
read 1969 (27), read 1978 (26), read 1976 (23), read 1975 (22), read 1979 (21), read 1968 (17), read 1973 (17), read 1977 (16), read 1974 (16), read 1967 (15), read 1966 (13), history (10), read 1970 (10), read 1965 (8), read 1972 (8), read 1980 (7), read 1971 (7), read 1964 (7), philosophy (6), trans. (5), read 1982 (4), read 1983 (4), reprint (4), read 2016 (4), novel;pub.1960 (4), read 1987 (4), biography (3), novel; pub.1952 (3), art history (3), novel; pub.1945 (3), memoir (3), novel (3), read 1986 (3), read 1981 (3), read 2014 (3), read1976 (3), biology (3), read 1962 (3), sociology (3), read 1963 (2), read 1963. (2), novella; pub.1937 (2), read 1961 (2), novel; pub.1954 (2), read 1960 (2), novel; pub.1971 (2), read1966 (2), read 2017 (2), trans. read 1974 (2), novel; pub.1957 (2), anthropology; pub.1973 (2), novel; pub.1968 (2), juvenile fiction (2), essays (2), read 1993 (2), novel; pub.1985 (2), read 1999 (2), art (2), archaeology (2), anthropology (2), education (2), read 1990 (2), read 1985 (2), novel; pub.1847 (2), ethnography (2), read 1989 (2), read 1992 (2), economic analysis of traditional and contemporary subsistence . ethnography;pub. 1981 (1), short stories; pub.1974 (1), ethnography;pub.19=888 (1), anthropology; pub.1987 (1), co-author W.E.Calvert; ethnography;pub.1931 (1), history and development of archaeology;pub.1978 (1), overview; pub.1977 (1), read 1980. (1), biography; pub. 1926 (1), biograhpy; pub.1939 (1), author was premier of Quebec during most of the negotiations with inuit and cree/eeyuu .resulting in hydroelectric development through the James Bay Agreement . background pertinent to first nations and inuit land claims (1), meoir; pub.1978 (1), juvenile fiction; illrated by the author; pub.1957 (1), arctic memoir;1951 (1), read 1977 and 1998 (1), novel; humour and law; pub.1978 (1), short stories; pub.1990 (1), impact of climate change in nor (1), human history; pub.thern hemisphere;pub. 1954 (1), historic record (1), ; pub. 1966 (1), prehistoric fiction; pub.1981 (1), critical law (1), non-fiction; pub.1970 (1), pub. 1956;read 1975 (1), novel; pub.1880 (1), art development; pub.1971 (1), ethnography; pub.1971 (1), short stories; pub. 1971 (1), novel; pub.1811 (1), novel; pub.1813 (1), memoir; pub.1966 (1), memoir; pub.1968 (1), poetry;pub.1987 (1), co-editor Popatov (1), essays; pub.1992 (1), juvenile fiction; illustrated by author; pub.1960 (1), read 1975 and 1995- (1), anthropology;pub. 1946 (1), L.P.; archaeology (1), development across the north. pub.1985 (1), read 1975 and 1997. (1), ethnography ;pub.1967 (1), 1991.-92. reading short stories helped babycare and teaching balanced when time for any reading was limited. (1), politics and linguistics; pub.1964 (1), development; pub.1977 (1), novel;pub.1979 (1), development and ehthnograpy;pub.1959 (1), illustrator William Pene du Bois; juvenile fiction; pub.1951 (1), theories of pan-arctic prehistory; pub.1978 (1), read 1978-82 (1), definite fieldcamp reference (1), flattened mosquitoes in between pages. (1), ethnographic overview; pub.1979 (1), essays; pub.1985 (1), physical anthropology:1964 (1), memoir ; pub. 1960 (1), translated from Icelandic 2013 (1), memoir/ travel; personal narrative and historical/ political connection; Canadian arctic. pub.2014; read 2016 (1), essays/nature observed (1), connected to personal narrative.Piedmont Virginia. pub.1974; read 2016. (1), fiction short story compilation; pub. 1992 (1), read 1993. (1), collection travel memoirs ;pub. 2015 (1), non-fiction:pub.2016 (1), read 2017; toronto (1), ww2 ukraine (1), edmonton. (1), non-fiction :pub. 2014 (1), mystery; pub. 2010 (1), mystery; pub.2004 (1), family history. pub. 2016; read 2016 (1), translated from Swedish 2013 (1), mystery; pub.1996 (1), mystery; pub.2010 (1), mystery; pub. 2009 (1), mystery; pub.2003 (1), translated from Icelandic 2006 (1), mystery/ crime short fiction; pub. 2005 (1), mystery / crime; pub. 2016 (1), crime mystery; pub.2015 (1), mystery ; pub. 2001 (1), translated from Swedish 2007 (1), mystery; pub. 1997 (1), history/biography;narrative of mass human displacement and survival. pub.2013; read 2016 (1), memoir;nature (1), memoir; Greenland with Peary; pub.1912 (1), development; pub.1991 (1), neurophsiology into visual art : pub. 1973 (1), philosophy and the arts ;pub.1980 (1), pedagogy; pub. 1916 (1), food; pub. 2008 (1), socio-ethnograghy of food; pub. 2014 (1), education;pub.1962 (1), memoir; pub. 2013 (1), novels/ novellas; pub. 2016 (written 1979 (1), 1969-1973) (1), photography;pub.1999 (1), aesthetics;pub.2005 (1), memoir; pub 1972 (1), "anthropology of everyday life" ;pub.1994 (1), politics and memoir. pub.1985 ; read 2016 (1), psychology;pub. 1993 (1), read 1994.hypothesis (1), law;pub.1975 (1), biography of Margaret Penny (1), whalers and Inuit;pub. 1997 (1), art history and practice; pub.1985 (1), socio-context; pub. 1974 (1), novel; trans . (1), pub. 1972 (1), art history ; pub. 1976 (1), illustrated by Sheldon Cohen (1), essays; art (1), read 1980 and 1997- (1), read 1979-1980 (1), The Hockey Sweater (1), art history; pub.1950 (1), memoir;pub.1957 (1), novel; pub.1965 (1), novel; pub.1916 (1), social critique;pub. 1968 (1), memoir ; essays;U.S. Civil War; pub.1876 (1), novel; pub. 1920 (1), critical pedagogy; pub. 1964 (1), memoir;pub. 1968 (1), U.S.; pub.1954 (1), philosophy;pub.1953 (1), drama;pub.1879 (1), novel; pub 1963 (1), novel;early critique of industrial food production; pub.1906 (1), travel; pub. 1952 (1), revised 1975 (1), memoir;pub.1982 (1), novel; pub.1925 (1), essays; pub.1957 (1), novel; pub. 1961 (1), novel;pub. 1941 (1), novellla; pub.1966 (1), naturalist' memoir; pub.1973 (1), novel; pub.1931 (1), autobiographical novel; pub.1974 (1), novel; pub.1950 (1), memoir; environmental philosophy; pub. 1854 (1), drama; read 1969 (1), autobiographical novel;pub.1972 (1), arctic travel (1), read 2004 (1), read 2006 (1), read 2005 (1), read 2003 (1), legends (1), travel (1), read 2002 (1), trans (1), read 1995 (1), art criticism (1), short stories (1), archaeological (1), linguistics (1), read 20015 (1), whaling (1), oral history (1), history and culture (1), interpreted (1), reprinted 1957 (1), read 2009 (1), food memoirs (1), reprint 1969 (1), read 2011 (1), read 2010 (1), read 2012 (1), pub.1979 (1), novel; pub.1970 (1), ca. 1600s (1), short stories; pub.1979 (1), art crit.; pub.1973 (1), anthropology;pub.1951 (1), ethnography;pub.1973 (1), anthropology; pub.1957 (1), essay; pub . 1929 (1), read 1976 and 1998 (1), ethnography;pub.1979 (1), ethnography;pub.1970 (1), after spending a week watching the Netsilik on film. (1), novel; pub.1947 (1), aesthetics and ethnography; pub.1973 (1), historic and contemporary (1), juvenile fiction; pub.1961 (1), historical fiction;pub.1933 (1), 1977 and 1998 (1), memoir; pub.1883 (1), novel;pub.1899 (1), novel; pub.1843 (1), 1979 and 2001. (1), historical fiction; pub. 1944 (1), novel; pub.1974 (1), art; pub.1972 (1), memoir; 1785 (1), nove; pub. 1948 (1), memoir; pub.1965 (1), anthology in English:pub.1898 (1), Canadian internment W.W.ll; pub 1971 (1), ethnography;pub.1961 (1), crime novel; pub.1977 (1), ethnography; pub.1928 (1), drama;pub.1890 (1), novel;pub.1941 (1), illustrated by author; pub.1957 (1), read 1959 and 1974 and 1994 (1), fiction; pub.1968 (1), memoir;pub.1907 (1), historical fiction;pub.1934 (1), historical fiction; pub.1935 (1), novel; pub.1861 (1), novel;pub.1881 (1), aotobiographical fiction; pub.1972 (1), memoir;pub.1979 (1), reprint 1949 (1), essays; pub.1963 (1), editor and author; essays (1), trans. Das Boot; pub 1975 (1), novel; trans (1), pub.1962 (1), quantum physics humour;pub.1977 (1), ethnography; pub.1940 (1), ethnography;pub.1922 (1), co-author Cavalli-Sforza (1), L.L.;sociobiology; pub.1976 (1), cross - disciplinary science; pub.1859 (1), contemporary (1), political -economic development;pub.1975 (1), tranlated from Swedish 2009 (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Apr 15, 2016
Nome vero
Margaret Lawrence
La mia biblioteca
non-fiction:anthropology,biology,geography,geology,history, biography; some art, philosophy ,linguistics.fiction:novels , short stories, poetry,crime-mysteries,'juvenile literature'.random:atlases, maps,dictionaries,periodicals:some cookbooks,signs, labels, ephemera.
Informazione su di me
On an island in Hudson Bay,I work as a teacher and a justice of the peace.There is also time for reading, community life,making things, drawing, going out on the land.Neither barren or in monotone, here is an intensely interconnected physical and social environment.Compiling a list of books I've read has been opportunity to see patterns and some influences on my interests and developing understanding over a few decades.Experiences,ideas and processes beyond constraint of time or distance, reading fuels curiousity through contact with viewpoints I would not meet with otherwise.I am grateful to have learned to decode reading , to have found wonder among other powerful reasons to read. No one is an island who has reading.