
suspense (12), police (7), dective (7), Deaf (6), Medical Thriller (3), Canada (3), Weber-Honor Harrington (2), Weber-Honor - On Basilisk Station (1), Weber-Honor - Changer of Worlds (1), Robb-Death - Strangers in Death (1), Robb-Death - Imitation in Death (1), Robb-Death - Seduction in Death (1), Robb-Death - Conspiracy in Death (1), Robb-Death - Vengeance in Death (1), Weber-Honor - The Service of the Sword (1), Weber-March - March to the Stars (1), Cornwell-Portrait Of A Killer: Jack The Ripper (1), Weber-Honor - The Shadow of Saganami (1), Weber-Honor - Honor Among Enemies (1), Robb-Death - Interlude In Death (1), Weber-Honor - Field of Dishonor (1), Weber-Honor - The Short Victorious War (1), Weber-Honor - The Honor of the Queen (1), mystery (1), Evanovich-Plum - Two for the Dough (1), Robb-Death - Silent Night: Midnight in Death (1), Moon-Vatta - Victory Conditions (1), Greeno-Ghatti - Finders Seekers (1), Greeno-Ghatti - Mindspeaker's Call (1), Moon-Serrano - Against the Odds (1), Moon-Serrano - Change of Command (1), Moon-Serrano - Rules of Engagement (1), Moon-Serrano - Serrano Legacy Omnibus (1), Moon-Vatta - Engaging the Enemy (1), Evanovich-Plum - One for the Money (1), Moon-Vatta - Marque and Reprisal (1), Moon-Paks - Sheepfarmer's Daughter (1), Evanovich-Plum - Visions of Sugar Plums (1), Evanovich-Plum - Lean Mean Thirteen (1), Evanovich-Plum - Three to Get Deadly (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Black Notice (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - The Last Precinct (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - From Potter's Field (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Point of Origin (1), Robb-Death - Haunted in Death (1), Evanovich-Plum - Plum Lucky (1), King-Duma Key (1), Caine-Morganville - 3 (1), Cook-Critical (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 6 (1), Caine-Morganville - 2 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 12 (1), Political Thriller (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 8 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 7 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 11 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 10 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 9 (1), Lumley-Psychomech - 3 (1), Robb-Death - Dead of Night (1), Mccaffery-Rowan/Damia - Talent - Pegasus in Flight (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Unnatural Exposure (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Post Mortem (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Cause of Death (1), Greeno-Ghatten - Sunderlies Seeking (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - The Body Farm (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Cruel and Unusual (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - All That Remains (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Body of Evidence (1), Kellerman J-The Conspiracy Club (1), Mccaffery-Rowan/Damia - Lyon's Pride (1), Kellerman J-The Butcher's Theater (1), Kellerman J-Delaware - Compulsion (1), King-Nightmares and Dreamscapes (1), King-Dark Tower - The Dark Tower (1), King-Dark Tower - Wolves of the Calla (1), King-Dark Tower - Song of Susannah (1), Greeno-Ghatten - The Farthest Seeking: (1), Grafton-Milhone - B Is for Burglar (1), Greeno-Ghatti - The Ghatti's Tale (1), Harris-Stackhouse - Dead Until Dark (1), Harrison-Morgan - Dead Witch Walking (1), Harris-Connelly - Grave Surprise (1), Harris-Connelly - An Ice Cold Grave (1), Harris-Stackhouse - Living Dead in Dallas (1), Harris-Stackhouse - Dead as a Doornail (1), Harris-Stackhouse - Dead to the World (1), Harris-Stackhouse - Definitely Dead (1), Harrison-Morgan - A Fistful of Charms (1), Harris-Stackhouse - All Together Dead (1), Rawn-Exiles - The Captal's Tower (1), Rawn-Exiles - The Mageborn Traitor (1), Rawn-Exiles - The Ruins of Ambrai (1), Rawn-Dragon Prince - The Dragon Token (1), Rawn-Dragon Prince - Stronghold (1), Harrison-Morgan - Every Which Way But Dead (1), Harrison-Morgan - For a Few Demons More (1), Rawn-Dragon Prince- The Star Scroll (1), Lavinia Grey (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 7 (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 11 - Scion of Cyador (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 13 - Ordermaster (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 10 - Magi'i of Cyador (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 12 - Wellspring of Chaos (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 14 - Natural Ordermage (1), MacAlister-Aisling - You Slay Me (1), Harrison-Morgan - The Outlaw Demon Wails (1), MacAlister-Aisling - Light My Fire (1), MacAlister-Aisling - Fire Me Up (1), MacAlister-Aisling - Holy Smokes (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Personal Demon (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - No Humans Involved (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Industrial Magic (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Dime Store Magic (1), Rawn-Dragon Prince- Sunrunner's Fire (1), Rawn-Dragon Prince - Dragon Prince (1), Grafton-Milhone - A Is for Alibi (1), Grafton-Milhone - I Is For Innocent (1), Grafton-Milhone - O Is for Outlaw (1), Grafton-Milhone - N is for Noose (1), Grafton-Milhone - M Is for Malice (1), Grafton-Milhone - L Is for Lawless (1), Grafton-Milhone - K Is for Killer (1), Grafton-Milhone - J Is for Judgment (1), Grafton-Milhone - H Is for Homicide (1), Grafton-Milhone - Q Is for Quarry (1), Grafton-Milhone - G is for Gumshoe (1), Grafton-Milhone - F is for Fugitive (1), Grafton-Milhone - E Is for Evidence (1), Grafton-Milhone - D is for Deadbeat (1), Grafton-Milhone - C is for Corpse (1), Moon-Serrano - Heris Serrano (1), Grafton-Milhone - P Is for Peril (1), Grafton-Milhone - R is for Ricochet (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 9 - Colors of Chaos (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 3 - The Magic Engineer (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 2 - The Towers of the Sunset (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 5 - The Death of Chaos (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 1 - The Magic of Recluce (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 6 - Fall of Angels (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 8 - The White Order (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 4 - The Order War (1), Modesitt-Recluse - Book 7 - The Chaos Balance (1), Grafton-Milhone - S is for Silence (1), Davidson-Undead - Undead and Uneasy (1), Davidson-Undead - Undead and Unpopular (1), Davidson-Undead - Undead and Unreturnable (1), Davidson-Undead - Undead and Unappreciated (1), Davidson-Undead - Undead and Unemployed (1), Davidson-Undead - Undead and Unwed (1), Grafton-Milhone - T is for Trespass (1), Lumley-Psychomech - 1 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 14 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 1 (1), Robb-Death - Ceremony in Death (1), Robb-Death - Reunion in Death (1), Robb-Death - Purity in Death (1), Robb-Death - Portrait in Death (1), Robb-Death - Midnight in Death (1), Robb-Death - Loyalty in Death (1), Robb-Death - Glory in Death (1), Robb-Death - Betrayal in Death (1), Cook-Marker (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 2 (1), King-From a Buick 8 (1), Cornwell-West - Southern Cross (1), Cornwell-West - Isle of Dogs (1), Cornwell-West - Hornet's Nest (1), Mccaffery-Pern - Dragonsinger (1), Robb-Death - Witness in Death (1), Moon-Serrano - Hunting Party (1), Harrison-Morgan - The Good (1), King-Roadwork (1), Moon-Paks - Divided Allegiance (1), Robb-Death - Visions in Death (1), Robb-Death - Survivor In Death (1), Robb-Death - Memory in Death (1), Robb-Death - Immortal in Death (1), Cook-Coma (1), Weber-Honor - In Enemy Hands (1), Moon-Serrano - Once a Hero (1), Weber-Honor - Flag in Exile (1), Weber-Honor - Echoes of Honor (1), Weber-Honor - Ashes of Victory (1), Rawn-Dragon Prince - Skybowl (1), Moon-Paks - Oath of Gold (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Predator (1), Moon-Serrano - Sporting Chance (1), Moon-Remnant Population (1), and the Undead (1), Meyer-Twilight - New Moon (1), Seattle (1), King-It (1), King-Different Seasons (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Trace (1), Meyer-Twilight - Twilight (1), Robb-Death - Creation in Death (1), Suspense (1), catholic (1), Robb-Death - Origin In Death (1), Harry Bosch (1), medical thriller (1), Military Thriller (1), canada (1), seattle (1), intrigue (1), Robb-Death - Judgment in Death (1), Robb-Death - Rapture in Death (1), the Bad (1), Cook-Contagion (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Stolen (1), Robb-Death - Out of this World (1), Robb-Death - Holiday in Death (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Haunted (1), Robb-Death - Divided in Death (1), Moon-Vatta - Trading in Danger (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Bitten (1), Cook-Acceptable Risk (1), Paolini-Eragon (1), Paolini-Eldest (1), King-Insomnia (1), King-Desperation (1), King-Cell (1), King-On Writing (1), King-Everything's Eventual (1), King-Bag of Bones (1), Mccaffery-Pern - Dragonsong (1), Lumley-Psychomech - 4 (1), Evanovich-Skye - Motor Mouth (1), Evanovich-Full - Full Bloom (1), Cook-Crisis (1), Robb-Death - Bump in the Night (1), Robb-Death - Born in Death (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 15 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 13 (1), Moon-Serrano - Winning Colors (1), Evanovich-Full - Full House (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 5 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 4 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 3 (1), Weber-Honor - At All Costs (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 4 (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 2 (1), Evanovich-Full - Full Scoop (1), Evanovich-Full - Full Speed (1), Cook-Sphinx (1), King-Blaze (1), Lumley-Dreams - 1 (1), Lumley-Dreams - 2 (1), Lumley-Necroscope - 6 (1), Lumley-Dreams - 3 (1), Lumley-Psychomech - 2 (1), Lumley-Dreams - 4 (1), Greeno-Ghatti - Exile's Return (1), Evanovich-Full - Full Tilt (1), Evanovich-Madigan - Hot Stuff (1), Evanovich-Full - Full Blast (1), Cook-Outbreak (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 5 (1), Moon-Vatta - Command Decision (1), Robb-Death - Innocent In Death (1), Caine-Morganville - 1 (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 3 (1), Cook-Shock (1), Evanovich-Plum - Four to Score (1), Evanovich-Plum - Ten Big Ones (1), Evanovich-Skye - Metro Girl (1), Robb-Death - Naked in Death (1), Meyer-Twilight - Eclipse (1), Harris-Stackhouse - Club Dead (1), Cornwell-Scarpetta - Blow Fly (1), Evanovich-Plum - Twelve Sharp (1), King-Lisey's Story (1), Evanovich-Plum - Plum Lovin' (1), Evanovich-Plum - Eleven on Top (1), Evanovich-Plum - Hot Six (1), Evanovich-Plum - To the Nines (1), Evanovich-Plum - Hard Eight (1), Evanovich-Plum - High Five (1), Evanovich-Plum - Seven Up (1), Armstrong-Otherworld - Broken (1), Caine-Weather Warden - 1 (1), Cook-Invasion (1), Cook-Godplayer (1), Weber-March - We Few (1), Weber-March - March Upcountry (1), Weber-March - March to the Sea (1), Cook-Vital Signs (1), Cook-Rapt (1), Cook-Mortal Fear (1), Cook-Fever (1), Cornwell-At Risk (1), Cook-Chromosome 6 (1), Cook-Toxin (1), Cook-Brain (1), Cook-Terminal (1), Weber-Honor - War of Honor (1), Weber-Honor - More Than Honor (1), Harris-Connelly - Grave Sight (1), Caine-Red Letter - 2 (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 8, 2007
Nome vero
Margaret Ferrell
La mia biblioteca
I read all fiction, love fantasy, sci/fi, thriller, horror, mystery, suspense, you name it I will read it. I average 2-3 books a week as well as 2-3 books on tape a week, so book swap is a manditory for me! :)
Informazione su di me
I am a dog and cat groomer who worked 10+ years as a vet tech before moving on to something where I could make some real money. :) I love all animals and own the little cutie above, Kilroy my schnauzer as well as 2 cats and a quarter horse. I am opening my own grooming shop and scared out of my mind!
Spokane, WA
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