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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 2, 2006
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
My mother bought me books as a child, and then through school book orders throughout my school years - and I have gotten rid of precious few (and regretted it!) of them. I went to the library and did the summer reading programs as a kid every summer, and borrowed countless books before I was old enough to work. I like nearly everything. Not big into war or westerns, and am burned out on most romance, but I love fantasy, horror, suspense, sci-fi, some non-fiction, hardcore smut, some classics... put it in my hands, and I will most likely make it through the book.
Informazione su di me
Working full time, school part time, single mom with 3 kids... I have so little time to read. Cheers to the used bookstore A Novel Idea (anovelideabookstore.com), the store I have loved and worshiped for years! I also write poetry, and pretend to write short stories (which means I have a folder full of ideas and bits and pieces, but nothing complete.) :0)
Waverly, NE
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Librerie: A Novel Idea Bookstore

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