
trickery (4), bilingual (4), rhyming (3), different (3), pop-up (3), interactive (2), fearless (2), physical features (2), settlement (2), admiration (2), guilt (2), descriptive words (2), colors (2), collector (2), routine (2), gardening (2), accident (2), lonely (2), scared. (2), food chain (2), repetition (2), animal sounds (2), trouble (2), confidence (2), imagination (2), black and white (2), friendship (2), fear (2), animals (2), lost (2), travel (2), follow rules (1), learning something new (1), can be read as a song (1), transitions from animals to people to accumulative. (1), learn new tricks (1), teaches students abs's in both Spanish and English with corresponding words (1), different forms of perceptions and thoughts (1), Example: E - elephant el huevo. (1), different animals (1), bugs/insects and sickness. (1), hats/caps (1), monkey's steal peddler's cap. (1), believe. (1), savings. (1), people pleaser (1), a sense of an identity. (1), new feelings (1), questions asked (1), hard worker (1), race to the top of the coconut tree (1), introduction to the alphabet (1), persuasion and wants. (1), and uses relative words. (1), mother and baby duck (1), characteristics and physical features. (1), trying something new (1), life cycle of a caterpillar (1), parade. (1), learning how to talk. (1), insects and animals (1), distracted (1), comfort blanket (1), busy day (1), magic rock (1), circus act (1), do-si-do (1), glows in the dark (1), monster island (1), child imagination (1), cycles of the moon (1), carrot seeds (1), animals hiding (1), compromise. (1), outgrowing (1), type writer (1), creativity. (1), roles and responsibilities (1), fairtale (1), wolf's perspective (1), crayon drawings (1), imaginative/flying (1), different modes of transportation (1), identifies Spanish objects and family (1), phrases in Spanish and English in the back of the book. (1), negative comments (1), hurt/dirty (1), hate. (1), book about lions (1), paw/thorn (1), and farm animals. (1), adventure (1), train cart names (1), responsibility of a trash man (1), find spot the puppy (1), number book (food) (1), return before down (1), bull frogs levitate (1), twist on a classic tale (1), trash full yet (1), using a child room/ child's actions/emotions (1), prey vs predator (1), Washington bridge (1), racism / segregation (1), rule/warning (1), rash thoughts (1), magic/wish (1), part of the family (1), get the dogs attention (1), chicken stew (1), winter vs summer (1), pilgrims 1st thanksgiving (1), birthday traditions/celebrations (1), comic layout (1), search of a friend (1), repeat the word "swim" (1), fish in tank (1), play/act (1), carefully (1), mischievous wolf (1), soft vs spike (1), shiny/reflective scales (1), shelter/warmth (1), animal dance (1), different foods to represent the different cultures (1), appreciation for other cultures (1), adopt a stray dog (1), snow games and activities (1), and characteristics of a train. (1), a different version of the original tale (1), others perceptions (1), new and improved shovels (1), completed tasks (1), feeling free (1), others opinions and reactions (1), children left alone and the wolf takes advantage of the situation but the children out smart the wolf (1), morals/feelings (1), wanting the all (1), future teacher (1), water color illustrations (1), wanting what you can't have (1), use of animal characteristics. (1), mis-perception of others (1), characteristics of creatures or animals in a grassy settings (1), the prettiest of them all (1), nice vs mean (1), passing land marks (1), what a fly does (1), traveling at night (1), lesson learned to care (1), same response (1), grumpy attitude (1), water painting (1), swat!! (1), getting into other thinks (1), allow everyone to come aboard the boat as long as they follow the rules. disobeyed (1), being annoying (1), picture oriented to tell the what david is doing (1), doing what your not suppose to do (1), describes what is inside the house (1), bad solutions (1), picture oriented (1), putting a positive spin on a negative situation. (1), sleepiness (1), trouble maker (1), tall stories (1), alphabets (1), alone (1), teacher (1), perception (1), lesson (1), wants (1), dentist (1), fox (1), communication (1), help (1), expectations (1), spider (1), secrecy (1), sounds (1), worry (1), garden (1), song (1), santa (1), donations (1), union (1), promises (1), thief (1), trip (1), farmer (1), harvest (1), sharing (1), vegetables (1), waitress (1), seasons (1), judge (1), toys (1), punishment (1), jealousy (1), 3d (1), tradition (1), library (1), family (1), challenges (1), bullying (1), history (1), fire (1), missing (1), wisdom (1), survival (1), nightmare (1), courage (1), curiosity (1), christmas (1), cats (1), mischief (1), dreams (1), scary (1), responsibility (1), greed (1), poetry (1), challenge (1), dog (1), Australia (1), zoo animals (1), crazy (1), farm (1), cows (1), donkey (1), forest (1), dream (1), likes (1), appearance (1), moral lesson. (1), farming (1), construction worker (1), water color (1), prepare (1), home. (1), number book (1), eating healthy (1), fiddler (1), bulls (1), telephone (1), patience (1), order (1), practice (1), night (1), manners (1), plants (1), melt (1), spain (1), bad luck (1), repetition. (1), view (1), helper (1), turnip (1), lesson learned (1), being grateful (1), Italian (1), Bilingual (1), christmas traditions (1), rhyming. (1), ripple effect (1), new places (1), dog catcher (1), pests (1), relatives (1), wordless (1), sight (1), days of the week (1), changing (1), chores (1), feast (1), exchange (1), tracks (1), writing process (1), bull fight (1), peddler (1), season (1), classroom management (1), sushi (1), laziness (1), horoscopes (1), choose (1), solutions (1), believe (1), african tale (1), predator (1), excuses (1), parade (1), whistling (1), roof (1), reverse (1), black and white illustrations (1), assumptions (1), clean (1), sea animals (1), vegetation (1), make a cake (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 3, 2015