
picture book (267), children's (263), school (125), WA 14 (100), WA 15 (86), fantasy (57), classic (56), WA 13 (52), TX (47), YA (47), graphic (46), RC list (39), history (37), science (36), easy reader (35), picture books (35), mom read aloud (29), easy chapter (26), audio (21), classics (17), series (17), non-fiction (11), poetry (10), fairy tale (9), biography (8), mystery (7), collection (7), religion (7), mythology (7), Christmas (6), dystopian (6), animals (6), WA (5), board book (5), guide (4), myths and legends (3), anthology (3), math (3), reread (3), middle school (3), craft (2), french (2), Casey's (2), WA 12 (2), language (2), tales (2), sci fi (2), folktales (2), historical fiction (1), sci-fi (1), newberry winner (1), art (1), literature (1), encyclopedia (1), Easter (1), historical (1), puzzles (1), nature (1), spanish (1), music (1), don't remember (1), didn't finish (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Dec 12, 2009
La mia biblioteca
My library is great! We have lots of books at home. But we also borrow lots and lots from the library! Sometimes we check out 100 books! I just love to read books. I want to go to the library all the time.
Informazione su di me
Hi! I love to ballet dance and I am a reader. I love books about science and history. We started this book list way too late for me to put in all of the books I've read from the library over the past few years. I started reading when I was four and now I'm [twelve].
I am homeschooled.