
nonfiction (376), young adult (204), audio (199), own (186), 2017 (143), juvenile (136), graphic novel (127), 2018 (119), 2015 (113), 2016 (84), 2014 (83), 2009 (80), 2007 (78), humor (73), picture book (71), 2008 (71), comics (71), 2019 (66), memoir (61), 2005 (59), 2010 (58), 2011 (57), 2006 (56), classics (52), 2013 (48), 2012 (40), short stories (32), women's studies (32), psychology (26), 2004 (22), essays (21), sociology (17), military (15), art (15), science (14), biography (12), film (11), pop culture (11), history (10), evolutionary psychology (8), animals (8), interpersonal relations (8), writing (5), currently reading (5), philosophy (5), workplace (5), libraries (5), star wars (5), manga (5), politics (5), reference (4), literature (4), film studies (3), typology (3), fairy tales (3), sex (3), body image (3), audiobook (2), poetry (2), relationships (2), mythology (2), religion (2), anthropology (2), Star Wars (2), reading (2), technology (2), reread (2), television (2), civil rights (2), science fiction (2), personality (2), business (2), music (2), communication (2), emotions (2), parapsychology (1), american_history (1), adult education (1), American_history (1), friendship (1), job satisfaction (1), love (1), true crime (1), teens (1), language (1), professional development (1), interpersonal communication (1), architecture (1), comic books (1), travel (1), feminism (1), marriage (1), racism (1), American history (1), western (1), birds (1), higher education (1), infertility (1), cooking (1), womens studies (1), design (1), career (1), meditation (1), altruism (1), wwII (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 28, 2006
La mia biblioteca
Books I own (some of them are my husband's--mostly the military ones). Books I've read. Books I'm going to read.

***2009 Plan***
Since the 2008 read-the-classics plan didn't quite work out, this year I'm just sticking with a general goal of 75 books. I wish everyone a year of great reading!
Tampa, Florida
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