Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
My main interests are modern/contemporary fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, horror/dark fantasy, non-mainstream/independent and young adult fiction. My guilty pleasure is reading horror, bizarro, cult, really anything thats strange or has a twisted plot. I read constantly and I have been known to read instruction manuals, cereal boxes and the YellowPages if I am without a book.
Informazione su di me
30/yo who enjoys reading (perhaps too much), I've usually got at least 5 books going at anytime. I've just completed taking some English and Sociology University upgrading courses, and in Fall '08 I will be starting a 2 year diploma course for Library and Research Tech.

Halifax, NS
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Autori preferiti
Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Books R' Us, Chapters - Bayers Lake, Chapters - Mic Mac, Dartmouth Book Exchange, Strange Adventures, The Book Rack, The Last Word, United Book Exchange, Venus Envy

Biblioteche: Sackville branch (Halifax Public Libraries)

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