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Fremont (1), widowhood (1), John Locke (1), Immanuel Kant (1), blame (1), Churchill (1), companionship (1), legitimacy (1), whale hunting (1), emerging technology (1), professional class (1), disinheritance (1), Battle of Agincourt (1), Devonshire (1), nationhood (1), disassociation (1), obedience (1), the sublime (1), ostracism (1), Prince Hal (1), John Muir (1), performing (1), David Roberts (1), Saint Petersburg (1), blunders (1), Harfleur (1), Elizabeth Inchbald (1), First Impressions (1), Falstaff (1), wooing (1), expression (1), sense (1), homoeroticism (1), unhappy marriages (1), expectations (1), epistolary novel (1), kingship (1), succession (1), debauchery (1), Lord Henry Wotton (1), aging (1), scheming (1), knighthood (1), conduct (1), worry (1), gambling (1), debt (1), simplicity (1), philosophy (1), globalism (1), conquest (1), poor relations (1), Holy Land (1), confession (1), fortune (1), Theodore Roosevelt (1), heirs (1), metamorphosis (1), privilege (1), disgrace (1), Henry David Thoreau (1), ancestry (1), Hollinshed's Chronicles (1)
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Sep 5, 2014