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James Whyle
La mia biblioteca
Some of it is on the shelves of the room where I write. Some in the house. And some is just books I've read and re-read from libraries and friends. Books that have stayed in my mind and made me want to write. Books I'd recommend to my children.
Informazione su di me
James' story, The Story, was chosen by JM Coetzee for the 2011 Pen/Studzinski award. It is published by Jacana in African Pens 2011.

James' first play, National Madness, based on his army experiences, was performed at the Market and Baxter Theatres in the early eighties and published in a collection - Market Plays (1). His second play, Hellhound, was performed at the Market Theatre in 1992. A story, Sapper Fijn and the Cow appears in The Penguin Book of Contemporary South African Short Stories. (2)

A radio drama, Dancing with the Dead, was broadcast in the U.K. in February 2002 on Radio 4. Richard E Grant played the leading role. A second BBC commission, A Man Called Rejoice, was re-broadcast for the third time in May 2004. It has been published as Rejoice Burning in a collection, New South African Plays, by Aurora Metro Publications.

James' screenplay, Otelo Burning, was recently shot and is slated for South African distribution in 2012.

1 - Edited by Stephen Gray - Publisher AD. Donker. 1st published 1986, reprinted 1991. ISBN 0 86852 070 5.

2 - Penguin Books 1993. ISBN 0 140 237267

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