
type: fiction (98), literature: american (69), genre: children's (53), subject: girl culture (53), genre: historical fiction (48), literature: 20th century (47), literature: 21st century (41), literature: british (27), genre: classics (24), genre: romance (22), genre: comedy (17), genre: fantasy (16), genre: drama (12), genre: adventure (12), genre: young adult (12), era: retro (9), literature: 19th century (9), genre: horror (7), genre: gothic (7), format: anthologies / collections / sets (6), era: victorian (5), genre: chick lit (5), genre: science fiction (5), genre: tragedy (4), literature: french (4), genre: epic poem (3), subject: mythology (3), literature: 14th century (3), genre: coming of age (3), type: play (3), era: renaissance (3), genre: bildungsroman (3), genre: mystery (3), subject: theater (3), genre: satire (3), era: great depression (2), era: belle epoque (2), literature: ancient (2), subject: abnormal psychology (2), genre: dystopian (2), type: poetry (2), subject: religion (2), subject: mental illness (2), subject: psychology (2), genre: thriller (2), era: gilded age (2), type: non-fiction (2), literature: greek (2), genre: family saga (1), genre: tragicomedy (1), subject: occult (1), genre: parallel (1), era: progressive era (1), genre: dark comedy (1), literature: italian (1), subject: witchcraft (1), subject: criminology (1), literature: african (1), literature: 12th century (1), subject: autism (1), subject: colonialism (1), subject: animals (1), subject: christianity (1), subject: magic (1), literature: russian (1), era: edwardian (1), era: regency (1), subject: arthurian legend (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 22, 2011
Nome vero
Talky Tina
La mia biblioteca
I have a bad habit of purchasing books and letting them pile up, unread, thinking, "Well, I'll read them eventually." There are just too many books I want to read, and the number keeps growing!

All covers depicted are the editions that I actually own/have read unless they are listed under "Wishlist," in which case they are the edition that I hope to own.


Your library: All the books I own, regardless of whether or not I have read them.
To read: Books that I intend to eventually read.
Currently reading: Naturally, the books I'm currently reading.
Read and owned: Books I own that I have read.
Read but unowned: Books I have read but which I do not personally own. I probably borrowed it from a friend or a library.
Hiatused: These are books that I began reading but then put on hold for one reason or another. This sometimes happens when I begin reading something but then become too busy to continue. After a while it's been so long that another book (or two, or three) has piqued my interest, and so the older book remains in limbo until I feel like picking it up again. "Hiatus" does not mean that a book was so horrible that I gave up reading it; I fully intend to pick up these books again eventually. They will remain unrated until I finish reading them.
Favorites: Books I absolutely love.
Wishlist: I may or may not have read any particular book on this list, but the fact of the matter is that I wish to add it to my collection!


5: Amazing. These are books that absolutely blew my mind in one way or another. Fiction was beautifully written and told a great story; non-fiction was impressively researched and left me thinking.
4: Excellent. These books were entertaining and engaging, although not necessarily profound like a five-star book (in my opinion, of course). Definitely worth reading again.
3: Good. The positives outweigh the negatives, but these books do have their faults. Decent reads and probably worth reading again.
2: Disappointing. I was expecting/hoping for something better than it turned out to be. These are books that are more bad than they are good, or else neutral. These books aren't all bad, but are ultimately a let-down.
1: Terrible. Fiction may be poorly written; non-fiction may lack credible sources or provide little to no evidence to support claims. These books may have left me frustrated and I might not have finished them at all. On the flip side, some one-star books amuse me when they are unbelievably awful; these books will be identified as such in the comments.
0: Not rated. If a part of my library, these are books that I have read at least once but would like to read again before rating. "To read" books are never rated because I have yet to read them.

Informazione su di me
Like many people, I've been a bookworm since I first began reading. I used to burn through books like wildfire, but my leisure reading time has unfortunately been reduced since entering university (I'm a grad student now) due to required reading and the general workload. I also have several other hobbies and interests that compete for my attention. Nevertheless, I love books, and I almost always have some non-schoolbook reading to indulge in whenever I can, even if it feels like it takes me ages to finish reading it.


I'm currently nursing an ongoing love affair with classic literature, whether modern or older. I'm addicted to Barnes and Noble's classics collection.

I used to be heavily into the fantasy genre, but my interest has waned significantly. I still like it, but I am very picky about what I read.

I love the horror genre in all artistic mediums (e. g., painting, film, etc.) but haven't read much in the way of horror lit. I hope to rectify that though!

I'm not hugely interested in children's and young adult literature, but there are a few series I read as a kid/teen that I still enjoy and will happily read again/continue to read.

Similarly, I'm not really one for "chick lit," but there are one or two series/books that I like.

I'm somewhat interested in manga, specifically a few series that I'm rather dedicated to.


I am heavily interested in history, psychology, astronomy, quantum physics, biology, and the social sciences. I'm fascinated by folklore, mythology, and religious studies. Lately I've been driving myself crazy trying to find the most reliable sources of information on the subjects I'm interested in and trying to decide where to begin!

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Librerie: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - The Grove at Farmers Market

Biblioteche: Cerritos Public Library, Downey City Library