
Ecstatic Spirituality/Indigenous pathways (24), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Vodoun/Hoodoo (18), Ceremonial Magick (13), Accurate History of Paganism (11), "Traditional" Religious Witchcraft (11), Books on Fey-Things (8), Fictional Books that are more true than are most non-fiction books (8), Interesting Witchy Herbal/Tree books (7), Animal Magick (5), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Wicca (4), Traditional Witchcraft / Ecstatic Spirituality/Indigenous pathways (3), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Nordic (3), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Celtic (3), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Feri (3), Pagan Community (2), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Left Hand Path (2), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Chaos Magick (2), Traditonal Witchcraft / Ecstatic Spirituality/Indigenous pathways (2), Seasonal Celebrations (2), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Candomblé (2), Philosophy (2), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: PowWow (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Russia (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Ifa (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Babylonian (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Welsh (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: UK (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Finnish (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Satanism (1), Alchemy (1), Traditional Witchcraft (1), Ecstatic Spirituality (1), Pagan Legal Issues (1), Misc Books (1), Books of Spells (1), Cultural Specific or Specific Pathways: Sabbatic (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 8, 2006
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La mia biblioteca
This is my recommended reading list for apprentice Witches. I also have a pretty long list of recommended Websites that can be found at my LJ http://www.livejournal.com/users/sarahswampwitch/ in an entry dated May 8, 2006.
Informazione su di me
I'm a polytheistic animistic Pagan and also a Witch who practices an ecstatic non-religious form of Witchcraft. I also rescue dogs, work as a bookkeeper in a small bicycle shop, and live in the city now.
Duluth, MN
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