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Aug 8, 2009
La mia biblioteca
Mostly fantasy so far! More books to come.
Informazione su di me
I am a compleate fantasy nut! (I do read other kinds of books sometimes.) I love Harry Potter, Twilight, Gemma Doyle, Sisters Grimm, Gail Carson Levine, Eva Ibbotson, and many other books and authors!
Here are some other intresting things about me:
1. I am a fan of both Harry Potter and Twilight!
2. Twilight-wise, I'm on team Switzerland!
3. My favorite magical animal is a phoenix!
4. My favorite non-magical animals are dogs,cats,horses,
ferrets,otters,mice,woves and okapis!
5. I love Shakespere and my favorite play is A Middsummers Nights Dream
6. My library has a lot of horse books because when I was younger I went through a horse obsession phase and I would read anything to do with horses. Same goes for dogs.
7. I keep a list of books I want and their release dates.
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