
fiction (296), speculative (93), sci fi (56), publishing/writing (43), non-fiction (41), paranormal romance (29), vampire (29), mystery (27), horror (24), romance (21), LGBTQ (18), anthology (17), urban fantasy (17), collection (14), poetry (14), historical (13), dark fantasy (13), thriller (12), fantasy (12), classic (12), reference (12), MFA (10), historical fiction (10), werewolves (9), memoir (9), space (7), biography (7), aliens (7), humor (7), alternate history (7), folklore (6), science fiction (6), literary (6), mythology (6), ghost (6), science (5), philosophy (5), graphic novel (4), essay (4), Star Trek (3), Pulitzer Prize (3), letters (3), zombies (3), juvenile (3), dystopia (3), grammar (2), lit crit (2), short stories (2), fey (2), supernatural (2), psychology (2), comic (2), history (2), autobiography (1), time travel (1), Nobel Prize (1), Fiction (1), weretigers (1), fokelore (1), atypical (1), YA (1), scifi (1), vampires (1), religion (1), fairy tale (1), art (1), new age (1), military (1), spirituality (1), play (1), spiritual (1), running (1), Lovecraft (1), fairy tales (1), sociology (1), slavery (1), inspirational (1), fae (1), novella (1), short story (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 18, 2008
La mia biblioteca
My library is a wild assortment of whims and temporary fascinations with a special concentration on speculative fiction written by people of color.
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