Nome vero
Michelle Knight
La mia biblioteca
I do read for pleasure and one thing not listed on the "Choose a service," is "BookLikes" where you will also find me on under msknight where I've done a number of reviews.
I read a range of things and have been willing to give books a go which are wildly off my usual faire. However, due to a long driving commute and a busy job (and writing!) I don't eat them at a rate that some other people manage!
Informazione su di me
My main career is I.T. but I've done all sorts to earn a living, including light truck driving and photography. I'm relatively creative and I have a dark sense of humour; I like to raise a smile where I can! BDSM is a part of my soul and I talk relatively freely about it; the reality, not the fiction, so don't be scared to ask if you wish. I'm transsexual; social role changing in the early 90's and surgery happening in the early 2000's. As a result I've got dual Mars/Venus nationality ;-) - To add injury to insult, I'm mildly dyslexic. Yes, I know, a dyslexic author who is also a 70wpm touch typist ... the result ... alphabet soup!
Sussex, UK
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