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Sophia Bourne
La mia biblioteca

Random Reads, in no particular order.

Informazione su di me

Novice Author, Semi Starving Artist, Almost Ground to Dust

Cube Farm Survivor

1988 - Present

I tried ever so hard to do it all correctly and still, I have failed.


S.E. Bourne (Sophia) is a novice author and a salt peasant.

Her writing is stripped down and tends to cover the themes of childhood, the natural world, dreamscapes, and aging.

Bourne has worked as a waitress, cook, chambermaid, laundress, barker, and secretary. Much of her early 20s was spent traveling through the United States and living in hostels with foreigners.

She once hitchhiked from Valdez to Anchorage, Alaska, and it only took two rides. Oh, and one bear encounter.


In The Cloud
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