
American (88), Screenplay Adapted (76), British (72), Non-Fiction (69), Canadian (35), America (33), Nobel (30), Series (27), Physics (22), Journey (22), Translation (19), Irish (18), Booker (18), Politics (17), Britain (17), Children's (16), South African (14), Fantasy (14), Short Stories (13), WWII (13), Hong Kong (12), Pulitzer (12), Sci-Fi (12), Colonialism (11), Canada (11), Coming of Age (10), History (10), Africa (9), Historical Fiction (9), Military (9), Biography (8), China (7), Afghanistan (7), Australian (7), Boeke (7), James Tait Black (6), Classic (6), Commonwealth (6), Japan (6), Biographical Fiction (6), Cosmology (5), Allegory (5), Japanese (5), France (5), CNF (5), Spy (4), Thriller (4), Hugo (4), Dystopia (4), India (4), Christianity (4), Germany (4), LGBT (4), International Relations (4), Music (4), Governor General's (4), French (4), Anthology (4), Australia (4), IMPAC (4), Spain (4), Nebula (4), Scottish (3), Cold War (3), Canada First (3), Islam (3), Columbian (3), Ireland (3), Latin America (3), WWI (3), National (3), Satire (3), Play (2), Chinese (2), Mystery (2), Holocaust (2), Brazilian (2), Piano (2), Incest (2), Asia (2), Cello (2), Italian (2), German (2), Portuguese (2), Memoir (2), AIDS (2), Russian (2), Spanish Civil War (2), Italy (2), Essay (1), Asian (1), Running (1), Arabic (1), Psychology (1), Indian (1), Global (1), Tennis (1), Material Science (1), Autism (1), Cheltenham (1), Lebanon (1), Creative Non-Fiction (1), Souh America (1), Caribbean (1), Essays (1), Vietnam War (1), Legal (1), Bosnia (1), Writing (1), South Africa (1), Sri Lanka (1), Thermodynamics (1), Mathematics (1), Ancient Rome (1), Spanish (1), Economics (1), Sudanese (1), Giller (1), Vietnam (1), Alzheimer's (1), New Zealand (1), African (1), Nigerian (1), Dutch (1), Netherlands (1), The Philippines (1), Pakistan (1), Iraq (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 27, 2008
La mia biblioteca
My ratings are solely based on my reading experience. I am not a critic.

5 stars books are books that I read multiple times because I "favourite" them. These are life changing books. I quote them often.
4.5 stars means that a book has had profound impact on me, but I fall short of calling it an all-time favourite.
4 stars says I very much have enjoyed reading the book.
3.5 stars indicates that I enjoyed the book over all, but found parts of it dull, or not quite meaningful to me.
3 stars books are just about OK to me.
2.5 stars says I am not sure why I read the book.
2 stars means I struggled through reading the book, was on the verge of tossing it, but somehow found a way to the end.
1.5 stars means I contemplated suicide (perhaps multiple times) before I finally finished the book.
1 star means I didn't get to the end, but might give it a chance in the future.
0.5 star means I didn't get to the end, and don't think I ever will.
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