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La mia biblioteca
I have more books than I'm entering but I'm in the process of de-junking my bookshelves. I'm over on ReadItSwapIt and Bookmooch - I'm getting rid of the books that I don't want to keep for ones that I will read over and over again.
Informazione su di me
I'm 26 and have mental health problems so don't currently work and so read a lot. I read roughly 5 novels a week. I'm also studying British Sign Language, A Level English and Japanese. I'm mother to a two-year-old Rottweiler called Jacob who I love to bits. We share our home with my best friend Rat, and her German Shepherd Snoopy who is six and very furry. We both love cooking and entertaining so feel free to pop round for a cup of tea at any time. Just be prepared to be slobbered on!
Portsmouth, UK
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