
Novel (211), Graphic Novel (209), Children (130), Text Book (103), Egypt (101), Archaeology (98), Archaeology - Text (75), Egypt - Text (63), Fantasy (60), Historical Fiction (55), Reference (51), Victoriana (49), Classics (48), Art Book (47), Science Fiction (47), Young Adult (45), Comic-Con Pre-2008 (45), Fairy Tales (45), Feminism (42), Comic-Con 2009 (41), Mystery (38), American History (36), Humor (35), European Comics (35), Comic-Con 2010 (33), Egypt - Fiction (32), Wishlist (31), Death Valley (28), Middle East (25), Short Stories (25), Comic Books (24), Furry (23), Foreign Language (23), Comic-Con 2011 (22), Rick Geary (22), Media Studies (22), Animals (22), China (21), Mythology (21), Memoir (20), Anthropology (20), Archaeological Theory/Method (19), Romance (19), Archaeology - Fiction (19), Social Commentary (18), Comic-Con 2008 (18), True Crime (18), Comic-Con 2012 (17), Religion (17), Sociology (16), Arts & Crafts (15), Popular History (15), Moebius (15), LGBT (15), Play (14), Health & Sexuality (13), Travel (13), Paranormal (12), Race Discussion (11), Prehistorical Fiction (11), Erotica (11), Superheroes (11), Western (11), Satire (11), Convention Book (10), Time Travel (10), New Age (10), Puzzles (10), Nubia (10), Goddess (10), Novelette (9), Compilation (9), Writing (8), ER/MG Books (8), Religious Commentary (8), Edited Volume (7), Tony Millionaire (7), Gothic (7), Poetry (7), Diary (7), Historical Prostitution (7), Zombies (6), Dictionary (6), Wilkinson (6), Horror (6), Monograph (5), Comics Studies (5), Popular Sociology (5), Field Guide (5), Vampires (5), Jodorowsky (5), Anthology (5), Surrealism (4), Environmentalism (4), Dance (4), Comic Strips (4), Forensics (4), Biography (4), Phenomenology (4), Cooking (4), Exhibit Catalogue (3), Thesaurus (3), Self-Help (3), Mesoamerica (3), Magical Realism (2), Absurdism (2), Audiobook (2), Popular Science (2), Fashion (2), Egyptology (2), Egyptology - Text (2), Memory (1), Noir (1), Geology (1), Journal (1), Landscape (1)
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Aug 28, 2008
La mia biblioteca
It's a personal fantasy of mine to someday possess an extensive reference library of my very own, so I tend to acquire books faster than I am necessarily able to read them, and discard them fairly infrequently. Consequently, as I am a fairly young person and a student, my library is a bit skewed to the side of youth-appropriate literature and inscrutable textbooks, with some overemphasis on unusual topics of interest for which I find easy access to a wide variety of references desirable.

The following rubric is the one I use for rating books (ganked quite ungraciously from a fellow bibliophibian, but what can I do? It's well-made-up enough to not require any modification):

5 stars -- superb. I am unable to criticize this work and do not doubt that I will think of it many times in the future.

4.5 stars -- a thoroughly satisfying work that will stick with me for a long time, but some imperfections in writing prevent me from giving it a full five stars.

4 stars -- a solid book. It is well-written and interesting, but not likely to be an influence on me.

3.5 stars -- a good book, but some problems with writing prevented me from enjoying it fully.

3 stars -- a mediocre read that I somewhat enjoyed but would not likely recommend to others.

less than three stars -- I regret reading this work and would not recommend it to others.

My tags are organized roughly thus: Format (Novel/short stories/reference/etc); sub-format (e.g. "dictionary" as a sub of "reference"); specialized audience, if any (young adult, etc); broad genre (historical fiction/science fiction/archaeology/etc); followed by a list of increasingly specific additional genres, themes, or additional characteristics of note, as appropriate. A few authors and artists whose works have reached a critical mass in my collection have earned their own tags as well, especially if their works cross genres.

I have recently begun introducing sets of nested tags when a single generalized tag is insufficient to clearly categorize its component books. One example of this is my set of Archaeology tags. All books related to the topic of archaeology are given the general "Archaeology" tag, but the ones containing actual textual information are separated from those primarily characterized as fiction through the use of the supplemental tags "Archaeology - Text" and "Archaeology - Fiction", respectively. "Archaeological Theory/Method" is yet another nested tag in the archaeology tree for even more specific division.

I wasn't nearly so systematic about tagging when I first started adding books to my LibraryThing, so some of my tag entries are a bit muddled. I'm trying to fix that as I go on.
Informazione su di me
I'm currently a doctoral student in archaeology with a geographic focus on Egypt. I own an unreasonable number of books on theory, particularly if you count my 20lbs of articles from JSTOR, which aren't listed here.

I have peripheral interests in the experiences of marginalized identity groups during the Victorian colonial era, including women, ethnic minorities, and participants in stigmatized occupations such as entertainers and prostitutes. I also more generally enjoy mystery and true crime stories of the Victorian era.

I also apparently have the largest Death Valley tag on LT. By a lot.

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