
Available on Melcat (14), library (12), melcat (10), Available @ library online (5), Sad (3), funny (2), TRUE tale about how at a bad time in life (1), followed by Mary I. (1), A young Jew in disguise hides right under royalty's nose by being in court during the short period of Edward I (1), with only two servants for company (1), Battle of the Roses - fights between cousins over the English rule... Lancaster (1), heart wrenching stories of parents writing honestly about their special needs children. (1), a single charismatic voice triumphs. (1), throw-the-book-against-the-wall (1), John Selden believes he can turn his daughter into a brilliant natural philosopher and alchemist. Secluded in their ancient house (1), tough life of a pural man's 2nd wife. Intense and real. (1), AMAZING book on the history of jealousy (1), About a girl stuck in a virtual reality game that she must complete under a certain set time or she may suffer extreme consequences. (1), and tattoos herself with black ink that by the end of the book turns a healthy green... (1), is all alone (1), About a young girl who loses everyone (1), Good historical fiction about the Elizabethan Era (1), where Emilie Selden has been raised in near isolation by her father. A student of Isaac Newton (1), There are long-held secrets at the manor house in Buckinghamshire (1), a story about a land that has no negative feelings (1), About an old woman who's town grows around her but she remains stubbornly unchanged (1), not knowing that she is dying but from her inner voice and the voices of her family and doctor around her you know she's dying.. (1), Story about how an old 80 year old woman is losing it at the end from her perspective (1), A Classic tale of remorse (1), or if it was removed Omelas would stop being peaceful (1), yet in the basement of one house lives a naked child who speaks to no one and sits in its own poop all day yet if anyone helped it (1), full of metaphors (1), although a lot is purely fictional. (1), but in the end get nothing - and the sarcasm at the end from the narrator - it was good. (1), I thought it was a great ironic story about two people who sell the things they love the most to get something for their spouse (1), I Have Been Her Kind: I wrote a biographical literary analysis on this poem. (1), I wrote a psychological critical analysis of this poem based on the character of Tom and his dream; the manifest and latent content and self-fulfilling prophecy. (1), Story about a squire for Robert Dudley as a spy agianst the Dudley family in order to save Elizabeth I from harm during the crisis of Edward the I's death and Mary's reign. (1), A novel told through the eyes of a boy and his friends who obsess over a family of five girls (1), all who commit suicide in a year. (1), good Biblical-style story. (1), About a earthy hippie midwife in New England who may have killed a woman during a c-section when the woman in labor was thought to be dead. From her daughter's point of view. (1), something they never heard of (..... Planet Terror anyone?) (1), wonderful characters imaginative (1), Best read-aloud (1), It was full of varying stories about the Zombie War... It was based on culture and race and gender and nationality... Brooks really did his homework with it and I thought it was extremely well done for a zombie thriller. More political then science fictio (1), Amazing series of books!!! I loved each one. (1), and surprisingly ghosts into a victorian timesetting that was historically acturate as well as provocative. Can't wait to read the next one. (1), AWESOME combonation of vampires (1), with only a few known surivivors in a small clearing in an English woods - the diseased zombies get in the town and a few try a path to the sea (1), A great vampire story - not as good as Anne Rice however. (1), and good enough to make me have nightmares and STILL want to read another one. ;) (1), AMAZING mysterious characters (1), One of the BEST books I have read in a loooong time. It is set back in the late 1800's (1), but it was covered up by stupidity. Ella Enchanted was better. (1), that the good story was there (1), It was an alright piece of work - it seemed like the movie version of a good story - meaning (1), wish-the-a-goblin-could-come-and-steal-you book ever. Once you read it you could never forget about Kate and Marak. (1), Took a bit to get through because of the detail (1), great human emotion. I thought it was a biography; it was written so well! (1), Wonderful tale of a middle-aged man who has a surgery to jump him from an IQ of 70 to 200-something in less then a year. Tragic (1), Book about a man who grew up as a girl - hermaphrodite.Sad (1), The very first book that got me hooked on re-tellings of fairytales. It was descriptive and utterly enchanting. (1), great irony (1), Wonderful metaphorical writing (1), and ironic. (1), metaphrical (1), Story about Sarah before and during her relationship with Abraham - 99.9% pure fiction. (1), but it was FANTASIC. One of the best books ever. I LOVED it. So detailed and made you really want to spend all day in a library just from the phrases and metaphors and references... (1), followed by her brother and two friends Xavier and Xathe at the Golden Hour. (1), to bring back a sister who travels at the Sliver Hour (1), Great time-travel story to the French Revolution (1), Story about a doctor who helps his wife give birth to twins - but the daughter has Down's Syndrom so he gives her away to the nurse. The family never knows about the daughter's existence. (1), Book going back and forth between an old man in a nursing home and his previous memories being a vet in a little-known circus. (1), Great sassy british humor about a tough situation (1), Story about a young girl and her "sister" Emma dealing with a mother who ignores them and a stepfather who abuses them during the Depression. (1), he fills Emilie with knowledge and records her progress obsessively (1), mystery (1), and dubious of anyone who comes in contact with her. (1), A story about two sisters in France during World War II (1), last and final wife if Henry VIII. Very brave woman in the face of a madman. (1), About a nurse who studied under Florence Nightengale who is sent to Ireland to watch a girl who apparently hasn't eaten in months and still survives. (1), expensive book and I loved how the authors traveled all over Scandinavia to listen to oral tales and wrote them down like the Brothers Grimm. This husband and wife who published this book translated them all to English. (1), The best collection of fairtales I have read in a long time. I loved it. It was an old book and now a rare (1), Slow start but fantastic mystery. (1), About a boy and his mother living in a small "room." Fascinating mystery on why they are there and who is keeping them there. (1), sister to Jane Gray. (1), available on melcat (1), Two stories told almost 100 years apart between Katherine Plantagenet and Katherine Gray (1), A book about a rich household in 1899 - the servants and the family life. Part of a trilogy. :) (1), but not all. So she marries her childhood sweetheart she thought was dead and ends up finding a happy medium. :) (1), leaving her everything. She tries out her "english" life for a while and she likes parts of it (1), 3rd book in the Shunning series. The girl's mother dies (1), so her real daughter gets hired as a maid to get to know her mother and uncover the actress. (1), Couldn't get into it. 25 pgs in. (1), Dark retelling (1), First book in a trilogy. About a girl who was born "English" and was raised Amish and was all set to marry the bishop who had several children of his own and found out her real name and went in search of her real mother. (1), Britannia-esqe novel (1), Who am I this time? Harrison Bergeron (1), available on all platforms (1), Available on Melcat and library online (1), Victorian Scotland. Humorous and cheeky narrator. (1), BARELY got through it. Almost in the MEH pile. Read it because she wrote other stuff that was good. This was horrible. Sensed the ending in the beginning and suffered through it. (1), mid-19th century America (1), authorian legend. (1), 3rd book is also (1), soviet-era Russian novel. alien. (1), solviet-era Russian novel. medieval fantasy. (1), 2nd book in the Indian Triology (1), 3rd book in the Indian Triology (1), First book in the Indian Triology (1), A family who move to Alaska with no prior experience with living in very rural conditions (1), Buy only (1), Second book in the Shunning series. The girl goes to find her mother - she's very rich but her husband wants all the money to go to him and she's dying so he pays an actress to be her daughter (1), and York. This is about King Edward and his queen Elizabeth Woodville and her two princes in the tower. Had a ancestral connection to Melusia - a water goddess. (1), was not as good as the first. The relationship didn't really deepen between Will Henry and the doctor (1), About a rich man in the middle of Wisconsin who sends out an advertisement for a bride and a woman responds from Chicago (1), she loses all inheritance and her engagement is broken. she is sent to be a lady's maid and talented seamstress to Queen Elizabeth who gives her the the task of recreating Anne Boleyn's coronation gown. (1), Author took a lot of liberties in this book...considering that Katherine Parr's daughter was swept off the historical map when she was 2.... (1), Took me forever to figure out it was a demon writingto another demon about a human..... but did the human die at the end or just because unreachable?? (1), but she hasn't been honest with him. (1), which he has always been honest about (1), making herself out to be someone else who'd he prefer. Turns out they both have secrets (1), I loved this book - Alison Weir really does her homework and it is a great novel. You feel inspired and sorrowful for Jane (1), I really enjoyed this Civil War-era novel about a woman who is deemed "insane" and sent to a very swanky looney bin because she believes that her husband was cruel and abusive towards his slaves. (1), Fictional novel about a zombie disease worldwide (1), there are 9 volumes left for the Monstromologist. Hopefully the next one will be better. (1), and the gorgeous sarcasm and wit are still there. plus (1), new things about the doctor are known (1), no matter how horrible (movie does NOT do it justice). (1), nor did they go on a gross but compelling mission like the first book. However (1), Kateryn Parr (1), Set to be "inspired" by the life of Catherine (1), The voice of Anne Neville who gets tossed around by her father and mother who constantly switch sides for their own benefit and end up losing both. She ends up being Queen of England for two years (not really by her own doing) but in the process has lost (1), The Third book in The Monstrumologist series. Nice to see that it got back to what I liked best about the first book that the second book lacked - adventure. Still not as good as the first though. (1), it does show that Phillipa Gregory does her homework on her novels. (1), It's not a complete history - smooths over A LOT and doesn't leave any room for details. The author often spins off into his own interpretation and often adds his own theories and beliefs that are neither interesting or wanted. HOWEVER (1), I LOVED THIS BOOK. It really talked about how Thomas Jefferson's life and made him into a real person that I could connect to on so many levels - cooking and gardening and traveling. Very cool. (1), Margaret Regina. (1), and bribery she manages to make her son King of England and herself the Mother of the King (1), The voice of Margaret Beaufort - the Lancaster girl who had Henry the VI. Have visions since she was a girl of being equal to Joan of Arc and wants to be an abbess - however she is too important for that and through three different marriages (1), The last book in the Chievis Trilogy. Teo and Ana finally defeat their foes. (1), wife of Charles Dickens and how he treated her. It is very well written and I like it (1), The second book in the Chievis Triology. Teo and Ana continue their adventure finding new lands. (1), The First novel of the Chievis Trilogy - introduces the main characters Teo and Ana and how God leads them away from their homeland to new "undiscovered" lands. (1), but the series linked itself so well to the book that it only added details. It was wonderfully descriptive and very historically accurate for medieval England. (1), I LOVED it. It was better than the series (1), and trust. I loved it. (1), Christian fiction - based on the biblical tale of a man who is lead by God to marry a prosititute and she tries to run away from him three times but every time she finds her way back to him. A true tale of courage (1), however it drives me nuts how his name has been changed from charles to "alfred" and catherine to "dodo" or "doreathea." erg. (1), you do find out that Will Henry means a lot to the doctor (1), It's a retelling of the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin. (1), throw-agianst-the-wall-because-it-makes-you-so-mad story abotu a girl who has a curse put on her by a fairy that makes her do whatever people command her to do (1), Diana is still in love with Henry (1), and this one was good too (1), Just like Why Mermaids Sing I landed in the middle of a Victorian mystery novel series (1), Great book about the Victorian era and how servants and wet nurse's were treated. I loved it. (1), and Caroline is once agian with money. (1), Penelope finds herself in a sad situation as her blackmailed marriage comes into full view (1), Henry joins the army with Teddy (1), and marries Mr. Cairns (1), there was a woman who had been windowed (1), Elizabeth finds herself pregnant (1), horror.... witchcraft... it was amazing and took a long time reading because I really wanted to take my time with it! (1), BEST Gregory book I've read! Lust (1), and an evil man following both of them. (1), a insane father (1), About a gypsy boy named Yann is tangled with an aristocratic girl and tries to help her escape from France to flee from an arranged marriage (1), except instead of a man about to get married (1), who was going to be remarried (1), I was enthused. (1), and see. (1), but more and more towards the end of the book for a native girl he falls in love with. (1), The man's son who takes several trips to America for seeds and such (1), About Dante through the eyes of his daughter. traveling to France and all over the Italian countryside and through numerous exiles. Really good. (1), and finds that her job entails more then the regular scullery maid. Excellent. (1), finds work in the Catholic district of Amsterdam under the Vameer household (1), About a young girl who goes out to find work to support her family (1), Based on the mysterious tapestries involving the five senses; smell (1), Miss Emily Ashford. (1), and then her husband promptly gets shot (1), get married properly (1), older sister comes back from California to help poor family (1), 2nd book in the Luxe series - Penelope marries Henry leaving the younger sister in the dust (1), turning into cannibals and eating a boy (the killers son). (1), solving the case of a killer; a murderer getting back and victims of a mutined boat (1), Ungoing series of books (this is in the middle) of self-proclaimed upper-class English detective (1), Set during the French Revolution (1), About a young beautiful girl who grows up in the dirty streets of 1800's London who gets addicted to laudanum and finds herself as a Pre-Raphaelite's pose for his paintings. Naturally (1), Not as good as the rest of her books; it takes some awkward leaps through time (1), envy (1), Theodora (1), touch (1), Read in HS (1), 2nd book (1), taste (1), secrecy (1), Classic. (1), England (1), faith (1), intrigue (1), disease (1), real (1), romance (1), werewolves (1), Harriet (1), terribly written (1), even dressing and acting like a man keeping an apothocary shop. (1), After her father's death (1), Loved it. Leonardo's life from the eyes of his mother who did everything she possibly could to keep him safe and to be near him (1), a very pregnant Elizabeth murdered a murdurous Mr. Cairns and ended up happily with Teddy. Caroline was going to get married to Leland but ruined it. (1), Diana went to Paris by herself (1), The beginning was not great but Henry landed with Penelope (1), I really liked Alison Weir's writing and how she captured human emotion in the turbulant and often exciting and emotional rollercoaster of Eleanor of Aquitane's life. (1), forbidden romances (1), and murder. (1), hear (1), and their two children. (1), mystery and suspense (1), new characters (1), Boring (1), Excellent (1), Funny (1), Tudor (1), About a man who loves to design gardens who falls in love with a younger man with better connections and birthright then him and in a loveless relationship with his wife. (1), but still rich in historical detail. (1), GREAT tale of Authorian Legend. (1), will Felicity get her inheritance? (1), powerful Felicity (1), The first book to the Gemma Doyle Trilogy. Set in 1800's England at the Spence Academy. About the mysterious Gemma (1), and the Order. (1), the insane Nell Hawkins (1), the mysterious Mrs. McCleery (1), Awesome second book to the Gemma Doyle Trilogy. About trusting Miss Moore (1), will Ann be forced to be a governess? (1), and beautiful Pippa. (1), has Pippa crossed over or not? (1), Last installment in the Gemma Doyle trilogy. Answers questions about Gemma's love interest (1), and a eunuch. (1), a harem girl (1), and lives! Also about a forbidden romance between a Christian girl (1), and a ruthless woman who works her way up to Queen status (1), the shy Ann (1), Set during the Bolshevik Revolution (1), Islamic Byzantine Boylyn-Girls story. Story about a Sultan (1), Defintely not your normal telling of sleeping beauty. Not for children. These erotica novels were the first and last I will ever read (1), all the while silently. (1), One of my all-time favorite trilogies... based on the first one about one of my favorite Irish fairy tales about a girl whose seven brothers were cursed to be swans and she had to sew seven shirts from nettles (1), cannot tell her about it or he will be married to a witch. (1), One of my favorite fairy tales about a princess married to a polar bear who turns into himself at night but cannot be looked upon by his bride until a certain time has passed (1), 5 stars. (1), but man alive (1), and that Trystan and Isolde didn't even have romantic involvement! It was awesome... (1), a Russian countess and her family flees to England where she becomes a maid in a mansion and falls in love with the young owner who is set to marry a nasty millionairess. (1), VERY different telling of Authurian legend - said that Guinevere had an affair with Mordred not Lancelot (in fact he doesn't even exist) and they had Isolde (1), looking for a man to love her so she can be immortal. But is immortality what she wanted in the first place? (1), Story about a Greek siren (1), Another retelling of the polar bear king. I didn't think it would be as good as East but I loved it just as much. (1), Retelling of the 12 dancing princesses in a historical fiction way... it was awesome. :) (1), who has a penny-pinching strict family and runs away from them to be in a ballet company in the amazon and falls in love with the opera owner there and he falls in love with her. (1), The BEST love story I have ever read. About a young girl (1), his favorite concubine (1), unless she plays his music. She composes several pieces until her brother and father break her heart. (1), I LOVED these. So rich in historical fiction and you HAVE TO get your hands on the next one as quickly as possible... ;) (1), the rest of the stories are awful. Singing my Sister Down is about a time when tar pits were used as a death sentence. (1), historically rich in detail. (1), Wonderful novel of the strength of a woman (1), and eventually becomes Queen and has to build an empire. (1), who narrates/plays a major role in the story of a vizer's daughter Lostris who falls in love with the head captian Tatrus. Lostris marries the Pharoah of Egypt (1), Tatris (1), Story about a enunch (1), The first story Singing my Sister Down is the best (1), Novel about the daughter of a so-called saint in a small French town. She works as a wet nurse (1), revenge... I loved it. (1), rich history (1), A book series based on turn of the 19th century Manhattan rich girls with a bunch of steamy secrets (1), and pixies to unforgiving religion. (1), kind spells (1), during the switch between poor country folklore (1), About two bias daughters of a minister in England verses a may day child of the forest just before the witch trials in America (1), Story about a Russian mother and her half-Danish child fleeing to China after the Bolshviks kill the Russian Tsar. About Communism. (1), and the town thinks her milk is profound. (1), Story about a woman who is desperately in love with music... until her brother Wolfgang is born. He is the only one allowed to play music (1), a old woman who lives with her bitchy daughter in law (1), which deems him immortal. (1), who shows him chocolate. During his trip he tastes a forbidden concoction of it (1), called Ignacia (1), falls in love with a native woman (1), A man sets off to the Americas in 1518 with Cortez (1), wonderful son (1), but is now suffering a famine. Told through the eyes of Gude (1), About a young poor girl from London during the time of Jack the Ripper who loses her family (save one) and her soul mate to her enemy. Moves to America for a new life and becomes very successful. (1), A novel on a German village that lived through the plague (1), My absolute favorite: Great story about the dirty and clean streets of 1800's Victorian England. (1), Beatrice and Isabella in their fight for Italian glory. (1), About the Italian Renissance with Leonardo DiVinci and the story of two sisters (1), and the start of Vameer. (1), Great story about Amsterdam at the time of Renbrandt's crumbling career (1), About a young woman in the mid to late 1700's whose desire for clothes get her into prostitution (1), melcat on the way (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Mar 7, 2011
La mia biblioteca
I mostly read historical fiction.
Informazione su di me
I'm a preschool teacher and bookworm. ;)
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Librerie: Horizon Books - Petoskey, McLean and Eakin Booksellers

Biblioteche: Petoskey Public Library

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