
Romance (30), Abenteuer (19), Love (19), Jugendbuch (19), History (19), England (17), Pferde (16), Freundschaft (13), Geschichte (10), Roman (9), Humour (6), Indianer (6), Lakota (6), Magic (5), Horses (5), Fantasy (5), Philosophy (5), young adult (4), Wyoming (3), growing up (3), princess (3), diary (3), family (3), Thriller (3), cat (3), school (3), New York City (3), Liebe (2), Cornwall (2), Racetrack (2), Timetravel (1), Young adult (1), dormitory (1), humour (1), Amazon (1), Adventure (1), Frankreich (1), love (1), college (1), Travel (1), Biography (1), Kairo (1), crime (1), Scotland (1), Second World War (1), Eventing (1), Erwachsen werden (1), Vater-Sohn-Beziehung (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 17, 2008
La mia biblioteca
My library was born out of my love for books, of course. It is huge, I don't know how many 1000 books I own right now. I already owned more than 3000 books when I left my parents home. When I used to move from one appartment to another the books were a major problem. In one place the floor was not able to support them, and we had to keep half of them in the cellar. Now we have finally found the perfect place for them. My husband and I bought a nice little row house with a huge room below the roof, where I could put up high shelfs. It's a magnificent sight when you come up the stairs to all that splendor. You cannot see the wall for all those books. My brother does not understand why I put my romance collection up front, though. Other collections are: animals (with a huge part on horses), native americans, travel/culture, history, fantasy, children and young adult, comics, theology, selfhelp, movies, chick lit, novels... Huge parts of my books come from second hand shops and other places where you can get great books for low prices. I had to discard some books over the years, and it still hurts. Worse are the lost ones that never came back to me from the people I lent them to.
Informazione su di me
My first profession is bookseller, and I will always be that in my soul. In order to provide for myself, my familiy and my horses I chose to work in another field, became a librarian and am now working as an information specialist. Not so many books in that, most of the information I treat today is digital.