Nome vero
Micah Ross
La mia biblioteca
The bulk of the collection is the product of too many years in school.
A fair number of the works I have listed are photocopies of the originals.
If the Prussian Academy of the Natural Sciences is still concerned about copyrights, I'll pay the fine.

Also, I tend to horde ephemera -- especially LURID ephemera. Because I have made an academic career of picking through what others have thrown out, you can imagine that I am still holding on to the crap that people think should be thrown out now. I chose to believe that I am different from the crazy cat lady because I believe my crap should be organized and labelled.

Some portion of this library was inherited from Theo Romanoff, with whom I studied at Brown. We were fellow transfer students, classicists, and fencers. By chance we renewed our friendship as fellow graduate students who shared many linguistic interests. Theo, namas te.
Informazione su di me
Born in Indiana.
I am long on goals and short on personality.
One of my goals is to establish a private library.
You are right -- I can't POSSIBLY be reading all of this at once.
Believe it or not, I am not in love with books.
I don't read much fiction.
I would like very much to bring this library to a wider audience.
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