
character (30), story (23), language (17), setting (13), ideas (5)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 2, 2006
La mia biblioteca
These are the books I've read, not the books I own (although there is obviously some overlap). It's a library of the mind, collecting years and years spent lost in other worlds contained inside the covers of a book.

I'm trying to make as complete a list as possible, but I am not including certain things, like children's picture books or how-to manuals. I'm also not including academic books unless I've read the entire thing, or close to it. For instance, if I've only read a few essays from one particular anthology, I won't include that anthology.

For fiction books, I am following in the footsteps of the great Nancy Pearl by tagging these books with one or more "appeals." Appeals are the specific elements of a book that readers seek out when they are looking for "the next good book." Following Joyce Saricks, who talks at length about appeals in her excellent book, Readers' Advisory Service in the Public Library, Nancy Pearl has identified 4 major appeals -- story, character, setting, and language -- that can be found in fiction across time and genre. She believes that readers value certain common appeals over others in the books they enjoy most.

Books may have more than one major appeal, and their major appeals may differ for different readers. One useful way to think about appeals is to view them as doorways through which readers can enter into and deeply engage with a work of fiction. In the case of books with multiple appeals, different readers may enter the book through different doorways.

As I list the fiction I've read here in this catalog, I try to tag it with one or more of the 4 appeals that I think best represent the book's strongest elements. I've also included another appeal that matters a lot to me personally when choosing fiction, and which I cannot express any better than "ideas." "Theory" is another possibility, but that seems even more vague.

I hope this record will help me keep a more detailed record of what I've read and enable me to draw on my book knowledge more effectivly when suggesting good reads to friends, customers, and patrons.
Informazione su di me
I'm an avid reader who works in an independent bookstore and is currently finishing up her MLIS degree. I like recommending books almost as much as I enjoy reading them, and hope to someday become a readers' advisory librarian.
Seattle, WA

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