
La mia biblioteca
I am almost always adding a few books to my modest library every month as I can afford to do so. I hope to one day have a respectable collection, but it is not the books that I value so much as the knowledge within them.
Informazione su di me
My interests include the Western Mystery Tradition and philosophies such as Esoteric and Gnostic Christianity, Freemasonry, Qabalah, Tarot, Alchemy, and Astrology. I enjoy studying Eastern Philosophies like Taoism and Buddhism, and also Psychology, especially Carl Jung. The history of culture, religious traditions, and mythologies of the world will never cease to fascinate me.

I am a musician and an artist as well. I do not compose much very often at all anymore, but I enjoy listening to music very much so. My interests include classical and fingerstyle guitar, electronic, indie rock, alternative, grunge, and metal.

I am a very spiritual person, and I try to help preserve an environment of peace and laughter with all those whom I meet. I love Jesus Christ and my personal relationship with Him is one that grows every day in wonderful ways. In some ways I share a more Esoteric or Gnostic interpretation of Christianity and the Scriptures, but I do not condemn any other faith or favor any certain organized religious denominations. I am also a member of the Freemason fraternity(York and Scottish Rites) with interests in Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Chicago, IL