
fiction (36), non-fiction (28), mystery (12), humorous (12), memoir (9), suspense (7), Novel (6), historical fiction (6), vampires (5), meditation (4), New Jersey chick turns bountyhunter (4), teen fiction (4), series (4), New Jersey (4), humor (4), outside of the box thoughts and essays (3), Fiction (3), Non-fiction (3), Spiritual Growth (2), british (2), memior (2), poignant (2), bumbling librarian (2), Islam (2), Sweden (2), medievel life in England (2), Memoir (2), England (2), love story (2), sociology (2), travel (2), illustrated novel of Devil in the White City (1), government assistance program workers encounter difficult situations (1), tribute to wife (1), girl from US (1), drug & alcohol addictions (1), duel story lines (1), holocaust family search (1), brother kills intruders (1), Minnesota family (1), growing up homeless (1), beloved dog dies (1), religious fiction (1), Rock Star (1), House trilogy (#2) (1), Anti-slavery (1), House trilogy (#3) (1), Travelogue (1), 1960's civil rights issues (1), Spiritual formation (1), Spiritual growth (1), Horror (1), Irish (1), Business (1), Italy (1), series (1) (1), random essays (1), editorial comedy (1), British teen boy (1), ghost for sale (1), part 1 of a trilogy (1), part 2 of a trilogy (1), King Lear derivative (1), reflection regarding the prodigal son (1), post apocolypse journey of dad & son (1), sociology of success in various cultures and age groups (1), Mary Ellen's brother (1), mediative (1), memoir & reflection (1), alittle chaotic but interesting (1), business story and philosophy (1), old man's remembrances (1), humorous vignets (1), "dumb guy humor" (1), lots of great food talk (1), american football in italy (1), aging pastor reminisces about family and life (1), answers to modern athiests (1), modern portrayal of Jesus (1), women & oppression in Saudi Arabia (1), eunich (1), Afghanistan family life (1), 9/11- air-defense and airtraffic controllers (1), medical practices (1), grief healing (1), theology- trinity (1), thoughts and essays (1), William Wilburforce (1), cancer recovery (1), holocaust (1), Suspense (1), silence (1), service (1), relationship with God (1), new york (1), meditations (1), homosexual (1), humorous memoir (1), Istanbul (1), prayer (1), apologetic (1), revenge (1), archeology (1), skateboarding (1), how-to (1), pregnancy (1), death of spouse (1), business (1), vampire (1), Pakistan (1), Afghanistan (1), humourous (1), essay (1), Australia (1), autism (1), wife (1), WWII (1), solitude (1), autobiographical (1), light read (1), rich (1), musician (1), cathedral (1), Africa (1), Britain (1), India (1), Bali (1), spirituality (1), political (1), homosexuality (1), Poland (1), romance (1), mom (1), museum (1), mystery/suspense (1), NASA (1), Hong Kong (1), decision making (1), grammar (1), murder (1), spiritual direction (1), savant syndrome (1), haggadah (1), vague (1), goth girl (1), physics (1), eco-philosophy (1), Bosnia (1), locked-in syndrome (1), card counting (1), mediation (1), non fiction (1), thriller (1), circus life (1), ranching (1), serial killer--bride & grooms (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Nov 20, 2007
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
My library only includes the books I've read since joining LibraryThing (at least those books I remember to include here). I enjoy reading a variety of genres. When I start to get depressed from reading too many serious non-fiction treatises in a row I know it's time to read some humorous fiction. Which explains my reading Carry On Jeeves by Wodehouse on the heels of Infidel by Hirsi Ali and A Long Way Gone by Beah.
Informazione su di me
I'm a librarian and an archivist. I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and moved to the Chicago area in 1995. I love reading, running, and crossword puzzles. My favorite people are my husband and kids. Cats versus Dogs? No contest, I love both. Go White Sox!
Wheaton, IL