
Kindle (44), BFB (10), ROMANTIC FICTION; (10), Kindle; in Omnibus (8), BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; (8), Y/A; Kindle (8), ROMANTIC FICTION (7), Christmas; Kindle (6), Persephone (6), BETTY NEELS; ROOT (6), Kindle; BFB (5), Kindle; ARC/ER (5), Hardcopy; 1974 (4), Fiction (4), ROOT (4), General Fiction (3), African American (3), mystery; Kindle (3), Wishlist (3), gothic horror; Kindle edition (3), CurrerBell (3), bk 1; (3), Heaven-Ali (3), ARC/ER (3), VMC (3), WISHLIST; Port William Membership Series (3), Y/A (3), Young Adult & or Children's Lit (2), ; prior to L/T; Hardcopy; (2), Wishlist; American South (2), SciFi; Fantasy; Magic Realism; Fairy Tales; Time Travel (2), ; prior to L/T; Hardcopy; Century of Books; 1979 (2), kindle; ROMANTIC FICTION (2), Century of Books; 1941 (2), WOMEN'S FICTION; ANTHOLOGY; H/C; Historical Fiction; Brit lit; Caribbean; England; London; modernism; Paris; Century of Books; 1931 (2), christianity (2), FANTASY FICTION; kindle; (collected works of Robert Nathan (2), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (531); ROOT; hardcopy; Century of Books; 1953 (2), ROMANTIC FICTION; BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; (2), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1969 (2), ROMANTIC FICTION; BETTY NEELS; ROOT (2), historical fiction (2), Mystery; Suspense; Crime Fiction; (2), 2018 (2), fairy tales; Kindle (2), Christianity; ROOT (2), Me Before You (2), short stories; VSS 2014 (2), olegalCA; Kindle (2), poetry (2), JANE AUSTEN (2), bk 1 (2), Southern gothic (2), 18th Century; Kindle (2), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; VMC; Canadian Lit; single kindle; Anthology; ROOT; Century of Books; 1912 (1), 1090 pgs (1), ANNE BOOKS; FICTION; VMC; Canadian Lit; kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1920 (1), ANNE BOOKS; bk 8; VMC; (619); HISTORICAL FICTION; the Great War; kindle; Anthology; ROOT; Century of Books; 1921 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (536); hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1961 (1), ANNE BOOKS; bk 7; HISTORICAL FICTION; VMC; Canadian Lit; kindle; Anthology; ROOT; Century of Books; 1919 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; shorts; hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1974 (1), ANNE BOOKS; bk 3; HISTORICAL FICTION; CLASSICS; Canadian Lit; kindle; Anthology; ROOT; Century of Books; 1915 (1), ANNE BOOKS; bk 5; HISTORICAL FICTION; VMC; single kindle; Anthology; ROOT; Century of Books; 1917 (1), ANNE BOOKS; bk 2; HISTORICAL FICTION; CLASSICS; Y/A; VMC; ROOT; kindle (1), ANNE BOOKS; bk 1; HISTORICAL FICTION; Y/A; VMC; #675; hardcopy; kindle; Classics; kindle; Anthology; ROOT; Century of Books; 1908 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (531); ROOT; hardcopy; Century of Books; 1980 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; Christmas; shorts; hardcopy; kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1995 (1), Orange Prize S/L (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; ROOT; Century of Books; 1977 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (541); ROOT; hardcopy; Century of Books; 1950 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (536); hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1978 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (536); hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1958 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (536); hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1955 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (536); hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1952 (1), WW I; Great War Theme Read (1), 2002; bk 1 (1), Man Booker Prize short listed; 2010; WWII historical fiction; after the siege of Leningrad; bk 2 (1), Trujillo; Century of Books; 1994 (1), GENERAL FICTION; Latin American Lit; Dominican Republic; dictatorship (1), WOMAN'S FICTION; Mystery; CHRISTMAS; Virago fiction; hardcopy; Century of Books; 1994 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; Mystery; hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 2008 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; Emily Bronte; Yorkshire; England; family saga; sisters; the Brontes; Victorian England; ROOT; Century of Books; 2010 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; (Tales of Time Passed); hardcopy; shorts; ROOT; Century of Books; 1991 (1), ANNE BOOKS; VMC; (593); bk 3; HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; ROOT; CHILDREN'S LIT; Y/A; Classics; Century of Books; 1927 (1), ANNE BOOKS; kindle; CENTURY OF BOOKS (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; hardcopy; shorts; Htales of achievement; ROOT; Century of Books; 1993 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; Art History; Fiction; Paintings; the Netherlands; Vermeer; WWII; hardcopy; Century of Books; 1999 (1), WISHLIST; WOMEN'S FICTION; PERSEPHONE; (3); ROOT; Century of Books; 1953 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; PERSEPHONE; (74); hardcopy; (with bookmark); Century of Books; 2007 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; PERSEPHONE; (110); hardcopy; (with bookmark); Century of Books; 1949 (1), (85); hardcopy; (with bookmark); gone? Century of Books; 1930 (1), Persephone (40); hardcopy; (with bookmark); Century of Books; 1939 (1), Persephone; (19); hardcopy; (with bookmark); gone ?; Century of Books; 1934 (1), Persephone; (95); hardcopy; (with bookmark); Century of Books; 1932 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; Virago; ROOT; Century of Books; 1961 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; Village Life; WWII; hardcopy; England; Century of Books; 1948 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; bk 2; hard copy; kindle; banned books; AMERICAN CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1884 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; AMERICAN CLASSICS; CLASSICS; hardcopy; kindle; ROOT; bk 1; Century of Books; 1876 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; shorts; tales of correspondence; hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1995 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; Stand-Alone; hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1929 (1), ANNE BOOKS; VMC; (592); HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 2; kindle; ROOT; Children's Lit; Classics; Century of Books; 1925 (1), ANNE BOOKS; VMC; (591); HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 1; kindle; ROOT; Children's Lit; Y/A; Century of Books; 1923 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; hardcopy; shorts; ROOT; Century of Books; 1979 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 2; Canadian Lit; kindle; ROOT (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; Pat of Silver Bush; bk 1; hardcopy; Century of Books; 1932 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; hardcopy; Pat of Silver Bush; bk 2; ROOT; Century of Books; 1935 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; CLASSICS; bk 1; kindle; Canadian Lit; ROOT; ANTHOLOGY; Century of Books; 1911 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; shorts; (Montgomery's stories from the dark side); hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1990 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; Tales of Time Passed; shorts; hardcopy; ROOT; Century of Books; 1988 (1), GENERAL FICTION; h/c; Asian lit; China; family fiction; historical fiction; Hong Kong (1), ANNE BOOKS; VMC; (620); HISTORICAL FICTION; Stand-Alone; hardcopy; kindle; ROOT; Century of Books; 1937 (1), ANNE BOOKS; HISTORICAL FICTION; ROOT; Stand-Alone; kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1910 (1), GENERAL FICTION; WWII; sisters; ROOT; hardcopy; Century of Books; 2007 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; China; kindle; Nobel Prize; Century of Books; 1933 (1), Japan; mothers & daughters; sisters; WWII; Century of Books; 1998 (1), FANTASY FICTION; Y/A; Arthurian Legend; bk 1?; Century of Books; 2003 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1971 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1972 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1977 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1974 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1975 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1983 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; kindle; Century of Books; 1976 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; kindle; American Civil War; Y/A; good and evil; Historical Fiction; Romantic Fiction; Century of Books; 1971 (1), FANTASY FICTION; bk 1; Century of Books; 1959 (1), Y/A; hardcoopy; Century of Books; 1996 (1), Y/A; bk 2; Century of Books; 2004 (1), FANTASY FICTION; Y/A; hardcopy; fairy tale; journey; magical; mermaids; Century of Books; 2004 (1), FANTASY FICTION; Y/A; TIME TRAVEL; WWII; Holocaust; Century of Books; 1988 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1976 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; Y/A; bk 3; (Stuart Quartet); Battle of Culloden; Jacobite Rebellion; Bonnie Prince Charlie; epilepsy; Century of Books; 2004 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; Stuart Quartet; bk 1; loaned to Beth & Katie; Y/A; Mary (1), Queen of Scots; hardcopy; Renaissance Royalty; Scotland; Century of Books; 2001 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; Y/A; bk 4; (Stuart Quarter); Century of Books; 2008 (1), FANTASY FICTION; HISTORICAL FICTION; Arthurian Legend; Y/A; bk 3; Century of Books; 1997 (1), FANTASY FICTION; HISTORICAL FICTION; Arthurian Legend; Y/A; bk 1; Century of Books; 1996 (1), FANTASY FICTION; HISTORICAL FICTION; Arthurian Legend; Y/A; bk 2; Century of Books; 1996 (1), FANTASY FICTION; Y/A; kindle; retelling of Beauty and the Beast; folklore; Century of Books; 1993 (1), from 1980s; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Legend/Magic Realism/Fairy Tales; Y/A &/or Children's Lit; Century of Books; 1985 (1), FANTASY FICTION; kindle; Century of Books; 1921 (1), FANTASY FICTION; in ANTHOLOGY; (The Barley Fields); Century of Books; 1929 (1), 1996 (1), GOTHIC; NOIR; MYSTERY; ROMANTIC FICTION; Century of Books; 1970 (1), FANTASY FICTION; kindle; Romantic Fiction; Century of Books: 2012 (1), GENERAL FICTION; h/c; 1920s Asia; Chinese feminist fiction; friendship; historical fiction; Japanese lit; silk industry; silk workers; sisterhood; women; WWII; Century of Books; 1991 (1), from prior to L/T; Century of Books; 1931 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; bk 1; ROOT; Persephone Author; Century of Books; 1949; kindle; 1940s; Brit lit; comfort read; family saga; fiction; romance; Scotland; village life; Century of Books; 1949 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; kindle; With Audible; Fiction; ROOT from before L/T (1), WISHLIST; HISTORICAL FICTION; FANTASY FICTION; bk 1; ROOT; CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1938 (1), WISHLIST; Africa; travel; shorts; 1970s Africa; fiction; East Africa; Hemingway; Kenya; ; novellas; post-colonialism; Century of Books; 1978 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; hardcopy; Channel Islands; German occupation; WWII; (a story told in letters); Century of Books; 2008 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; 1950s; WWII Beijing (1), China; Communism; Romance; Vermont; Century of Books; 1957 (1), GENERAL FICTION; kindle; American lit; disabilities; family fiction; hope; marriage; mental health; personal development; Century of Books; 1972 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; Biographical Novel; (Oriental Novels of Pearl S. Buck); Century of Books; 1956 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; Oriental Novels of Pearl S. Buck SERIES (1), bk 8; American Lit; China; Chinese women; The Classics; Asian culture; Century of Books; 1929 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; ANTHOLOGY; H/C; Historical Fiction; Brit lit; Caribbean; England; London; modernism; Paris; Century of Books; 1931 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 2; Century of Books; 1932 (1), ROMANTIC FICTION; kindle; BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; Century of Books; 1990 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; hardcopy; The House of Earth: Trilogy (1), bk 1; the Classics; ROOT (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; 20th century American lit; Asia; China; concubine; fact based fiction; historical fiction; Judaism; romance; Century of Books; 1948 (1), MYSTERY; HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; (248); ; gothic lit; suspense; thriller; Century of Books; 1965 (1), the CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1911 (1), GENERAL FICTION; Y/A; kindle; ROOT (1), CHILDREN'S LIT; Y/A; the CLASSICS; kindle; WW I; the Boer War; Century of Books; 1905 (1), NONFICTION; BIOGRATHICAL; Africa; Anthology; hardcopy; Scandi-Lit; CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1937: (Out of Africa); 1960: (Shadows On The Grass) (1), GENERAL FICTION; Romantic Fiction; ROOT; Relationships; Century of Books; 2001 (1), ROMANTIC FICTION; kindle; BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; library book; Century of Books; 1973; (1), ROMANTIC FICTION; kindle; BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; Century of Books; 1993 (1), ROMANTIC FICTION; kindle; BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; Century of Books; 1970 (1), ROMANTIC FICTION; kindle; BETTY NEELS; ROOT; prior to L/T; Cebtury of Books; 1999 (1), GENERAL FICTION; ROOT; Classics; hardcopy; AMERICAN CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1943 (1), MYSTERY; kindle; British crime fiction; family secrets; murder mystery; psychological thriller; sisters; suspense; thriller; (Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine); Century of Books; 1993 (1), PARANORMAL; GOTHIC; ROOT; kindle; gothic; 1 of 40 scariest books of the past 200 years; Century of Books; 1890 (1), Kindle; Y/A or Children's lit; fantasy; fairy tale; 1864 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; AMERICAN CLASSICS; kindle; ROOT;Century of Books; 2007 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; American Classics; kindle; ROOT; Century of Books; 2005 (1), NOIR; Mystery; Suspense; (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; VMC; (78); The Prairie Trilogy; bk 2; ROOT; kindle; Century of Books; 1915 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; ROOT; VMC; (127); The Prairie Trilogy; bk 1; kindle Century of Books; 1913 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; VMC; (22); bk 3; kindle; ROOT; AMERICAN CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1918 (1), PERSEPHONE; (#29); (328); bk 1; Women's Fiction; kindle; ROOT; published 1901 (1), kindle; CHILDREN'S LIT; (26); CLASSICS; 1906 (1), CHIILDREN'S LIT / Y/A; (416); FANTASY FICTION; kindle; Century of Books; 1900 (1), Hardcopy; Pulp; Noir; (327); Detective; Crime; Mystery; Suspense; Thriller; Crime; Fiction; 1941 (1), Kindle; American lit; romance; NYRB; 1886 (1), Kindle; fiction; Y/A; 1857 (1), CHIDREN'S LIT / Y/A; Shorts; (18); Classics; Christmas; Century of Books; 1905 (1), CHILDREN'S LIT / Y/A; Virago author; ROOT; CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1916 (1), VMC 1940s CHALLENGE; WORK; Kindle; Persephone author; WWll era; clergy wives; Furrowed Middlebrow; Women's Fiction; Century of Books; 1940 (1), kindle; HISTORICAL FICTION; Century of Books; 2014 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; kindle; 1895 (1), A Lady of Quality (1); Y/A; Kindle; 1896 (1), VMC; (441); 1995 (1), VMC; (73); hardcopy; WOMEN'S FICTION; Dominica; sisters; 1953 (1), hardcopy; Brit Lit; WOMEN'S FICTION; Century of Books; 1977 (1), kindle; VMC; general FICTION;; Century of Books; 1957 (1), hardcopy; Century of Books; 1965; (?) (1), hardcopy; WOMEN'S FICTION; Brit Lit;; Century of Books; 1953 (1), Kindle; Brit Lit; WOMEN'S FICTION; humor; romance; marriage; satire; British Isles; Century of Books; 1960 (1), Kindle; Anthology; The Rescuers; Miss Bianca; The Turret; Bernard the Brave; Miss Bianca in the Orient (1), The Rescuers (8); kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1977 ? (1), kindle?; Century of Books; 1984 (1), MYSTERY; SUSPENSE; SPY THRILLER; Historical FICTION; bk 2; Mystery; Suspense; Thriller; Espionage; WWII; Century of Books; 1991 (1), The Rescuers (3); kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1963 (1), FANTASY FICTION; ROOT; Century of Books; 2013 (1), Persephone; (24); hardcopy; the 7 Ages of Women Virago Theme Read (1), 1997; Arthurian/Merlin legend; fantasy fiction; folklore; myths; omnibus; hot review (1), CRITTERS; kindle; ROOT (1), Century of Books; 1934 (1), VMC; (532); (Farrar (1), 1st Orange Prize Winner (1), ; prior to L/T; Hardcopy; Century of Books; 1986 (1), contains: The Fiddler in the Barley (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; Century of Books; 1947 (1), CRITTERS; kindle; Y/A; (just a boy & his cat); Century of Books; 1957 (1), CRITTERS; kindle; Y/A; Century of Books; 1958 (1), PERSEPHONE; MAY; Century of Books; 1939 (1), Y/A; children's book; Kindle; 1001 Books to Read List; 1871 (1), FANTASY FICTION; Y/A; Anthology; BFB (1), 2015 (motherhood); (with bookmark); Century of Books; 1948 (1), 1727 pages; Mermaids; Century of Books; 2005-2012 (1), kindle; British Lit; the CLASSICS; J/A; Century of Books; 1871 (1), kindle; CLASSICS; 1917 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; Virago Fiction; Century of Books; 1962 (1), kindle; Women's Fiction; Historical Fiction; WW II; romance; 1944 (1), WOMENS FICTION; GENERAL FICTION; kindle; sisters & secrets; Century of Books; 2017 (1), American South; Historical FICTION; the great depression; Century of Books; 1987 (1), WISHLIST; AMERICAN SOUTH; bk 2; Century of Books; 1991 (1), CRITTERS; beloved from childhood; hardcopy; kindle; Y/A; Century of Books; 1959 (1), Historical FICTION; hardcopy; ROOT; CHRISTMAS; Women's Fiction; Century of Books; 2002 (1), FANTASY FICTION; hardcopy; Romance; Century of Books; 1945 (1), NOIR; Mystery; Century of Books; 1942 (1), 1996; Century of Books; 1995 (1), The Rescuers (5); kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1970 (1), The Rescuers (2); kindle; Anthology; Century of Books; 1962 (1), hardcopy; in anthology; shorts; NOIR; mystery; suspense; thriller; crime fiction; (1), FANTASY FICTION; kindle; Century of Books; 1936 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 1; WOMEN'S FICTION; ROOT; kindle; Century of Books; 1932 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; bk 3; ROOT; PERSEPHONE; kindle; Century of Books; 1943 (1), ANTHOLOGY; (The Barley Fields); Century of Books; 1927 (1), ANTHOLOGY; (The Barley Fields); Century of Books; 1926 (1), The Bishop's Wife (1), Century of Books; 1970 (1), & There is Another Heaven; (1), kindle; Century of Books; 1942 (1), kindle; (collected works of Robert Nathan (1), II); Century of Books; 1967 (1), ANTHOLOGY; (The Barley Fields); Century of Books; 1931 (1), The Woodcutter's House (1), FANTASY FICTION; kindle; love (1), CHILDREN'S LIT; Y/A; HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 1; h/c; Century of Books; 1951 (1), GENERAL FICTION; bk 2; kindle; Century of Books; 2019 (1), LOST GENERATION; Century of Books; 1939; CLASSICS; AMERICAN LIT; favorite author; banned books; ROOT; historical fiction; AMERICAN CLASSICS (1), LOST GENERATION; Century of Books; 1961; the Nobel Prize; 1962; favorite book by favorite author; classic; American lit; AMERICAN CLASSICS (1), VMC; (189); kindle; ROOT; (1), Straus and Giroux edition); traveller; (1), GENERAL FICTION; WOMEN'S FICTION; (originally entitled [A Start in Life]; Domestic Fiction; ROOT; Century of Books; 1981 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; ROOT; VMC; (365); kindle; AMERICAN CLASSICS; Century of Books; 1911 (1), NONFICTION; hardcopy; bio; jazz; NYRB; VMC Author; Century of Books; 1938 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; GENERAL FICTION; hardcopy; gay fiction; Century of Books; 2006; (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; ROOT; Shorts; South Pacific Islands; Classics; Century of Books; 1947 (1), FANTASY FICTION; kindle; fairies; Galway; historical fiction; Ireland; magical; Century of Books; 2014 (1), Kindle; 18th Century; Canadian lit; fantasy fiction; Genealogy; genetic memory; romantic historical fiction; Jacobite Rebellion; mystery; paranormal; Scotland; time travel; time-slip; (1), hardcopy; American South; Coming of Age; Historical Fiction; bk 1; ROOT (1), WISHLIST; GENERAL FICTION; Domestic Fiction; Century of Books; 2015 (1), France; ROOT; Century of Books; 2014 (1), hardcopy; Brit Lit; WOMEN'S FICTION; Century of Books; 1935 (1), MYSTERY; kindle; Century of Books; 1984 (1), MYSTERY; cosy; a Locked Room Mystery; kindle; Century of Books; 1922 (1), NONFICTION; 270 pgs; Santa Thing 2014 (1), olegalCA; Middle East; Africa; kindle; Century of Books; 2014 (1), hardcopy; IN WA; British Lit; Y.A.; Women's Fiction; 1991 (1), L.A. Quartet; book 2; noir crime fiction; Century of Books; 1988 (1), L.A. Quartet; book 3; noir crime fiction; Century of Books; 1990 (1), L.A. Quartet; book 4; noir crime fiction; Century of Books; 1992 (1), WOMEN'S FICTION; VMC; (556); Shorts; Village Life; Brit Lit; hardcopy; Essays; Century of Books; 1987 (1), Historical FICTION; Mystery; Suspense; Spy Thriller; bk 3; Espionage; Century or Books; 1995 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; bk 1; Mystery; Suspense; Spy Thriller; Espionage; Eastern Europe; kindle; library book; WWII; Century of Books; 1988 (1), kindle; mystery; detective; crime; fiction; 1984 (1), MYSTERY; kindle; Suspense; Thriller; Century of Books; 1987 (1), MYSTERY; Supense; kindle; Century of Books; 1996 (1), MYSTERY; Country House Mystery; kindle; Gothic Lit; (Movie The Spiral Staircase was based upon this novel); Century of Books; 1933 (1), FANTASY FICTION; MYSTERY; SUSPENSE; THRILLER; bk 1; kindle; Magic Realism; Historical Fiction; Gothic; Spanish Civil War; Spanish Lit; Century of Books; 2001 (1), Kindle; ROOT; in omnibus; Brit lit; mystery; detective fiction; gothic lit; literary fiction; BFB (1), WISHLIST; MYSTERY; Spy Thriller; Century of Books; 1981 (?) (1), WISHLIST; MYSTERY; Spy Thriller; Historical Fiction; Espionage; Century of Books; 1984 (?) (1), NONFICTION; American History; Native Americans; kindle ; Y/A; bio; 1958 (1), LOST GENERATION; NONFICTION; Poetry; Cats; Magic Realism; Classic; poetry; Century of Books; 1939 (1), WISHLIST; AMERICAN SOUTH; FICTION; Port William Membership Series; bk 5; Century of Books; 2000 (1), AMERICAN SOUTH; FICTION; Port William Membership Series; bk 1; library book; kindle; Century of Books; 1960 (1), WISHLIST; AMERICAN SOUTH; FICTION; Port William Membership Series; bk 2; Century of Books; 1988 (1), Anthology; Century of Books; 1909 (1), The Orchid (1), ANTHOLOGY; Century of Books; 1913 (1), HISTORICAL FICTION; kindle; WWII; blindness; Paris (1), Virago nonfiction; bio; kindle (1), Century of Books; 1943 (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 30, 2007
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I am not much of a one for horror and science fiction. I read war books, both fiction & nonfiction, books of by & about women, books of, by and about the peoples of Africa and books of Africa itself. I enjoy women's fiction, memoirs, bios, nonfiction, (depending on the subject matter) the classics and also mysteries, noir/pulp, P.I & cop novels!
Informazione su di me
Reading is my "safe" place.

My favorite author is John Steinbeck. Also, quite often, it becomes whoever I am reading at the time.

My favorite poet is A.E. Housman.

My favorite bookstore is Amazon.com

I live in Spirit Lake, Idaho
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Librerie: Book 'n' Brush, Bookhaven

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Biblioteca interessante