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Ronald Garcia-Fogarty
La mia biblioteca
I have tags for the books according to their location in our house: living room, office south, office north, play room, kitchen.

"Primary wish list" are books that are at the top of my wish list. My "secondary wish list" are also books I would like to read, though a little less urgently that in the primary list. The "maybe list" includes books that I do not own, and plan to either add to my primary or secondary wish lists, or take off my library. I own all other listed books, and have read and recommend most of them.

Rating system: 5 stars: excelent, 4 stars: very good, 3 stars: good, 2 stars: poor, 1 star: terrible.
Informazione su di me
Social justice activist, feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, queer ally, multiracial triple citizen to Nicaragua, USA and Guatemala, have lived almost equal amounts of time in Nicaragua and the USA, as well as a few years in the late seventies in Guatemala. Married to wonderful woman from Georgia, we have a little boy born July 2005.

I currently live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I have worked for El Centro Hispano, El Vinculo Hispano, Health Unlimited, the National Organizers Alliance (NOA), the Convergence of Movements of the Peoples of the Americas (COMPA), and el Centro Independiente de Trabajadores Agricolas (CITA), among other organizations. I studied at Vassar College and the School for International Service (SIS) at American University.
Chapel Hill, NC
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