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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Feb 7, 2009
La mia biblioteca
Mainly it's fiction I crave. Then I'm inside someone else's head - their ideas, thoughts, life experiences, imagination. I love it all. Move me, I say. When I come across a line or paragraph in a book that says something important in a beautifully written way, it makes that book special for me. Most books I read and enjoy, then donate to the library book sale or to a friend. But those special books with the mindblower lines or paragraphs are the ones that sit on my bookshelves.
Informazione su di me
Books, gardening, birds, and Aryuvedic cooking - that's what keeps me going on this earthly planet. I work in an independent bookstore and then I go home to a beef farm. I have kitties for comfort and entertainment and enjoy walking on our beautiful spot on the planet. Yard work, flowers, and vegetables come before housework in spring, summer, and fall. In between - I read. Winter - reading is topmost.
Ontario, Canada

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