
Actually (1), but you shouldn't show jealousy towards people. The main character eventually comes to his own and dances and sways to the beat of his own music. (1), This classic tale has been redone again and this time the illustrations are just brilliant. (1), but rather let it happen naturally. (1), and everytime I have read it to a group of students they love it just much. This book is also good because it teaches kids that they don't need to try to make friends (1), I really love this book (1), This book covers the difficulties many students face on a day to day basis while at school. Students will begin to see the correct way to handle situations if they become sort of sticky. (1), the readers will have fun witnessing him being told "no" constantly. (1), I feel like a lot of students can relate to David in this book because of his actions. In this book David continually does things he's being told not to do (1), This book tells the stroy of a little mischevious boy who is constantly getting in trouble. The main character "david" starts making lots of excuses to cover up all of the bad things he has done and he eventually feels really bad for making mistakes. (1), I liked this book a lot because it shows a little girl expressing her imagination. Kids all have very active imaginations so seeing this little girl expressing hers in a very creative way will be fun for the children to see. (1), This is a great book to teach the children about conformity and the risks involved when trying to be like everyone else. It is a fun book as it goes through the different colors that the main characters skin changes into. (1), This would be great book to read to a group of ELL's because they take a lot of sayings we have in the English language literally when we don't necessarily mean something literally. (1), you can admire certain traits on people that you love (1), it tells the story of a little girl adventuring through her neighborhood stopping by different households and seeing what they're eating for dinner. (1), I really liked this book because it shows that student's don't necessarily need to be like everyone else that they know and love. Yes (1), Shubert is a great character to teach children responsibility for their actions. The students and the teachers help Shubert to calm down and come to a conclusion regarding the situations that occur in the book. (1), Readers will learn about fire safety and animal behaviors in this whimsical fun book. (1), This is a great book to teach children the importance of making the most of life and finding joy where no one can. (1), This is a great book to teach the children about the importance of life and to never take a moment for granted. (1), This is a fun book to show the ups and downs that many people face on a day to day business. This is a great book to showcase positivity and negativity and how to overcome those things. (1), I really like this book a lot because it teaches the children about different cultures that there are across the world. And how some cultures differ from what they may know and love back at home. This is also a good book to teach sentence fluency. (1), A take on the very common "if you give a mouse a cookie" comes this book. This book can teach children about responsibility when it comes to a pet. (1), This book presents the topic of counting in math in everyday illustrations of objects. This could be a fun way to learn about counting in a typical everyday sort of fashion. (1), that they maybe have never heard of. (1), a holiday that many children are unaware of. So I think it would be interesting to teach the children about holidays (1), This is a book about Hanukkah (1), This is a great multicultural book (1), A rainy-day errand introduces Carrie to her multicultural neighborhood and to many different kinds of bread. From Barbadian coconut bread to chapatis from India. Recipes included. (1), This christmas themed book is a lot of fun for chilren because it kind of gives a behind the scenes look into some of the mechanics behind christmas. (1), with hip cultural details throughout. (1), lovable character. It's Splat the cat's first day of school and he's worried. What if he doesn't make any new friends? As the day progresses (1), From the bestselling author of Russell the Sheep comes a brand-new (1), This book describes what is happening in different places around the world at a particular time. (1), tinkling pink (1), whispering gold (1), but roaring brown (1), Celebrate the colors of children and the colors of love — not black or white or yellow or red (1), The depth and the joy of two cultures are conveyed in both Spanish and English in this story of a girl and her two sets of grandparents. (1), An Ojibway grandfather lovingly introduces his grandson to the ways of nature. Luminous illustrations and poetic text reflect the spirituality of the native way of life. (1), The first children's book from an acclaimed poet whose honors include the American Book Award and the William Carlos Williams Award Celebrates the special relationship between a young girl and her cat -A modern Native American story from a member of the M (1), he had no way of knowing that it would become the best-known and best-loved holiday poem of all time. (1), When Clement Moore wrote a Christmas poem for his children about a magical visit from Saint Nicholas (1), This sassy retelling of Little Red Riding Hood features accessible Spanish rhymes and fresh illustrations (1), Carrie learns that her organizational talents are instrumental in pulling together a successful block party in which noodles from around the world are featured. Complete recipes for the dishes are included. (1), The Corner Kids learn the importance of sharing after Three J gets a new pet. (1), and finally sitting down with her family to enjoy a favorite meal. The energy and enthusiasm of the young narrator (1), preparing ingredients (1), a hungry child tells about helping her mother make bee-bim bop: shopping (1), In bouncy rhyming text (1), Grandma travels on a magic carpet buying objects in numbers from one to ten. (1), On a multi-ethnic shopping trip (1), Carrie comes up with an idea for the perfect gift. This book also includes recipes for the soups prepared in the story. (1), While trying to earn money she can buy her mother a Christmas present (1), Unhei is anxious that American kids will like her. (1), but what about when nobody can pronounce your name? Having just moved from Korea (1), Being the new kid in school is hard enough (1), This zany counting book introduces a number of concepts from counting and basic addition to different words for quantities. It is a unique approach to introducing counting. (1), like not going to sleep. This book also has rhyming sequences which would be a good teaching point. (1), and more. (1), because lots of children can relate to feelings of angst when they first start school. This is the story of a very loving mother who has a unique way of communicating her love to her young one. (1), that's why I chose this book. (1), especially ones that involve Halloween (1), Kids loved themed books (1), This book tells the tale of two characters who come from completely different walks of life. Both of the characters can't imagine how the other lives until they must work together in a time of need. The two become friends and learn an abundance from one a (1), but this book doesn't take on the letters of the alphabet but it tackles numbers. (1), This is the sequel to the "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" (1), its a fun and quirky way to show them the different letters. Every time I have read this book to a group of kids they are just completely into the book and won't look away even for a second. (1), This is a great book to teach children about the letters of the alphabet (1), The Three Snow Bears would be a great opportunity to teach the children about comparing and contrasting because this book is based off the commonly referred to "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". (1), which I think would be interesting to try and teach the children the concept of good and bad working conditions. (1), but they are leaving Farmer Brown notes. The notes they leave are demanding better working conditions (1), I think that kids would really enjoy this book because it is very uncommon to see not only a bunch of cows typing (1), This book would be great to read around the start of school (1), This book tells the story of a very devoted dad and what he does to protect and provide for his child. It also teaches the children about a different world in Antartica they have probably never experienced. (1), like a warm shelter for the woodland creatures. (1), This story would be great to teach the students that life is more than just material things. As much as the main character Nicki wanted to get his mitten back once we realized that they were being used for other uses (1), but it could also be quite beneficial to use when teaching sequencing. (1), so I automatically knew that I would add this book to my collection. Not only is it a special book in my heart (1), I heard of this book in a previous class and I just fell in love with it then (1), you may not have realized that there was an abundance of friends elsewhere. (1), This book teaches the children that you don't necessarily need to try desperately to attract the attention of one person in particular. It also goes on to say that while you were so wrapped up in getting that one person to notice you (1), but how you can be not so dependent on them. (1), I chose this book specifically because it was just too sweet to pass up. I think every child needs to realize not only how much there parents love them (1), this book would be great for teaching rhyming. (1), I picked this book because I really enjoyed it as a child and hoped that my love would transfer to the children. Also (1), setting the table (1), This is a fun book narrarated by a teapot who takes a young boy and girl to travel the world. I chose this book because I thought it would be a good teaching point to tell the students about different cultures found around the world. (1), This is a great book to teach children about patterns and how we see patterns in an everday setting (1), This is a book a lot of parents and children can relate to (1), This book is great for teaching preserverance (1), The main character of a mouse actually mirrors a child in the fact that they are quite needy. But this is a fun book because it teaches the children responsibility about having a pet. (1), This book is great because it not only gets the children familarized with the different forest creatures but it teaches children not to be scared of certain things. Or even if you are scared of things you can easily come over those fears. (1), This book is a great book to teach the children about having dreams and setting your mind to those dreams. (1), This is a great story about how being patient can turn around for you. Being patient just might even give you better outcomes than originally planned. (1), This is a great book to show children about what it means to be brave. (1), such as rhyming. (1), This book has many elements to it (1), and all of the hard decisions that come with it. This book also deals with the feelings of exclusion and insecurity that many children deal with. (1), This book indulges in the complexities of friendship (1), This book introduces us to the sensitive little pig and his fun loving father. In this story the pig doesn't like hurting the fish so he decides to feed them and watch them squirm over the bread he's feeding them. The children will like to see that you do (1), This book could teach the children that being alike isn't necessarily the best thing for you. It proves that there is more than one way to become a good person who delivers when needed. (1), and if you put your mind to something you can achieve anything. (1), This book really gets the children to use their imagination when it comes to the differing sounds between animal species. (1), This is a book to teach children about how to manage their emotions and anger if it seems to pop up. The main character has tricks leading up to finding her final cure. (1), This is a book that teaches children about making friends and sharing with those new friends. (1), so being able to share the love I once had for this book would be just spectacular for me as a future teacher. This book also shows that words of encouragement can really go a long way. (1), I can remember reading this book in elementary school (1), This is a great book to get the student's minds to start thinking about questions such as "what if?'' The dinosaurs in this book performs public services for the community so thats a fun discovery for children. (1), but adds some fun to the mix. (1), This is another great book to teach the children about counting. This books makes counting a not so tedious task (1), she has two options and in the end only chooses one. This is a good book to teach children about decisions and the results of decision making. (1), This Halloween themed book tells the tale of a little girl trying to decide what to dress up as (1), only seperated by a few characteristics. It's the readers job to decide who is who. (1), This is a good book to show comparison and contrast. The two witches in this book are exactly identical (1), and how dinosaurs carry out a task such as math. (1), This book comes from a series of "How Do Dinosaurs" books and each book i've read to a group of students they just absoltely fall in love. This book specifically covers counting (1), Splat learns an important lesson. (1)
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Sep 9, 2015