
love (13), fantasy (11), evil (8), identity (8), morality (8), childhood (8), faith (7), feminism (7), grief (7), courage (6), rebellion (6), class (6), loss of innocence (6), sci fi (6), death (5), wicked (4), deceit (4), adolescence (4), beauty (4), magic (3), dragons (3), mother daughter (3), magical realism (3), ambition (3), children's (3), spirituality (3), government control (2), Chicago (2), greed (2), duplicity (2), prejudice (2), poverty (2), matriarchy (2), despair (2), immigrants (2), sexism (2), faery (2), racism (2), Arthur legends (2), parenthood (2), socialism (2), friendship (2), religion (2), picture books (1), oppresion (1), Russia (1), status (1), Africa (1), Congo (1), Holocaust (1), Librarians (1), feminine mystique (1), old age (1), ugliness (1), Time travel (1), Gilded Age (1), World's Fair (1), hell (1), bodies as commodities (1), goodness (1), cultural assimilation (1), appearance (1), murder (1), mental disease (1), trickster (1), power (1), indian (1), Mexico (1), feminsim (1), family obligation (1), Canada (1), obedience (1), young adult (1), retro (1), strangers (1), England (1), children's books (1), sexisim (1), Fantasy (1), homicide (1), parents (1), faerie (1), survival (1), fairy tales (1), government (1), culture (1), architecture (1), art (1), kidnapping (1), violence (1), freedom (1), betrayal (1), nonfiction (1), literary fiction (1), war (1), ethics (1), prep school (1), language (1), wizardry (1), adventure (1), funny (1), dictatorship (1), Jewish (1), 1960s (1), wickedness (1), world war II (1), cows (1), farm animals (1), family dynamics (1), disability (1), colonialism (1), elitism (1), South (1), sexuality (1), desire (1), fitting in (1), independence (1), money (1), isolation (1), innocence (1), adolesence (1), brotherhood (1), revolution (1), Down's syndrome (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Apr 9, 2007
La mia biblioteca
Right now, I am going trhough my personal card catalog (nerdy, I know) and tranferring that info to my library. Its going to take a while but so far I am having a great time.
Informazione su di me
I will soon be entering the MLS program at U of I and will be working as a grad student in the Center for Children's Books. I adore kids books and young adult fiction, but I aslo have a soft spot for the classics and post-modern fiction...ok, I kind of have a soft spot for just about anything written. Books have been a part of my identity since before I could read, we had a million of them around the house.
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