
Entertaining (1), This is action sci-fi -- nothing too deep (1), energetic adventure story; an interesting take on old-fashioned adventure of the Dumas school. (1), and a pleasingly optimistic (IMO) look at human/alien relations. (1), A wonderful immersion in another world and culture (1), Very enjoyable read with an outstanding lead heroine. (1), Breezy read; engaging heroine. (1), but quite a bit of fun. (1), Spare but poetic language. A fast read. A very fascinating evocation of a time and place. But I did not care for the ending. (1), has a strong sense of decency (1), with a collection of interesting characters. (1), Intriguing start to a YA traditional-fantasy series (1), Lovely book. I really need to re-read it soon. (1), with the nature of humanity being examined from the point of view of a creature who has humanity thrust upon her. Not too much like "The Last Unicorn" for its own good. (1), and it's full of female-Othery goodness (1), but the characters are quite likable (1), Recommended for having a smart teenage female protagonist who gets along well with her parents (1), and becomes the guardian and protector of an unusually sympathetic A.I. (1), intriguingly different from other takes on Cinderella. (1), I need to re-read this. (1), this is the way to do it: de-ordinary her. Make her talented and ambitious. Give her imagination as well as courage to cope with the unusual situations before her. Make her like Eddi in this book. (1), If you want to write about an "ordinary" girl crossing paths with the supernatural (1), One of the best urban fantasies I've read or even read about. (1), detailed world building. (1), interesting heroine; a strong female friendship; fascinating (1), The bad: I'm not sold on a love story in which the "hero" makes an attempt on the heroine's life. The good: everything else -- a smart (1), appreciated) in the world of Urban Fantasy. (1), Beautifully written dark fairytale of an imaginative boy whose heart becomes a battleground and the mysterious girl who will do whatever it takes to save him. Vivid (1), Something completely different (and (1), Yet more quality time in the Discworld with Sam Vimes. (1), along the lines of "The Twelve Houses." (1), Another enjoyable read for Sharon Shinn; I look forward to seeing more books in this series (1), really scary moments. (1), appealing central characters (1), lyrical style (1), engaging read -- nothing overly deep (1), An exciting book with a strong hero and even stronger heroine. (1), Not quite as good an adaptation of this particular fairy tale as Marillier's "Daughter of the Forest (1), I already knew how it was going to end... (1), Kerowyn is definitely a heroine to root for. (1), I can't stop. (1), and love conquers nothing. These books are depressing. Yet once I start reading them (1), but very little heroism (1), Putting my review here (because this is as far in the series as I've read): I know I should not like these books. They don't have much of the things I like. We find a lot of squalor and violence here (1), My fascination with dragons meets my interest in 19th century British literature. What more could I want? (1), Darn it (1), but I found the emphasis on ritual murders of young girls in the last two books highly off-putting. (1), One of the best heroines I've read about all year; the hero is no slouch either. (1), exciting combat scenes. (1), Fascinating magic system (1), though I did have to get used to Malan's style. (1), what lay between was very enjoyable (1), I bought this book because I liked the cover. Fortunately (1), three for the last one. (1), An interesting series (1), I'm not sure what this book lacked (1), I liked it even better than the first book. (1), and her story is beautifully told. (1), The kind of book that makes me hate that I have to wait till next year to read the sequel. (1), intelligent heroine and her tough-as-nails best friend. (1), Wonderful story about a remarkable (1), characters. (1), though not often likable (1), Here I was introduced to a fascinating world with complex and intriguing (1), Senneth is a superb heroine (1), really. I did like it (1), I have to give McCaffrey major points for giving a heroine a central role to play -- one of the first times that had really been done in the sci-fi genre when this book was written. (1), but still (1), I don't like Lessa quite as much as I like Menolly (1), but it was compelling and lots of fun. (1), I read this first volume in the series in order to get to its sequel (the one I really wanted to read) (1), Wistala is definitely a heroine after my own heart. (1), but I don't see myself revisiting it. (1), An interesting portrait of a complex female authority figure. (1), " but still quite lovely. I like the heroine (1), I've only read the first two so far (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/953342958?book_show_action=false (1), so of course I am going to rate it highly. (1), I wrote this one (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/556524940?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/680768821?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1087277551?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/999108237 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1019979986?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/737917580 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/682344615?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/991183608?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/611936913?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/580716779 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/786200043?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/607092951 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1170275543 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/553034910?book_show_action=false (1), Terry Pratchett lite. Good-natured froth. (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1289528965 (1), and recommended. Just not quite my thing. (1), Good science fiction that makes you think AND feel. (1), but I did enjoy this one. (1), Grimdark isn't generally to my taste (1), A beautiful book. (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/553624719?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/721329041?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/830611803?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1029865961?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1274183339?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/739811974?book_show_action=false (1), Very heavy Spoilers:https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/639112314?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/820453453?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1203655841?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1012522234?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1014145138?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/555541660?book_show_action=false (1), and appreciate that her story does not revolve entirely around romance. Even the romance is refreshingly non-stalkery (for current YA). (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/551824195 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/607033228?book_show_action=false (1), The review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/645657207?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/580718322?book_show_action=false (1), Non-spoilery review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/548613447?book_show_action=false (1), Spoilers: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/780748920 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/640440267?book_show_action=false (1), Spoiler alert: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/621307836 (1), I will post a review when I have completed the trilogy's third book (1), I'm going to start linking my Goodreads reviews when I add new books. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/547020298 (1), contrasting heroines. (1), Intriguing world (1), intriguing characters. (1), Fascinating world (1), witty novel with a very likable heroine. (1), One of the first "literary" books I fell in love with when I was young. (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/681595748?book_show_action=false (1), Cold Steel. (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/642328200?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/928030880?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/927000957?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/960822874?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/727188987 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/547134962?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/548617222 (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/689327516?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/667635357?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/849725070?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/632998487?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/755544254?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/653498541?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/583053175?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/705361135?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/580717940?book_show_action=false (1), https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/623514342?book_show_action=false (1), Five stars for the first two books (1), though not as strong as the first Sevenwaters trilogy. (1), witty (1), I hope he turns up alive. (1), my favorite of all of Dickens' females. (1), This is the one with Betsey Trotwood (1), so intriguing. (1), " with two strong and interesting heroines. (1), My favorite of Dickens' "big fat books (1), Surprisingly entertaining among Dickens' "lesser works"; the Masterpiece Theatre series inspired me to read this one. (1), I need to reread this one soon. It's been too long. (1), there are lots of movie adaptations (1), but I still need to read further in this series. (1), " nearly as well (1), "One Good Knight (1), Fascinating romantic comedy fantasy. Didn't like the follow-up (1), The world needs more talking foxes. (1), Lovely romantic fantasy with a World War I backdrop. (1), What a marvelous hero Sydney Carton is! (Loved the 1936 film with Ronald Colman as well.) (1), and some of them are actually good. But there's nothing like reading the original. (1), but I couldn't help regretting that the heroine didn't really get a love story. (1), Miss Dearheart is a lady after my own heart. (1), Not as awesome as I'd hoped (1), times two. (1), Lots of Sam Vimes goodness (1), Sam Vimes. (1), and my introduction to my very favorite Discworld character (1), The first Night Watch novel (1), IMO. (1), Inspired to read this by the televised 1980s stage play. A bit overstuffed with subplots (1), The best of the Death series (1), My favorite Discworld book. Not sure why; I just love the heck out of it. (1), two of my favorite Discworld denizens. (1), Our first look at Angua and Detritus (1), but Death doesn't have enough to do. (1), Death plays Father Christmas. It's hard to miss with that conceit. (1), but quite intriguing. (1), The first of the Elemental Masters I read. Loved the unorthodox heroine. (1), Compelling page-turner (1), Miss Dearheart is back! (1), Interesting (1), hard to put down. (1), by me (1), Gripping (1), Eile (1), Fast (1), Oh (1), Fun (1), A good book (1), compelling characters. (1), Rough (1), intriguing read (1), Not bad (1), Sophisticated (1), A fun read (1), violent (1), Beautiful prose (1), Sure (1), and this is my favorite volume. (1), This is my favorite spiritual book. (1), The Elemental Masters is my favorite series of Lackey's (1), Fun. Just -- fun. (1), but I didn't zip through the way I usually do with this author. (1), with Orual a complex and compelling female protagonist. (1), Wonderful retelling of Cupid and Psyche (1), These sermons contain so much wisdom and insight. They make you think. (1), Among my favorite books -- and movies -- of all time. (1), A fun (1), romantic -- but do I really need to say this? (1), brave heroine. (1), A pleasant surprise I found while reading for my "Comps." Marian Halcombe is a smart (1), but it's worth it in the end. (1), Hobb puts her characters through Hell (1), along with its sequels. (1), I really like these DESPITE their being a praise blurb from Stephenie Meyer on the cover. (1), but still a lot of fun. (1), but should have been better. (1), Wonderful Marillier lyricism (1), I read these three books fairly quickly; I was eager to learn what happened next. I'm not sure why I found them vaguely unsatisfying in the end. (1), A stirring adventure and a sweet love story. I liked both the hero and the heroine (1), Tiffany Aching kicks butt. (1), but this is a compelling beginning to a new series; I look forward to following it to its end. (1), I like the Tide Lords series better (1), Marillier is a favorite. Enjoyed her first YA fantasy. (1), Have read the first two volumes; pretty good. (1), fascinating world (1), Broichan (1), so I checked out this Butcher series rather than the more popular Dresden Files. Can't say I'm sorry. Intriguing characters (1), Modern-day fantasy isn't usually my thing (1), but Marillier is always a lovely read (1), The heroine was a bit of a mundane (not to my taste) (1), and one of the best-written books I've ever picked up. It should be required reading for everyone who wishes to be elected to public office. (1), This book is a punch in the stomach (1), even if every once in a while you'd like to take a swing at one of the characters. (1), but the "villain" of the piece (1), bugged me with his disregard for anyone without a Y chromosome. I get tired of characters like that. (1), complex lead characters. (1), and I did like a number of the supporting characters (1), and loved them. (1), creative Menolly is definitely a heroine to root for. (1), The spirited (1), but it can't have a happy ending. (1), Reading it now; lovely story so far (1), particularly Miss Ochiba. (1), the story kept me intrigued (1), Faolan is a charismatic hero and the reason to read this book. But Ana is (1), but it takes her an awfully long time to get there. Though she tried my patience a little (1), The heroine ends up saving the day (1), is a disappointment; I liked her only a little better than I liked Ana. Marillier's heroines are usually more intelligent and imaginative than this. Why didn't the rebellious and unorthodox Ferada -- my favorite woman in this entire trilogy -- get a book (1), and he's still a charismatic and powerful force. But his true love (1), Again Faolan is at the center of the story (1), my least favorite of Marillier's heroines. What a drip! (1), thus far (1), One of those books it's impossible to stop reading (1), Wonderful take on alternate fantasy with three striking (1), It's awfully hard not to love Death in these books. (1), Didn't like it as well as the first one (1), This lovely book gives a strong voice to a woman compelled to keep silent. (1), This heroine wins over the violent hero through the power of stories. Yes! (1), Marvelous; an intriguing heroine whose heart isn't always in the right place. (1), but her love stories don't always work. Eyvind/Nessa may be my favorite of her romantic couples. (1), Marillier's mythic worlds and characters are captivating (1), but still an intriguing read. (1), Hermione Granger ROCKS! (1), For a book with multiple subplots (1), you have to have it in your collection. (1), The foundational work of modern fantasy. If you're a fantasy fan (1), My comfort read. I reread this one at least every three years. It's about time to read it again. (1), I love the mythic Celtic worlds Marillier creates. (1), I read it for the first time when I was in the eighth grade. I've reread it more times than I can count. It's still the most romantic book I have ever read. (1), next to "Feet of Clay." Plenty of Sam Vimes goodness. (1), My favorite Discworld (1), Have only just started this one; I'll rate it later. (1), this is a rarity: I don't get impatient with ANY of them. (1), that got me into modern fantasy. (1), I devoured these when I was small. I was disappointed with the Disney film for not being more like the books. (Now I can appreciate each for what it is.) (1), even more than Tolkien's LOTR (1), It was this series (1), Another thought-provoking take on Christian faith from C.S. Lewis. (1), but Francie Nolan is a girl to root for. (1), Surprisingly stark and sad (1), Anne Shirley may well be my favorite fictional heroine of all time (1), very British. I like things like that. (1), Jennifer Fallon is one of my more recent discoveries. I've read "Medalon" and liked it (1), Very eccentric (1), I have three different translations of this. I use them to get story ideas. (1), Loved the quiet strength of Anne Elliot in this novel. (1), One of my most pleasant surprises while I was at work on my Master's. (1), but definitely my favorite. I identify with all the characters at different points in the story. (1), Maybe not the BEST play of the mid-twentieth century (1), but I prefer this series. (1), The girl's journey is about saving her world (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 11, 2011
Nome vero
Kelley S. Ceccato
La mia biblioteca
I love books that offer me more than I can experience directly. I seek out stories that are removed from me in time, place, or both. My shelves are full of fantasy, historical fiction, and nineteenth-century literature. Favorite books include Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Pride and Prejudice, The Woman in White, Our Mutual Friend, The Lord of the Rings, and Till We Have Faces. Favorite authors include Terry Pratchett, Juliette Marillier, and Mercedes Lackey; I'm just discovering Jennifer Fallon, Suzanne Collins, and Patricia Briggs.
Informazione su di me
I am a teacher of English composition and literature at the college level. Three things make my world spin: books, movies, and music. I also love to write; several of my radio scripts have been performed by the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company. I'm a fantasy junkie, a regular visitor of DragonCon and the Georgia Renaissance Festival. I love Masterpiece Theatre, Doctor Who, The Twilight Zone, The Muppet Show, and Babylon 5. My favorite cable channel is Turner Classic Movies.
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