
survival (8), motivational (4), girlfriends (3), nutrition (3), friendship (3), true story (3), slavery (2), death (2), mature readers (2), teacher resources (2), 2nd book in the series (2), friends (2), informational (2), biographical (2), chick-lit (2), self help (2), violence (2), historical (2), science (2), nutrition and exercise (1), helpful ideas and lessons (1), dealing with tough people (1), brought smiles and insight (1), workout and fitness tips (1), girlfriend fun (1), fun read and funny situations (1), ideas for MCL (1), appreciating life (1), intense juvenile drama and situations dealing with death and violence (1), 3rd book of series (1), school drama (1), older reader (1), city of numbers (1), a tiger (1), Scared of life's dangers (1), exercise (1), fitness of mind and body (1), fitness and nutrition tips (1), differences among children (1), human spirit and human mind (1), teacher resource for reading (1), inspiring educator (1), girlfriends all grown up (1), city of words (1), girlfriend drama (1), girlfriends growing up (1), stephanie plum crime buster (1), crimesolving mayhem (1), life affirming changes (1), and a mean dog owner (1), human spirit and motivational (1), and choices (1), motivating and spirit lifting (1), inspirational wisdom for women (1), safety in being unique (1), motivational and positive thinking (1), current day child slave labor (1), feel good self help (1), children with differences (1), native americans (1), inspiring (1), funny (1), human spirit (1), Biographical (1), autism (1), WWII (1), inspirational (1), chick lit (1), 5th in series (1), adulthood (1), fantasy (1), 9-11 (1), educational (1), dogs (1), 4th in series (1), challenges (1), growing up (1), adult (1), dvd (1), humor (1), bullies (1), wolves (1), self discovery (1), drama (1), brain science (1), brain research (1), family (1), foreign countries (1), self empowerment (1), funny! (1), spaniards (1), survivial (1), fitness (1), difficult choices (1), quirkiness (1), 3rd book in series (1), young adult (1), teacher resource (1), easy reading (1), underground railroad (1), diet (1), weddings (1), differences that make us equals (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 30, 2012
La mia biblioteca
Teacher reference books, educator resources, novels, adult fiction, loads of books related to my grade level and interest level of the classroom
Informazione su di me
I am a 5th grade teacher at Crescent Park Elementary in Bethel, Maine. I love to read and love to hear about great books! I am looking forward to an exciting year with my classroom and hoping to expand and nurture their interest in reading.
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