A. Blanc(1) Albert Taylor Bledsoe(1) Ronald Blythe(2) Benson Bobrick(1) Vittore E. Bocchetta(1) Edoardo Bonechi(1) A. Bonifacio(1) Marcus J. Borg(1) Robert Boulanger(1) C. R. Boxer(2) Marie-France Boyer(1) Fernand Braudel(5) Ernst Breisach(1) Anne Brenon(1) Claire Bretécher(3) Richard R. Brettell(1) Christopher Nugent Lawrence Brooke(1) Stephen Brook(1) Karen Brown(2) Lloyd A. Brown(1) Peter Robert Lamont Brown(1) Laurent de Brunhoff(1) Thomas Bulfinch(1) Jacob Burckhardt(1) C. A. Burland(1) J. B. Bury(1) Michael Busselle(1) Alban Butler(1) Italo Calvino(1) Norman Cantor(8) Montgomery Carmichael(1) Michel Carrière(1) Norman F. Carver(2) Baldassare Castiglione(1) E. R. Chamberlin(2) D.S. Chambers(1) Charles F. Chapman(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Pierre Chaunu(2) Halka Chronic(1) William Farr Church(1) Carlo M. Cipolla(1) George Clark(1) Abbe Clary(1) Sierra Club(1) Simon Cobley(1) Lacy Collison-Morley(1) Carlo Collodi(1) Christopher Columbus(1) L Combarieu(1) Terence Conran(1) Jean-Claude Corbeil(1) Marie-Hélène Corréard(1) Anick Coudart(1) Ralph Adams Cram(1) F. Marion Crawford(1) Richard Critchfield(1) Mary Coffman Crocker(1) G. R. Crone(1) William Cronon(1) Philip Crowl(1) M.L. d'Armagnac del Cer(1) Basil Davidson(1) Charles T. Davis(1) Charles Till Davis(1) Christopher Dawson(2) Christopher Dawson(1) John J. Delaney(1) James Dennistoun(1) René Descartes(1) Marcel Destombes(1) Bailey W. Diffie(1) Roger M. Downs(1) Stephen Doyle(1) Jean Dratz(1) Carol Drinkwater(1) Marguerite-Marie Dubois(1) Eleanor Shipley Duckett(1) Eamon Duffy(1) Richard DuMais(1) Alan G. Dunbar(1) Richard S. Dunn(1) W. Gordon East(1) Editori Europei Associati(1) Michael Edwardes(1) John Elliott(2) Barbara Eperon(1) Philippe Erlanger(1) Rachel Erlanger(1) Tony Evans(1) K. Dorothea Ewart(1) Brian M. Fagan(1) Falk-Verlag(1) Suzanne G. Farnham(1) Jean Favier(1) Sidney B. Fay(1) Lucien Febvre(1) Derek Fell(1) Henri Ferrand(1) Júlio Albino Ferreira(1) Patrick Ferté(1) Hans-Joachim Fischer(1) M. F. K. Fisher(1) Sabina Flanagan(1) Janet Flanner(1) John E. Flower(1) Bénédicte Fénié(1) Robert Forster(1) Winifred Fortescue(1) H.W. Fowler(1) Edward Whiting Fox(1) Harry W. French(1) Carl J. Friedrich(1) Henri Gault(1) Peter Gay(1) Myron P. Gilmore(1) Jean Giono(1) David M. Gitlitz(1) Douglas Charles Gohm(1) Peter J. Gomes(1) Richard Goodman(1) Albert Goodwin(1) Adam Gopnik(1) Karen Elizabeth Gordon(1) René Goscinny(1) Pierre Goubert(1) Peter Gould(1) Luciano Greggio(1) Gianni Guadalupi(1) François Guindon(1) Larry Habeggar(1) Hachette(1) John R. Hale(1) J. R. Hale(1) Catherine Hanger(1) Henry Harrisse(1) Simon Hart(1) Marion J. Hatchett(1) George R. Havens(1) Cecil Headlam(1) Friedrich Heer(1) Robert J. Henle(1) Basil Duke Henning(1) Hergé(7) Gerhard Herm(1) Herodotus(1) Hubert Clinton Herring(1) J. H. Hexter(1) Christopher Hibbert(1) M. A. Hicks(1) Patrice Higonnet(1) Hans J. Hillerbrand(2) Alan G. Hodgkiss(1) Cecelia Holland(1) Octave Homberg(1) Homer(1) Andrea Hopkins(1) Geoffrey Francis Hudson(1) Philip Edgcumbe Hughes(1) J.H. Huizinga(1) Johan Huizinga(1) Edward Hull(1) Edward Hutton(1) Ada Louise Huxtable(1) Hammond Incorporated(1) Regina Jais(1) Henry James(1) A. J. Mounteney Jephson(1) Jerah Johnson(1) Jacqueline Jones(1) Tom B. Jones(1) Vicky Jones(1) Pierre Jounel(1) Anne Judge(1) Jacques Juillet(2) Charles-André Julien(1) Stanley Karnow(1) Jonathan Keates(1) Amy Kelly(1) Gerald van der Kemp(1) Fritz Kern(1) W. P. Ker(1) Nicholas Kilmer(1) Bjorn Kjellstrom(1) Edmund Klatt(1) Fred Kogos(2) Leonard Krieger(1) Francois Maurice Lacoste(1) Guillaume Lacoste(1) Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie(3) Malcolm Lambert(1) Björn Landström(1) William L. Langer(1) Toy Lasker(1) Peter Laslett(1) Kenneth H. Leech(1) Jean-Pierre Leguay(1) George Alexander Lensen(1) Paul Lescale(1) W. H. Lewis(2) A. J. Liebling(1) Robert H. Lister(1) Harold V. Livermore(1) Stanley William Lohman(1) Alfonso Lopes Vieira(1) Ferdinand Lot(1) Pierre Loti(1) E. V. Lucas(1) Jan Lunenburg(1) William E. Lunt(1) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) John Macquarrie(1) Thomas Malory(1) Barbara Mandell(1) Ray Manley(1) Heinrich Mann(1) Georges Marçais(1) Nic Marinos(1) Herbert Marshall(1) George Masselman(2) Garrett Mattingly(3) Frédéric Mauro(1) Frances Mayes(1) Peter Mayle(2) Theodore Maynard(2) James Luther Mays(1) C. B. M. McBurney(1) Bert McClure(1) Colin McEvedy(1) Hugh McKnight(1) Rand McNally(2) William H. McNeill(4) Sophia Menache(1) W. S. Merwin(2) Julius Meurer(1) Sara Midda(1) Marc Millon(1) Stephen Mitchell(1) Bernd Moeller(1) G. Mollat(1) Geoffrey of Monmouth(1) Michel de Montaigne(1) Thomas More(1) Jan Morris(1) John B. S. Morritt(1) H. V. Morton(1) Claude Mossé(1) George Mosse(1) Roland Mousnier(1) David Muench(1) Richard Muir(1) Sir William Muir(1) Nancy C. Mulvany(1) A. R. Myers(1) Nagel Publishers(1) J. E. Neale(1) Ottfried Neubecker(1) J. Philip Newell(1) Diana Newton(1) John Nicols(1) David Grant Noble(1) O. S. Nock(2) Richard A. Norris(1) Charles E. Nowell(1) Tomás O'Crohan(1) David Ogg(1) C. W. Oman(1) Harold M. Otness(1) Simone Oudot(1) Philip Oyler(1) J. H. Parry(2) Blaise Pascal(1) Michael F. Patella(1) Linda M. Paterson(1) Anne-Marie Pecheur(1) Adrienne Penner(1) Edouard Perroy(1) Henri Pirenne(1) Jean-Robert Pitte(1) Plato(1) Polly Platt(1) J. H. Plumb(2) Marco Polo(3) Jean Prasteau(1) David Price(1) F. P. H. Prick van Wely(1) Michelin(15) Editors and Authors at Knopf Doubleday Publishing(1) Ilan Rachum(1) Joseph Raftery(1) William E. Reifsnyder(1) Gilbert Renault-Roulier(1) Jeff Rennicke(2) Yves Renouard(1) Barbara Reynolds(1) Eugene F. Rice(1) I. A. Richmond(1) Aelred of Rievaulx(1) Gregory J. Riley(1) E. Arnot Robertson(1) Claudine Robin(1) Louis-Bernard Robitaille(1) Harriet Welty Rochefort(1) Peter Mark Roget(1) Frederick Rolfe(1) Elizabeth Romer(1) Roelof Roolvink(1) Luis d’Antin van Rooten(1) James Bruce Ross(1) Nicolai Rubinstein(1) Vita Sackville-West(1) A. L. Sadler(1) Tracy Salcedo(2) Christopher L. Salter(1) Isabelle Samson(1) Michael S. Sanders(1) Huck Scarry(1) Maurice Scelles(1) Ferdinand Schevill(1) Herbert Schoeffler(1) Ron Scott(1) Dominic Selwood(1) Léopold Sédar Senghor(1) Emilio Sereni(1) William Shakespeare(1) William R. Shepherd(1) Thomas F. Sheppard(1) Georges Simenon(1) Mary Taylor Simeti(1) Keith Smiley(1) Lacey Baldwin Smith(1) Gustaf Sobin(1) Giovanna Solari(1) Eugène Sol(1) Henry M. Stanley(1) Michael Stapleton(1) Doris M. Stenton(1) Carl Stephenson(2) Sidra Stich(1) William T. Stone(1) John Stoye(1) Gerald Strauss(1) Joseph R. Strayer(1) William Stringfellow(1) John Addington Symonds(1) Wylie Sypher(1) R. H. Tawney(1) The Alexandria Drafting Company(1) Thomas Aquinas(1) Flora Thompson(1) David Thomson(1) Sylvia L. Thrupp(2) Thucydides(1) James Thurber(1) Alan Tillier(1) Emmanuel Todd(1) R. V. Tooley(1) Touring Club Italiano(2) Auguste Toussaint(1) Arnold J. Toynbee(1) John Traupman(1) Yi-Fu Tuan(1) Edward R. Tufte(1) Lao Tzu(2) Richard Valantasis(1) Malcolm Vale(1) James E. Vance, Jr.(1) Pierre van Paassen(1) Clifton Edwin Van Sickle(1) Vatican Museums(1) Marcel Villoutreix(1) Virgil(1) Frédéric Vitoux(1) William Thomas Walsh(1) May Theilgaard Watts(1) Tom Watts(1) William Montgomery Watt(1) Eugen Weber(2) Max Weber(1) Erwin Wedel(1) C. V. Wedgwood(1) Patricia Wells(3) Gilbert R. Wenger(1) Edith Wharton(1) Edmund White(1) Freda White(2) Dorothy Whitelock(1) Lynn Townsend White(1) Peter Whitfield(1) Ivor Wilks(1) William B. Willcox(1) Roger Lawrence Williams(2) Garry Wills(1) Charles Wilson(1) Richard Winston(1) Terence Wise(1) Robert Irving Woodward(1) William Holt Yates(1) Peter Yershov(1) Daniel Young(1) G. F. Young(1) Henry Yule(1) Theodore Zeldin(1) Hans Zinsser(1)