La mia biblioteca
I am open to just about any genre, but mostly tend to be drawn to fiction that revolves around interaction between humans or other species. Some of my favorite books are The Color of Distance by Amy Thomson, which is a first contact novel where the main character has to adapt to living in the body and society of her alien saviors; also Sunshine by Robin McKinley, which is a tale of a young woman and an old, ugly vampire and the repulsive-yet-tempting symbiotic they are forced to enter to survive.

I like seeing characters develop, seeing them interact with each other, and analysing their behavior. I also enjoy non fiction books about human behavior, male-female interaction, and spirituality. Other than this I love fantasy and science fiction books that revolve around a personal character/s of some sort as opposed to hugely epic tales where a lot of things happen but interpersonal relations and relatable characters are lacking. I enjoy vivid worlds, but not at the expense of character development.

I am also be the first to admit that I sometimes take a "break" from books with any sort of depth to them and like reading some good old fashioned fluff.
Informazione su di me
I have loved reading ever since I can remember and have recently begun to collect books (not in the "each book must be dusted weekly and only opened 1/3 of the way so as not to crease the pages" way, in the "I like putting together my own library of books read and lend as I wish" way). Besides reading, I like learning new things and am interested in spirituality, human behavior, and psionics. I love PC games, Stargate Universe, BSG, and a lot of other stuff that would take too long to list here.
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