
*English and Old English Literatures (71), Books Made in to Films (48), *Music (47), *American Literature (46), *Christian Moral and Devotional Theology (27), Books Read in 2018 (22), Ebook (19), Books Read in 2017 (18), Books Read in 2016 (17), Books Read in 2015 (15), *Christian Theology (15), Books Read in 2014 (13), *Bible (12), Books Made in to TV Series (9), *Choral Conducting (8), *Conducting (8), *History - UK (8), *Bible Commentaries (8), *Biography (8), Borrowed - Trinity Library (7), *Psychology (6), Award - Man Booker Prize (6), Gifts - Lucy (6), *Composers (6), *Literatures of Other Languages (5), *Geography and Travel (5), *Jazz (5), *Choral Music (5), *Organ (5), Series - Very Short Introduction (5), Borrowed - Suzi (5), *Science Fiction (5), *Music Directing (5), Books Read in 2019 (5), *History - England (4), *Law (4), *Church Music (4), CCC - Book of the Term (4), *Bible Studies (4), *Politics (4), Borrowed - Lucy (4), *Musical Worship (4), *Ethnomusicology (4), Borrowed - Camden Library (4), *History - Wales (3), *Bible - Romans (3), *Philosophy (3), *Orchestration (3), *Christian Church History (3), *Economics (3), *Trinity (3), Borrowed - Roger and Margaret (3), Reading List - RCO Organ History Design and Construction (3), Borrowed - KCL Library (3), *Social and Ecclesiastical Theology (3), *General History of Europe (3), *Film Music (3), Borrowed - Brendan Beaton (3), *Natural Theology (3), *History - London (3), *Swedish Literature (3), *Arranging (3), *Orchestral Conducting (2), Borrowed - David Hooke (2), *Piano (2), Reading List - ABRSM Piano Performance (2), *Bible - 1 Peter (2), Reading List - ABRSM Organ Performance (2), *Bible - Genesis (2), Gifts - Richard and Carole James (2), *Orchestral Instruments (2), *Church Leadership (2), *Productivity (2), *Time Management (2), *Leadership (2), *Harmony (2), *Musical Theatre (2), Kindle (2), *Literatures of Romance Languages (2), *Jesus (2), *Ecclesiology (2), *Bartók (1), *John Williams (1), *Language (1), Borrowed - Grandpa (1), *Christian Youth Work (1), *Classics (1), *Medicine and Health (1), Award - Galaxy Awards Book of the Year (1), Award - FT Business Book of the Year (1), *Award - Costa First Novel Award (1), *Jamaican Literature (1), *Bible - Philippians (1), *PhD (1), *Christian Organization (1), Books Made in to Musicals (1), Books made in to Films (1), *Religion (1), Borrowed - Susan Dingle (1), Borrowed - Karen (1), Recommended - Greg Bannister (1), *Discipleship (1), *History - Romans (1), Books Read in 2020 (1), *Management (1), Read Twice (1), *Social Problems and Social Services (1), Gifts - Suzi (1), Gifts - Roger and Margaret (1), *Education (1), *Holy Spirit (1), *One-to-Ones (1), Award - Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction (Shortlist) (1), *Reformation (1), Gifts - Peter and Helen Byrom (1), *Marriage (1), Award - Duff Cooper Prize (1), Borrowed – Naomi (1), Borrowed - Charlie and Naomi (1), Award - Ondaatje Prize (1), *Bible - Ruth (1), *English Plays (1), *Christian Social Theology (1), Awards - Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger (1), Award - Costa Book of the Year (1), *UCCF (1), *Music Analysis (1), *Letters (1), *Lent (1), *History - France (1), Award - Orange Prize for Fiction (1), *Intelligent Design (1), Award - Commonwealth Writers' Prize (1), *Australian Literature (1), *CICCU (1), *Clarinet (1), *Christian Unions (1), *Resurrection (1), *Music Career (1), *Haydn (1), *Catholic Theology (1), *Hymnwriters (1), *John Cage (1), Borrowed - Tom BS (1), *Beethoven (1), *Acoustics (1), *Baroque Music (1), Award - John Llewellyn Rhys Prize (1), Recommended - Robin Stephenson (1), *Duke Ellington (1), Awards - National Book Critics Circle Award (1), *Biography Genealogy and Insignia (1), *Prayer (1), Gifts - Mam & Dad (1), *English and Old English (1), *General History of North America and the Caribbean (1), *Flute (1), *Brain (1), *Bach (1), *Percussion (1), *Film Studies (1), *European Union (1), *Study Scores (1), *Steelpan (1), *Bible - Titus (1), *Bible - 1 Timothy (1), *R&B (1), *Soul (1), *Christian Ministry (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Dec 7, 2008
Nome vero
Michael Andrews
La mia biblioteca
A mixed bag really, but a lot of literature, music, and Christian stuff. There are some odd books here, especially the books on Trinidad and Tobago - my dissertation was on the interplay between Indo-Trinidadian music and politics - , but on the whole my literary collection consists of mainstream classics. I have a penchant for early science-fiction, and for more modern comedy-drama writings. Music-wise, I like to read biographies about famous musicians, especially jazzmen, but also like to refine my music theory, harmony, and orchestration, so there's a bit of that thrown in too. Christian-wise, I'm an evangelical Christian, so I'm a bit of a John Piper and Martyn Lloyd-Jones fan.
Informazione su di me
I'm a composer and arranger living in London. As of early 2013 I'm studying for a masters in composition, part time, at Trinity Conservatoire in Greenwich, and work part time as Director of Music at Christ Church Highbury in Islington, north London. I come from Neath in South Wales, but have lived in London now for five years.
London, United Kingdom
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Biblioteche: Oak Hill College Library

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