Nome vero
La mia biblioteca

I love scanning covers of bashed-up, scratched-up, creased and dirty books so I can restore them in Photoshop and provide decent-quality cover art for all to use.

My middle name is Anne, after Anne of Green Gables.

As a kid, I'd proudly show you my collection of Animorphs and A Series of Unfortunate Events.
As a young adult, I'm most fond of my collections of Gunnerkrigg Court and the Tiffany Aching books.

My grandma gave me a copy of Eragon when I was younger and I tore through it in three days. I got to bake Christopher Paolini a cake and got Brisingr and Inheritance signed, though I've misplaced Eragon and Eldest!
I'd like to mail the bookshop that provides signed copies and get one dedicated to my dear grandmother.

I like books with talking animals in them. I'm very fond of The Animals of Farthing Wood, Beatrix Potter, and Brambly Hedge. I love His Dark Materials.

Hobart, Tasmania