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William He
La mia biblioteca
I worked at a Barnes & Noble for a year, so I was able to get books at discount prices. I have a collection of Murakami Haruki books, and a lot of Japanese history and social science books. I have the complete J.D. Salinger set, and think that he's shaped a lot of my thinking in life.
Informazione su di me
My first memories of reading are fantasy fiction, predominantly the Narnia books. Books that shaped my High School days are the "Catcher in the Rye", Eli Weisel's "Night", and works of Shakespeare. I then went to college and got absorbed in Japanese literature, mostly post-modern works like Haruki Murakami and Banana Yoshimoto. Milan Kundera also has a special place in my literary pantheon. I don't read much anymore because I have been working on screenwriting.
Oakland, California
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Biblioteche: Oakland Public Library - Main Branch