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La mia biblioteca

I have a hodgepodge collection of books and textbooks. I'm particular about what I spend time reading, so my collection reflects my life-interests over time. But what I have, I consider to be worthy of a good read for self-improvement. I just discovered LibraryThing and joined today...I will start posting 'my library' asap.

Informazione su di me

Interests: Happily married to my best friend for 30+ years now. I enjoy learning (cosmology, astronomy, math, religion, and spirituality mostly). I subscribe to and read several interesting journals. I am definitely partial to reading non-fiction. I like walks, coffee, book stores, buying cool antiques, landscaping, and watching wildlife. To stay in the know, I keep my thumb on the pulse of domestic/world affairs and specific global issues - but not too much. And, I pray often. Other than that, my life is pretty boring.

New York
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