La mia biblioteca
The books listed here are a vague record of what I can remember having read since I started thinking of keeping track in 2007.

I tend to get the majority of my books from the local library (libraries, support them!) and after one too many heavy boxed moves now adopt the theory that books are to be let free after one read (unless truly loved) and thus donated to friends or charity.

I freely admit that I read a lot of mysteries. Probably too many for my own good. Reading isn't a competition and we should embrace our guilty habits :)
Informazione su di me
Shy Canadian gal living on the West Coast of British Columbia. Co-existing with a cat that chews novels and suffering from an addiction to tea and reading.

My first memories are of going to the library with my mother every week to take out the maximum amount of books I could on my children's card and the joy of curling up in closets w/ stuffed animals and a book.
British Columbia, Canada
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("rlm.mcdonald"), MetaFilter
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