Informazione su di me
Occupation: Student Clerk at IUPUI and Greenwood Public Library
Home town: Indianapolis
Location: Indiana
Astrological sign: Leo

I joined this site because: I love reading, and I thought it would be a good way to meet other booklovers. I also sometimes have trouble being encouraged to read a good book when I have to divide my time in between classes and work. I thought the social interaction that I got from the book clubs may encourage me to read more.

The best word to describe me is: thoughtful.

Interests: reading, writing, playing piano, watching dvds, dogs, human rights.

Favorite movies: Where the Heart Is, The Science of Sleep, Amelie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Favorite TV shows: Lost, The Office, Fringe

My hero(es): Jesus

My superpower is: multitasking

If I could live anywhere, it would be: Asheville, North Carolina

My dream job(s): Youth Services Manager in an area where they actually pay you what your worth.

What else you should know about me:
I am going to be a generation Y librarian when I complete my masters in the spring.
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