
Oct 12, 2021
La mia biblioteca
As a queer, multiracial POC, I love to read books with diverse casts that tackle all sorts of complicated subjects and show how messy the human experience can be. I also love to take hundreds of screencaps of everything I'm reading and message my friends constantly about the books and characters that have stolen my heart.
Informazione su di me
A Harvard alumni with a degree centered around media studies, I've recently turned to reviewing books on Goodreads and Amazon. Over the past 3 months, I've been reading 2-3 books per day to make up for all the years where school and work got in the way. My reviews tend to focus on a mix of critical analysis and discussion of elements of the plot, characters, and world that I found interesting and exciting. I like to keep my reviews spoiler free and to include a quote at the beginning that stuck with me.

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