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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Feb 27, 2008
Nome vero
Tim Taylor
La mia biblioteca
I own very few of the books in my library. I used to keep all of my books, but boxed them up and donated them years ago. I'm now trying to add what I've read by memory, which seems to have sprung a leak. The problem is I know I read a book by Whitley Strieber years ago. I just can't remember which one. I think it's the one with the cat. Anyway, there are a lot of books like that and if I can't remember which one it is I don't add it. It has been kind of fun finding books I've read in which I can't remember either the author or title but only plot details.

For the books I read now, we have a very good library system in Jacksonville and I take advantage of it. Although I am sometimes an impatient consumer and buy the book if not available. My family knows a gift card to our local bookstore is considered gold to me, so I'm pretty easy when birthdays come around. Usually if I buy a book, I donate it.

I've begun to review and rate books as I read them, so my reviews only go back to last year. Books I've read in the past won't have reviews. I try to stay away from rehashing the plot and only give my impression of how well I liked the book. I try very hard not to include spoilers as that is a pet peeve of mine.
It's funny, but when I go back to read some of my reviews I think, "THAT'S not what I meant to say". Oh well, that is why I read 'em and not write 'em. Hopefully I can pass on some tid bit of information that will help you take the plunge and try a good book.

I struggle with ratings. I think my average rating is somewhere around 3 stars but the distribution isn't that widely dispersed. That seems to indicate that I can't make up my mind if a book is good or bad. So I'll try and explain how I've rated them here.
1 * I have not and probably will not give a 1 star. That's because I get a lot of good recommendations from fellow LT'ers. Enough to keep me reading good books and away from duds. Thanks guys:)
2 * Ditto on 2 stars, but sometimes you get a book that's too predictable or with poorly developed characters.
3 * Generally means I enjoyed the book. The plot could be predictable but with characters you care about. Or shallow character development with good pacing of the plot. Or fun and full of action. It just wasn't memorable and I wouldn't re-read a second time.
4 * These are keepers with fully developed characters and good pacing of the plot.
5 * I find it very hard to give 5 stars. I'm not sure I can adequately articulate why. These books just leave a lasting impression and it's generally the characters that drive that impression. It and Lonesome Dove fit the bill for me here. I loved both of those and I always will.
Informazione su di me
I'm married with one son, one daughter, one dog, two cars and a house. I work for a small software development company in the healthcare industry and spend most of my free time watching youth sports or driving to them. The rest of the time I like to read. Mostly horror, but I do like westerns, humor and southern fiction. And other stuff, but mostly horror.
Jacksonville, FL
Luoghi preferiti

Biblioteche: Mandarin Branch Library (Jacksonville Public Library)

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