
La mia biblioteca
I seem to gravitate towards modernist authors; Joyce, Hesse, Mann, Proust. (Is Vonnegut considered modern or postmodern? Does it really matter?) I read a lot of philosophy too, and am a fan of "classics" in the academic sense, meaning Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Sophocles, etc. I think the greatest reading experience of my life was working my way through Ulysses over the course of a month in late 2003, followed closely by devouring all 6 Harry Potter books over the course of a month about a year later. I guess you could say my tastes are varied.
Informazione su di me
I am a 23 year old consultant, husband, reader, would-be philosopher, musician, etc. Hoping to go back to academia someday and pick up a PHD in literature so that I can start teaching and bring Joyce to the masses.

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