
cd rock (687), italy (469), france (383), travel (372), american lit (274), food (222), cd (192), paris (176), brit lit (161), western american history (149), scifi (138), music (88), venice (85), western american lit (81), wine (80), cd fingerstyle guitar (79), cd pop (78), american history (73), cd folk (68), california (66), reference (62), tuscany (57), provence (54), sicily (52), rome (50), florence (44), art (41), world history (40), lit (39), spain (38), cd jazz (38), cd country (34), cd jazz guitar (31), classics (31), cd blues (30), africa (28), nature/science (27), ya fiction (25), childrens (24), cd country rock (24), law (23), journalism (21), books (21), cd africa (19), humor (19), mexico (19), china (18), england (17), sierra (16), greece (16), london (14), world lit (13), cdrock (9), cd prog rock (9), cd electronica (8), naples (7), brittany (7), ital lit (7), cd jazz piano (6), germany (5), cd comedy (5), russia (5), umbria (4), uk (4), cd fusion (4), siena (4), colorado (3), essays (3), corfu (3), France (3), portugal (3), classic (3), baja (2), itally (2), britlit (2), american li (2), nantucket (2), cd figerstyle guitar (1), cd latin guitar (1), cd movie soundtrack (1), jazz piano (1), cd world (1), new york (1), film (1), europe (1), india (1), nature (1), cyprus (1), barcelona (1), madrid (1), corsica (1), silk road (1), fingerstyle guitar (1), los angeles (1), japan (1), san francisco (1), American lit (1), cd fingerstyle (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 10, 2007
Nome vero
Henry Heater
La mia biblioteca
My tags speak for themselves. I only collect books by writers I like or on subject matters I like. I do not collect bindings or first editions; nor am I a completist because even my favorite writers produce some clunkers. I have read nearly every book in my catalog with the exception of some of the more turgid and prolix classics. I also have a passion for science fiction; however, I generally buy used paperbacks which I do not keep and which therefore are not catalogued. I generally prefer nonfiction; however, I collect books on inspectors/detectives who live in my favorite cities or locales, including Maigret in France, Montalbano in Sicily, Bruno in the Dordogne, and Brunetti in Venice. Within the last several years I have been cataloguing my music collection.Create your own visitor map!
Informazione su di me
I am a retired lawyer living in San Diego. I have been married 44 years and have two adult children. In addition to books, my passions include: playing the guitar, cooking, and hiking, fishing and skiing in the Eastern Sierra where we have a second home.
San Diego, CA
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Librerie: Wahrenbrock’s Book House

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