
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Apr 8, 2009
Nome vero
Krista Seabrook
La mia biblioteca
I largely get books from the library simply because I'm a poor college student, however my favorites I will buy. This includes all books in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, all Zadie Smith books, and all of the books by James Herriot (a recent acquisition). I will read books from almost any genre, though in particular I love fiction. Specifically chick lit (Bridget Jones's Diary), Brit lit (In the Woods), classics (favorites include East of Eden and Jane Eyre), and historical fiction (The Other Boleyn Girl). Additionally I love the classic children's/young adult series like Swallows and Amazons and the Redwall Abbey series. Finally, I do love crime/mystery/thrillers, such as The Wire in the Blood books, and the Hannibal series.
Informazione su di me
I love to read. I've been reading since I was about 4 years old and haven't stopped since. If I'm not reading at least one book at a time something is wrong. I'm currently in my last quarter of my last year at the University of Washington, majoring in International Studies and Human Rights.
Seattle, WA