
wind (1), but this could be a hard case to quack. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: V Genre: Non- Fiction Synopsis: The Nature in Action series captivates young readers (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-2 Guided Reading Level: G Genre: Comedy Synopsis: This book is about a little boy named David and all he hears from his mother as he breaks his mother's rules is "No (1), David!" (1), "That's enough (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: J Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Alex just has to convince his mom to let him have an iguana (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Fiction Synopsis: A dog and a cat take turns explaining what is wonderful about being who they are. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Someone has pilfered a peck of perfectly picked purple peppers. Ducktective Web and his partner Bill are hot on the trail of the pepper pincher (1), so he puts his arguments in writing. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: This book is about Alexander and his terrible (1), and "Settle down!" Writing Trait: Voice (1), stirring their interest in science with dramatic photographs of the powerful effects of nature. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: K Genre: Fiction Synopsis: While riding to the lake in their rattletrap car (1), Poppa and the children come up with creative solutions each time the car breaks down. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: I Genre: Adventure Synopsis: Boris von der Borch is a mean (1), greedy old pirate and when a young boy sneaks into Boris' ship (1), he discovers that Boris and his mates aren't quite what he expected. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: P Genre: Poetry Synopsis: This is a book of poems about Halloween and monsters. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), very bad day.. Writing Trait: Organization (1), and dinner. The only bad part about living in Chewandswallow is that the people don't get their choice of what they'd like to fall from the sky . But one day something goes terribly wrong. Writing Trait: Organization (1), travel through America and experience some of its small wonders. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: H Genre: Comedy Synopsis: This is a story of a duck who decides to try riding a bike and loves it!. Writing Trait: Ideas (1), " a woman answers indirectly by poetically evoking her own happily remembered childhood. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: J Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Hally is a fine and loving dog with horrible breath! When Mr. and Mrs. Tosis decide to give her away (1), their children find ways to cure the problem-but nothing works. Until Hally catches two burglars (1), licks their faces (1), and they pass out cold!. Writing Trait: Ideas (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy Synopsis: This is the story of a father and a son and the big (1), raspberry-colored (1), troublemaking best friend who brings them closer together. Writing Trait: Ideas (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Grandpa's teeth have mysteriously disappeared (1), they get a different kind of weather that falls from the sky three times a day: breakfast (1), and the whole town is under suspicion. The only way for people to prove they are innocent is to smile'all the time!. Writing Trait: Ideas (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Mystery/Suspense Synopsis: A nine-year-old girl keeps a notebook (1), in which she records her thoughts and feelings about moving (1), and dealing with her older sister (1), as well as keeping her old best friend and making a new one.. Writing Trait: Ideas (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy/Adventure Synopsis: A monstrous mutt terrorizes the residents of Mousopolis. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades 1-3 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Life in the wonderful town of Chewandswallow is great. Instead of snow (1), or rain (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: N Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: From Ohio in the Midwest to the coast of Oregon (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: Brothers Max and Julian each want to hold a special place in their mother's heart. During an evening fishing trip (1), "Momma (1), "Look after the baby (1), then the ceiling (1), then HIMSELF!. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Silliness takes over when the punctuation marks in Mr. Wright's class decide to take a vacation. Students discover how difficult life can be without punctuation (1), even as they enjoy the amusing postcards they receive from the vacationers. Writing Trait: Conventions (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-2 Guided Reading Level: C Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: One- and two-word exchanges on each spread lead to a tentative offer of friendship (1), sealed as both boys jump high in the air and yell "Yow!". Writing Trait: Conventions (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Adventure Synopsis: The book begins with the mother saying (1), Carl. I'll be back shortly." Let the adventure begin! Carl looks out the window to make sure Mom is gone. Once the coast is clear (1), " one creative kid floods his world with color (1), the baby crawls out of the crib and onto Carl's back. Where will their adventure take them? Writing Trait: Conventions (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: General Nonfiction Synopsis: Lively illustrations show how misplacing or leaving out a comma can change the meaning of a sentence completely. Writing Trait: Conventions (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Informational Synopsis: This book introduces young readers to different types of words through rhyming verse and illustrations of comical cartoon cats. Writing Trait: Conventions (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Informational Synopsis: All types of pronouns are explained in this colorful book-possessive (1), indefinite (1), and interrogative. Writing Trait: Conventions (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Informational Synopsis: The rhyming text and bright (1), colorful illustrations bring the topic of nouns alive for your students. Writing Trait: Conventions (1), painting first the walls (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Poetry/Songs Synopsis: To the tune of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More (1), the two boys vie for their mother's affection and ask her which one she thinks is the best at digging for worms (1), "learns to cherish the people and places around him (1), rowing the boat (1), and catching fish. Later (1), as mother tucks them into bed (1), Max and Julian want to know which boy their mother loves best. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: T Genre: Poetry Synopsis: Seventeen haiku about the animal kingdom. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Fiction Synopsis: Within the sanctuary of a loving family (1), baby Eli is born and (1), as he grows (1), eventualy passing on what he has discovered to his new baby sister (1), his mother calls him. Not once but five times. “ It's not fair!” Raymond thinks. Then he thinks: “ What if I had my own MEANWHILE...?” Comic books always use MEANWHILE... to change the scene. So Raymond tries writing it on the wall behind his bed. (1), Sylvie. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: Sassy is a long-legged girl who always has something to say. She wants to be a ballerina more than anything (1), but she worries that her too-large feet (1), too-long legs (1), and even her big mouth will keep her from her dream. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: This book is about a young girl and her father take a nighttime stroll near the farm where they live to look for owls. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy Synopsis: Get ready to burst into song as some of our most beloved childhood favorites have been given new silly-dilly lyrics guaranteed to make kids giggle. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluen (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: N Genre: Fiction Synopsis: Just when Raymond is in the middle of a comic book (1), where are you from? (1), Interest Level: Grades 3PreK-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Fiction Synopsis: In answer to her daughter's question (1), horrible (1), and might keep him busy for days to come. Writing Trait: Organization (1), a brave heart (1), who won't be left behind if there is an adventure. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Adventure Synopsis: This book is about Mei-Mei who has six hens in China but (1), one isn't very happy. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about a small boy who gets to experience life as a Pirate on the open sea. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: S Genre: Fiction Synopsis: This book is about a family who is forced to flee their Caribbean island and set sail for America in a small fishing boar after police find them. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-2 Guided Reading Level: K Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about a generous boy who shares a cookie with a hungry mouse. It is the beginning of a chain of events that keeps the boy busy all day long (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: P Genre: Western Synopsis: In Cornwall (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: I Genre: Fiction Synopsis: This book is about a little bug who sneezes and causes a chain of calamities. Writing Trait: Organization (1), the fishing village of Mousehole is caught behind its harbour walls by the Great Storm-Cat. Growing hungry (1), Mowzer the cat and her pet (1), fisherman Tom (1), set sail to fish for food for the starving town. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: Q Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: The big bad wolf has spent ten years in pig prison for the destruction of the three little pigs (1), and he has quite a story to tell that just might prove his innocence. Writing Trait: Organization (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about Ike (1), who is sent to obedience school by his owner and he is not happy about this decision. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Adventure Synopsis: This book is Margaret (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: J Genre: Fantasy Synopsis: This story is about a young boy whose imagination transports him far away from problems at home to a land where almost anything can happen. Writing Trait: Idea (1), a worm not that different from you or me. Writing Trait: Voice (1), at the end of the day (1), no good (1), lunch (1), starting school (1), Duke Ellington (1), a dog (1), Tulip (1), a man and his dog (1), fun-loving (1), demonstrative (1), a six-year old African American girl who integrated an all-white elementary school in 1960. Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Comedy and Humor (1), General Fiction Synopsis: This book addresses the serious topics of honesty and lying. Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about Eva who is given a homework assignment to write about what happens in her Manhattan neighborhood. Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: This book is about the love between a blind boy and his grandmother.Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: This book is about a family's history woven into a quilt. Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: N Genre: Adventure Synopsis: This book is about a boy who boards a mysterious train on Christmas Eve. Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: O Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book reveals just some of the secrets grown-ups don't tell children. Writing Trait: Idea (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: W Genre: Autobiography Synopsis: This is the story of Ruby Bridges (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: K Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This is the diary...of a worm. Surprisingly (1), Interest Level: Grades 1-5 Guided Reading Level: P Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about a teacher who tells her class that they can think of almost everything as a math problem (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: R Genre: Historical Fiction Synopsis: This picture book tells the story of Langston Hughes's rise to accomplishing his dream of being a writer. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), into and out of the woods.. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Informational Synopsis: This book highlights key words in the text. Verbs like toss and tumble (1), jump and jam (1), jog and juggle (1), jig and leap are printed in color for easy identification. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: N Genre: Fiction Synopsis: This book is about a young girl escaping slavery via the Underground Railroad. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: P Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: On a moonlit winter night (1), a team of dogs pulls a sled (1), taking the narrator and readers on a wondrous ride through the snow (1), green Amazon rain forest (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: S Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: When Sage's spelling and definition of a word reveal her misunderstanding of it to her classmates (1), a man has come to chop down a great Kapok tree. When he lies down to rest (1), the creatures that inhabit the tree and the surrounding forest come to whisper in his ear (1), each begging him to spare their home. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-3 Guided Reading Level: P Genre: Folk Tale Synopsis: In the dense (1), Interest Level: Grades 6-8 Guided Reading Level: U Genre: Poetry Synopsis: This book is a follow-up to "Hoop Queens (1), " and captures the essence of eleven NBA players in riveting poetry full of action and true basketball grit.. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: This book alternates between boys' and girls' points-of-view as they explore their physical attributes and personalities in rhymes. Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Poetry Synopsis: The important thing about "The Important Book" — is that you let your child tell you what is important about the sun and the moon and the wind and the rain and a bug and a bee an (1), she is at first embarrassed but then uses her mistake as inspiration for the vocabulary parade. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Fables and Folktales Synopsis: John Henry is a natural phenomenon in this African-American folk hero tale. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), one student acquires a math anxiety which becomes a real curse. Writing Trait: Voice (1), struggles when she finds that all the letters and numbers get jumbled up. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: K Genre: Fiction Synopsis: This book is about Merl who's life is turned upside down when a golden retriever puppy moves into the house. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: Clover has always wondered why a fence separates the black side of town from the white side. But this summer when Annie (1), a white girl from the other side (1), begins to sit on the fence (1), Clover grows more curious about the reason why the fence is there and about the daring girl who sits on it (1), rain or shine. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Fable Synopsis: This poem is about a wily spider who preys on the vanity and innocence of a little fly. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades 2-4 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Realistic Fiction/Autobiography Synopsis: This book is about Little Trisha who is overjoyed at the thought of learning how to read but (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-1 Guided Reading Level: M Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about a howling wolf who once leaped at a pig (1), which must prove it has taught its students how to think--or have them sent to dreary Flobbertown. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), a duck (1), and a cow — and got no reaction. Writing Trait: Voice (1), Interest Level: Grades K-2 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This book is about Henry Baloney who is facing permanent lifelong detention for being late to school. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: P Genre: Informational Synopsis: This book creatively clarifies the concept of adverbs for young readers with delightfully playful rhymes and extremely humorous illustrations. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Biography Synopsis: The story of one of America's greatest composers (1), is told in a jazz-inspired prose. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades 6-8 Guided Reading Level: N/A Genre: Poetry Synopsis: This book features WNBA basketball players and fun poems about them. Writing Trait: Word Choice (1), Interest Level: Grades PreK-3 Guided Reading Level: L Genre: Comedy and Humor Synopsis: This is a story about Miss Bonkers and the quirky Diffendoofer School (1), Interest Level: Grades 3-5 Guided Reading Level: N Genre: Realistic Fiction Synopsis: This book explores dialogue and punctuation. It also contains a serious message about making right decisions. Writing Trait: Conventions (1)
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May 31, 2012