
Oct 30, 2006
Catalogo privato
La mia biblioteca
“Bog-lights, vapors of mysticism, psychic Gnosticisms, veils and tissues of words, gibbering subjectivisms, gropings and maunderings, ontological fantasies, pan-psychic hallucinations—this is the stuff, the phantasms of hope, that fills your book shelves.

Come. Your glass is empty. Fill and forget.”

--Jack London (I couldn't have said it better).

Please NOTE: Every book in this catalog is owned. I don't list books I've read, but did not buy, which is a lot of books. I really try to keep my library down to a minimum, because my back cannot stand another move of heavy, heavy boxes of books; unless, of course, you want to give me all your narcotic painkillers, then perhaps I'll reconsider!
Informazione su di me
As most of my interests must remain undisclosed, I will admit to enjoying them greatly. I can safely say that I am a public librarian in an urban library. Sometimes I wish I had stuck with diesel mechanics, but there's no turning back; once a librarian, always a librarian. It's a hellish enslavement that suits me just fine.
Baltimore, MD, USA