
Seminary (21), Fiction (12), Religion (11), Religion; Christian living (6), Religion; CCEF (5), Religion; Christian living; CCEF (4), Religion; Celtic (4), Religion; Celtic Spirituality (4), History - England (4), Tyndale NT Commentaries (3), Bible (3), Non-Fiction (2), Pern Series (2), Fiction; Religion (2), Cooking (2), Religion; Christian Living (2), Religion; Prayer (2), History (2), Malloreon #5; Fiction (1), Malloreon #4; Fiction (1), fiction (1), Religion; CCEF; Fear (1), Belgariad 2; Fiction (1), Malloreon; Fiction (1), Belgariad 1; Fiction (1), Belgariad 3; Fiction (1), Religion; Benedictine rule (1), Monasticism; Religion; Christian living (1), Religion; Saints (1), Religion; Contemplative practice (1), Health; yoga (1), Religon; Celtic; Prayer (1), Religion; bible; Psalms (1), Religion; Discipleship (1), Religion; Celtic Spirituality; prayer (1), local; Levittown (1), Fiction; C.S. Lewis. (1), Religion; spiritual direction (1), Food; dieting (1), Chapbook; Typophiles (1), Religion; Benedictine rule; monasticism (1), Religion; rule of life; prayer; practice; Benedictine (1), Religion; monasticism; Rule of life; Benedictine (1), Poetry; Christian (1), Christian living; balance (1), religion; celtic; prayer (1), Malloreon #2; Fiction (1), Religion; Christian Living; Spiritual growth (1), Piligrimage; Celtic (1), Saints (1), Church history (1), Harry Potter (1), Christian Living (1), Celtic (1), Study Bible (1), Religion; Bible (1), History - New York City (1), History; Scotland (1), Fiction; (1), Arts & Crafts (1), Arts & Crafts Design (1), Health (1), Maps (1), Yoga (1), Religion; prayer; worship (1), Benedictine (1), Ficiton (1), Hymns (1), Religion/Spirituality (1), Pilgrimage (1), History; England (1), Belgariad 5 (1), Belgariad 4 (1), Malloreon #1 (1), Belgariad; Mallorean (1), Religion; Doctrine (1), Relgion; CCEF (1), Malloreaon #3 (1), Fiction; Box Set (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 5, 2013
La mia biblioteca
In a state of consent weeding due to lack of room for more books!
Informazione su di me
Developed a passion for reading at an early age, second or third grade, partly to develop my vocabulary - it's true! I never go anywhere without at least one book. Got in big trouble in elementary school one day, when I brought one along to the girl's room. Teacher felt I was skipping out to read. How is that a bad thing?